This npm package provides scripts for aiding development and deployment of storefront assets onto Oracle Commerce Cloud Admin servers.
Install the module:
npm i --save-dev @oraclecc/dcu
yarn add -D @oraclecc/dcu
Now you can use DCU in your CI/CD pipelines.
Operations, grouped by general function, are split across four tools:
DCU - Downloading (grabbing) and Uploading (putting) assets between a local folder on your development machine and a remote OCC Admin Node. Transfer of assets from a source node to a different destination node is supported, provided both nodes are running identical OCC versions.
CCW - Creating new item types (Widgets, Stacks, Elements) which can be deployed as extensions to a remote OCC Admin Node.
PLSU - Transferring page layouts from one remote OCC Admin Node to a different destination node.
CCPROXY - Testing Storefront content changes prior to upload by using a local Storefront-aware proxy layer to substitute server content with locally modified files.