Image classification for three different types of cars
Follow the steps to perform the classification:
- Clone the repository
- From Image Dataset Generator firstly run the Dataset to download the images from the google, modify the code accordingly to change the dowloading site and no of images.
- Run to generate more no of images by running python -folder=Cars -limit=10000 Augmnetation code referenced from ""
- You got your Dataset now, get ready to perform classification.
- Open Classification Using Defined Model
- Run image to retrain the model or you can directly test by using given weights and yaml files
- To perform prediction run by entering python path to test image
- You will get the result.
- To see the Reporting metrics you can see PredictForMyModel.ipynb where i showed the Confusion metrics and classification report.
- Now to do the classification on predefined weights of resnet50, go to Classification Using Resnet50
- Do the same as earlier to retrain and predict the model.
- Get the trained .h5 file from the link of my drive ""
- I provided some test images to check for the prediction of cars.
Thank you