Initially forked from here. Thank you to the awesome binder team!
Part of the Bioinformatics Virtual Coordination Network :)
Build bowtie2 index out of the Tremblaya genome
bowtie2-build -f Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.fa Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.fa
Map sample reads to the index using bowtie2
bowtie2 -x Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.fa -U PCIT.sample.fastq -S Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.sam --no-unal
Generate GFF file using Prokka
prokka Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.fa
Extract CDS rows from the GFF file
grep -P '\tCDS' PROKKA_05192020.gff > cds_PROKKA_05192020.gff
Examine the feature type and GFF attribute to be used as feature ID.
Generate GFF file using Prodigal
prodigal -f gff -o Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.prodigal.gff -i Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.fa -a Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.fa-proteins.faa -d Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.fa-proteins.ffn -p meta
Run htseq-count
htseq-count Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.sam PROKKA_05192020/cds_PROKKA_05192020.gff -t CDS -i ID -c Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.reverse.counts --nonunique none
Run htseq-count, only counting the reads mapping to the reverse strand
htseq-count Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.sam PROKKA_05192020/cds_PROKKA_05192020.gff -t CDS -i ID -c Candidatus-Tremblaya-princeps_PCIT.reverse.counts --nonunique none -s reverse
Inspect and compare the ouputs
run counts-to-tpm script to convert read counts to normalized value: transcripts per million (TPM)
Husnik et al...McCutcheon. (2013) "Horizontal Gene Transfer from Diverse Bacteria to an Insect Genome Enables a Tripartite Nested Mealybug Symbiosis" Cell.