A set of tools to make ratatouille speedrunning fair
For artistic reasons the game uses an other resolution when showing cut scenes, this resolution is kept when loading This means that the only thing we need to do to check if the game is loading is checking if there are x (almost) black pixels in the top and bottom of the screen
The installation is probably not correct, please contribute to the installation if you find anything (Gracias :))
Use git clone or download the repo to your computer
[insert windows tutorial]
Use your package manager
sudo apt install python3, python3-pip
sudo pacman -Sy
sudo pacman -S python3, python3-pip
download it from the python website or use the following command
brew install python3, python3-pip
pip3 install opencv-python, numpy, progress, pillow
These are just examples, read the flags to get a better understanding of the application
python3 run.py -vi speedrun.mkv
press q to stop
when it is stopped, press any key to exit
python3 run.py -vi speedrun.mkv -b 400 -e 30000
python3 run.py -i speedrun.mkv -o output.avi
The splits are hard coded into the software now, I'll change it later
The use vim bindings to navigate in the video
h: move back
l: move forward
j: increase the speed
k: decrease the speed
space: set split
python3 run.py -Svi speedrun.mkv
The detection points are coded into the program for now, but I'll change it in the future
look for the line that contains PIXELS_TO_CHECK
python3 run.py -dvi speedrun.mkv -t 50
-i <input> : location of the video
-v : shows the speedrun visually.\
-S : use splits\
-d : shows the loading detectors
-s : how much frames the progress bar should skip before updating again (default: 300).
-b <beginframe> : the frame where it should start
-e <endframe> : the frame where it should end
-o <output> : the location of the output video
-t <threshold> : how black should black be