A fuzzing optimization project.
In order to run the project in a docker container you should have a current version of docker installed.
You can start the whole piplien by runing the following command. It is posible to change the execution time of each fuzzer by changing the value of the variable "$EXECUTION_TIME" in the Dockerfile.
docker build -f </path/to/pp_hager>/Dockerfile -t <name>_fuzz_test </path/to/pp_hager> [&> ./result/dock_out.log]
The following command starts a bash in the previously created container.
docker run -it <name>_fuzz_test bash
The directories "normal/", "static_log/", "static_repl/" and "dynamic/" contains the output of the fuzzer in the "out/" folder and the replaced systemcalls in the "stubbed/" folder. The file "ReturnValues.json" contains all system call return values of the static aproach.
The directories "/normal/", "/static_log/", "/static_repl/" and "/dynamic/" contains the copy of the systemd project. Each is compiled with it's secific LLVM-Compiler-Path:
- /normal: with no pass
- /static_log: with LLVMStaticSysCallLog
- /static_repl: with LLVMStaticSysCallRepl
- /dynamic: with LLVMDynamicSysCallMod
These executabes are stored in the "out/" folder. The "tools/" folder contains the build script "oss-fuzz.sh". This script can be used to build the fuzzers.
Manual fuzzer build:
static log:
CXX="/llvm-project/build/bin/clang++ -Xclang -load -Xclang /llvm-project/build/lib/LLVMStaticSysCallLog.so" CC="/llvm-project/build/bin/clang -Xclang -load -Xclang /llvm-project/build/lib/LLVMStaticSysCallLog.so" ./tools/oss-fuzz.sh
static replaced:
CXX="/llvm-project/build/bin/clang++ -Xclang -load -Xclang /llvm-project/build/lib/LLVMStaticSysCallRepl.so" CC="/llvm-project/build/bin/clang -Xclang -load -Xclang /llvm-project/build/lib/LLVMStaticSysCallRepl.so" ./tools/oss-fuzz.sh
LDFLAGS="-g /llvm-project/build/lib/clang/12.0.1/lib/linux/libclang_rt.rvstore-x86_64.so -Wl,-rpath,/llvm-project/build/lib/clang/12.0.1/lib/linux" CXX="/llvm-project/build/bin/clang++ -Xclang -load -Xclang /llvm-project/build/lib/LLVMDynamicSysCallMod.so" CC="/llvm-project/build/bin/clang -Xclang -load -Xclang /llvm-project/build/lib/LLVMDynamicSysCallMod.so" ./tools/oss-fuzz.sh
usage: evaluator.py [-h] [-et EXECUTION_TIME] [-a ABSOLUTE] [-vsl VISUALIZE_STATIC_LOGGING] [-vm VISUALIZE_MEDIAN] [--show_data_points SHOW_DATA_POINTS] PATH
Perforance evaluations of the provided fuzzing logs.
positional arguments:
PATH Path to the folder containing the fuzzing logs.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Execution time the fuzzer in sec.
-a ABSOLUTE, --absolute ABSOLUTE
Decide if you want to evaluate the absolute value of the fuzzing input executions or the exec/s.
Decide if you want visualize the output of the static logging fuzzer run (not recomended due to
different execution time).
Decide if you want visualize the median of all fuzzer (not recomended due to different fuzzer).
--show_data_points SHOW_DATA_POINTS
Decide if you want to want to show every data point. WARNING: leeds to a catoic scatter plot.
Usage: execfuzz.sh SYSTEMD_PATH LOG_PATH [OPTION]...
Executes all fuzziers from the standard or the specified conf file.
Mandatory argument:
SYSTEMD_PATH Path to systemd
LOG_PATH Output path
Optional argument:
-et, --execution-time Execution time of each fuzzer in seconds. SUFFIX may be 's' for seconds (the default), 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days.. (default=60)
-cf, --configuration-file Path to the configuration file. (default=/opt/hager/pp_hager/scripts/execfuzz.conf)
-h, --help Display this help and exit.
Report any bugs to Andreas Hager <[email protected]>
The llvm-project can be build useing the script compile.sh:
It builds to the folder "build/".
The static approach consists of the steps logging and replacement.
The logging LLVM-Compiler-Pass is in the folder "llmv/lib/Transforms/StaticSysCallLog" implemented.
The replacement LLVM-Compiler-Pass is in the folder "llmv/lib/Transforms/StaticSysCallRepl" implemented.
The dynamic systemcall replacer LLVM-Compiler-Pass is in the folder "llmv/lib/Transforms/DynamicSysCallMod" implemented.
The relating rvstore is in the folder "compiler-rt/lib/rvstore" implemented.