- Click
or use commandgit clone https://github.com/Aqua-4/auto-insta.git
- Open
ORsh setup.sh
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install all dependent libraries - Run
python download_driver.py
or download suitable driver fromhttps://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
python account_setup.py
- and follow instructions- To update the database run
python sync_db.py
- this will store your current instagram audience - Start the bot by running
python start_bot.py
- To reset password or to reset chrome path run
python account_setup.py
- to update software open git bash & run
git pull
- ask for passwd at bot_init
- encrypt and store into DB
- Create yaml or Config file for storing password
- Hard to keep this in sync with GIT
- args(hashtag,numOfpeopletoFollow)
- use a hahtag as an argument and start followong the people
- cannot unfollow all the people that i just followed a day ago.
- workaround-
- start at midnight
- post random image from img_post_gain folder glob("*.jpg")
- check the activity every certain amount of time
- double the time to recheck
- create a dict for the activity
- seperate dict for like and comment
- log the activity into a file
- perform the activity
- delete the post after a certain duration -- to find the SHELF LIFE of post
- Follow @parashar_sangle and i will follow back
- Comment IFB, done, active x4 times
- like my previous posts and then comment "likeme" so that i can go and like your latest post
- Follow all commenters