Aim is to use the concepts of java collections to perform add, delete and link records in hashmaps
Write a program to demonstrate the knowledge of students in working with Java collection framework.
Eg., Assume only a maximum of 3 courses can be registered by a student for week end semester classes.
Create a hashmap ‘h1’ with ‘n’ key-value pairs where keys are the names of students and values are the courses registered by them.
Create another hashmap ‘h2’ with ‘m’key-value pairs where keys are the names of courses offered for B.Tech and values are the names
of faculty handling the courses. Write appropriate code to
- Add or remove a student from h1
- Iterate over the maps and display the key-value pairs stored in them
- Given a student name, fetch the names of all those who teach him/her. Write a program to demonstrate the knowledge of students in working with Java collection framework. Eg., Assume only a maximum of 3 courses can be registered by a student for week end semester classes. Create a hashmap ‘h1’ with ‘n’ key-value pairs where keys are the names of students and values are the courses registered by them. Create another hashmap ‘h2’ with ‘m’key-value pairs where keys are the names of courses offered for B.Tech and values are the names of faculty handling the courses. Write appropriate code to
- Add or remove a student from h1
- Iterate over the maps and display the key-value pairs stored in them
- Given a student name, fetch the names of all those who teach him/her. Eg:, if the elements of h1 are Stud name Courses registered A Python, maths, c B c, c++ C C++, physics,chemistry And if the elements of h2 are Course name Faculty Python 111 Maths 222 C 333 C++ 444 Physics` 555 Chemistry 666
For the student “B”, faculty should be displayed as 333 and 444.