A project utilizing Vue, Vite, Bootstrap, and other tidbits as an exercise in front-end JS development and a bolster to my portfolio.
- Main page
- About me
- Web design projects
- Graphic design projects
- Side projects (music, game development, etc)
- Contact me
- Website credits (technology used, licensing, links to repositories, etc)
- Vue 3
- Vite
- Bootstrap 5
- Sass (SCSS)
- ESLint
- Prettier
While I obviously own the intellectual property in the portfolio content, the overall project is under MIT licensing for editing and dissection if you wish to make your own personal site or app in Vue. No shame in a good reference!
My parents, Nate, Craig, Mike, Donovan, Alona, Lyss, Anne/Noah, Erik, Garr (real), Max, Shae, Ely, Elly (different one), Ivy, Karmin, Roary, Mitch, Jon, Will, Titus, Kai, Oli, and an absolutely absurd amount more.
Sean & Jess, for being gracious hosts and giving me the motivation to seek new horizons.
RIP Amber. Say hello to Nitrous for me. <3