Key | Value |
Plugin Url | |
ID | com.alicannklc.laravel.snippets |
Donations are greatly appreciated!
- Auth
- Blade
- Cache
- Column
- Cookie
- Config
- Console
- Crypt
- DB
- Event
- Eloquent
- Hash
- Form
- Helpers
- İnput
- Log
- Table
- Schema
- Session
- Storage
- Redirect
- Response
- Relation
- Route
- View
- Validator
Prefix | description |
Auth::attempt | The attempt method will return true if authentication was successful. |
Auth::check | Determine if the current user is authenticated. |
Auth::guard | Auth::guard |
Auth::guest | Determine if the current user is a guest. |
Auth::loginUsingId | To log a user into the application by their ID |
Auth::logout | Log the user out of the application. |
Auth::user | Get the currently authenticated user. |
Auth::viaRemember | Determine if the user was authenticated using the remember me cookie. |
Prefix | description |
@elseif | Blade @elseif |
@extends | Blade @extends |
@for | Blade @for |
@foreach | Blade @foreach. |
@forelse | Blade @forelse |
@if | Blade @if |
@ifelse | Blade @ifelse |
@include | Blade @include |
@layout | Blade template skeleton |
@section | Blade @section |
@sectionx | Blade @section extended |
@unless | Blade @unless |
@while | Blade @while |
@yield | Blade @yield |
{!! | Blade {!! echo raw data !!} |
{{ | Blade {{ echo data }} |
{{-- | Blade comments |
{{{ | Blade {{{ echo escaped data }}} |
Prefix | description |
Cookie::forever | Make a Permanent Cookie |
Cookie::get | Retrieve a Cookie value |
Cookie::make | Make/Queue a Cookie |
Prefix | description |
Config::all | Get all of the configuration items for the application. |
Config::get | Get the specified configuration value. |
Config::has | Determine if the given configuration value exists. |
Config::set | Set a given configuration value. |
Config::setMany | Set a given configuration value |
Prefix | description |
Console::anticipate | Give the user options for repsonse. |
Console::ask | Prompts the user with a question in the console. |
Console::choice | Give the user a predefined set of choices. |
Console::comment | Log a comment to the console. |
Console::error | Log error to the console in red. |
Console::info | Log information to the console in green |
Console::option | Get an option from constructor. |
Console::question | Logs a question to the console. |
Console::secret | Prompt the user for hidden input. |
Console::table | Prints a nicely formatted table to the console. |
Console::warn | Logs a warn message to the console. |
Prefix | description |
Crypt::decrypt | Decrypt a value |
Crypt::encrypt | Encrypt a value. |
Prefix | description |
Column::bigIncrements | Incrementing ID using a "big integer" equivalent. |
Column::bigInteger | BIGINT equivalent to the table |
Column::binary | BLOB equivalent to the table |
Column::boolean | BOOLEAN equivalent to the table |
Column::char | CHAR equivalent with a length (optional) |
Column::date | DATE equivalent to the table |
Column::dateTime | DATETIME equivalent to the table |
Column::decimal | DECIMAL equivalent with a precision and scale |
Column::double | DOUBLE equivalent with precision |
Column::dropColumn | Drop a column |
Column::dropForeign | Drop a Foreign Key |
Column::dropIndex | Drop a basic Index |
Column::dropPrimary | Drop a Primary key |
Column::dropUnique | Drop a Unique Index |
Column::enum | ENUM equivalent to the table |
Column::float | FLOAT equivalent to the table |
Column::increments | Incrementing ID |
Column::index | Adding a basic index |
Column::index-foreign | Add a Foreign Key to a table |
Column::index-primary | Add a primary or array of composite keys |
Column::index-unique | Add a unique index |
Column::integer | INTEGER equivalent to the table |
Column::jsonb | JSON equivalent to the table |
Column::longText | LONGTEXT equivalent to the table |
Column::mediumText | MEDIUMTEXT equivalent to the table |
Column::morphs | Adds INTEGER taggable_id and STRING taggable_type |
Column::rememberToken | Adds remember_token as VARCHAR(100) NULL |
Column::renameColumn | Rename a column |
Column::smallInteger | SMALLINT equivalent to the table |
Column::softDeletes | Adds deleted_at column for soft deletes |
Column::string | VARCHAR equivalent with a length (optional) |
Column::text | TEXT equivalent to the table |
Column::time | TIME equivalent to the table |
Column::timestamp | TIMESTAMP equivalent to the table |
Column::timestamps | Adds created_at and updated_at columns |
Column::tinyInteger | TINYINT equivalent to the table |
Column::uuid | UUID equivalent to the tabl |
Prefix | description |
Cache::add | Store an item in the Cache if it doesn't exist (key, value, minutes) |
Cache::decrement | Decrement a Cached value |
Cache::forever | Store an item in the Cache Permanently |
Cache::forget | Remove an Item from the Cache |
Cache::get | Retrieve an Item from the Cache |
Cache::has | Check for existence in Cache |
Cache::increment | Increment a Cached value. |
Cache::put | Blade @include |
Cache::remember | Retrieve item or Store a default value if it doesn't exist |
Cache::rememberForever | Retrieve item or Store a default value permanently |
Prefix | description |
DB::delete | Run an delete statement against the database. |
DB::insert | Run an insert statement against the database. |
DB::select | Run a select statement against the database. |
DB::transaction | Execute a Closure within a transaction. |
DB::transaction_begin | Start a new database transaction. |
DB::transaction_commit | Commit the active database transaction. |
DB::transaction_rollback | Rollback the active database transaction. |
DB::update | Run an update statement against the database. |
Prefix | description |
Eloquent::reguard() | Renables any ability to throw mass assignment exceptions. |
Eloquent::unguard() | Disables mass assignment exceptions from being thrown from model inserts and updates. |
Prefix | description |
Event::createClassListener | Create a class based listener using the IoC container. |
Event::fire | Fire an event and call the listeners. |
Event::firing | Get the event that is currently firing. |
Event::flush | Flush a set of pushed events. |
Event::forget | Remove a set of listeners from the dispatcher. |
Event::getListeners | Get all of the listeners for a given event name. |
Event::hasListeners | Determine if a given event has listeners. |
Event::listen | Register an event listener with the dispatcher. |
Event::makeListener | Register an event listener with the dispatcher. |
Event::push | Register an event and payload to be fired later. |
Event::subscribe | Register an event subscriber with the dispatcher. |
Event::until | Check the given plain value against a hash. |
Prefix | description |
Hash::make | Hash the given value.. |
Hash::needsRehash | Check if the given hash has been hashed using the given options. |
Prefix | description |
Form::checkbox | Generate a Checkbox element (name, value, checked, attributes) |
Form::email | Generate an Email Input element (name, default, attributes) |
Form::hidden | Generate a Hidden Input element (name, default) |
Form::input | Generate a File Input element (name, attributes). |
Form::label | Generate a Label element |
Form::macro | Generate a Form Macro |
Form::model | Open a Form with Model Binding |
Form::open | Open a Form |
Form::openWithFileUpload | Open a Form and Enable File Upload |
Form::password | Generate a Password Input element (name, attributes) |
Form::radio | Generate a Radio element (name, value, checked, attributes) |
Form::select | Generate a Drop-down list (name, array of options, default, attributes) |
Form::selectMonth | Generate a Drop-down list with Months (name, default, attributes) |
Form::selectRange | Generate a Drop-down list with Range (name, from, to, default, attributes) |
Form::submit | Generate a Submit button (value, attributes)} |
Form::text | Generate a Text Input element (name, default, attributes) |
Form::textarea | Generate a Textarea Input element (name, default, attributes) |
Prefix | description |
Helper::action | Generate a URL for a given controller action |
Helper::asset | Generate a URL for an asset |
Form::hidden | Generate a Hidden Input element (name, default) |
Helper::link_to | Generate a HTML link to the given URL. |
Helper::link_to_action | Generate a HTML link to the given controller action |
Helper::link_to_asset | Generate a HTML link to the given asset |
Helper::link_to_route | Generate a HTML link to the given route |
Helper::path | Paths to directories |
Helper::route | Generate a URL for a given named route |
Helper::secure_asset | Generate a HTML link to the given asset using HTTPS |
Helper::secure_url | Generate a fully qualified URL to a given path using HTTPS |
Helper::url | Generate a fully qualified URL to a given path |
Prefix | description |
Input::all | Retrieve all Inputs |
Input::except | Retrieve only some of the Request Input |
Input::fileMove | Move an Uploaded File |
Input::fileProperty | Get Property of Uploaded File |
Input::flash | Flash Input to the Session |
Input::flashExcept | Flash only some Input to the Session |
Input::flashOnly | Flash only some Input to the Session |
Input::get::file | Retrieve an Input value |
Input::getWithDefault | Retrieve an Input value with Default |
Input::has | Determine if Input Value is Present |
Input::hasFile | Determine if File was Uploadede |
Input::old | Retrieve Old Data |
Input::oldWithDefault | Retrieve Old Data with Default |
Input::only | Retrieve only some of the Request Input |
Prefix | description |
Log::alert | Log an alert message to the logs. |
Log::critical | Log a critical message to the logs |
Log::debug | Log a debug message to the logs. |
Log::emergency | Log an emergency message to the logs. |
Log::error | Log an error message to the logs. |
Log::info | Log an informational message to the logs. |
Log::log | Log a message to the logs. |
Log::notice | Log a notice to the logs |
Log::useDailyFiles | Register a daily file log handler. |
Log::useFiles | Register a file log handler. |
Log::warning | Log a warning message to the logs. |
Prefix | description |
Mail::later | Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds. |
Mail::laterOn | Queue a new e-mail message for sending after (n) seconds on the given queue. |
Mail::plain | Send a new message when only a plain part. |
Mail::queue | Queue a new e-mail message for sending. |
Mail::queueOn | Queue a new e-mail message for sending on the given queue. |
Mail::raw | Send a new message when only a raw text part. |
Prefix | description |
Redirect::to | Redirect to URL, Route or Controller |
Redirect::withErrors | Redirect to URL, Route or Controller with Errors |
Redirect::withFlashData | Redirect to URL, Route or Controller with Flash Data |
Redirect::withInput | Redirect to URL, Route or Controller with Input |
Redirect::withInputAndErrors | Redirect with Inputs and Errors |
Prefix | description |
Response::download | Create a File Download Response |
Response::json | Create a JSON Response |
Response::JSONP | Create a JSONP Response |
Response::macro | Create a Response Macro |
Response::make | Create a Custom Response |
Prefix | description |
Relation::belongsTo | A one-to-one inverse relationship. |
Relation::belongsToMany | A many-to-many relationship. |
Relation::hasMany | A one-to-many relationship. |
Relation::hasManyThrough | A Has Many Through relationship. |
Relation::hasOne | A one-to-one relationship. |
Prefix | description |
@getWhere | Annotation - Basic Route with Constraints |
@hears | Annotation - Event |
@middleware | Annotation - Middleware |
@resource | Annotation - Resource |
@where | Annotation - Route Constraints |
Route::controller | Route to a RESTful Controller |
Route::filter | Define A Route Filter |
Route::get | Basic Route with Closure (get, post, any) |
Route::post | Basic Post Route. |
Route::delete | Basic Delete Route. |
Route::getController | Route to Controller Action |
Route::getNamedRoute | Create Named Route |
Route::getWithFilters | Attaching Filter(s) to a route |
Route::getWithParam | Route parameters with defaults |
Route::group | Create a Group of Routes |
Route::https | Force a Route to be served over HTTPS |
Route::match | Registering A Route For Multiple Verbs |
Route::pattern | Define Global Patterns (Regex) |
Route::when | Pattern based filters on routes |
Prefix | description |
Schema::connection | Specify connection for schema operation |
Schema::create | Create new table |
Schema::hasColumn | Check for existence of column(s) |
Schema::hasTable | Check for existence of table |
Schema::rename | Rename an existing database table |
Schema::table | Update an existing table |
Prefix | description |
Session::all | Retrieve All Data from the Session |
Session::flash | Flash an Item in the Session |
Session::flush | Remove All Items from the Session |
Session::forget | Remove an Item from the Session |
Session::get | Retrieve an Item from the Session or Default Value |
Session::has | Determin if an Item Exists in the Session |
Session::has | Determin if an Item Exists in the Session |
Session::keep | Reflash Only a Subset of Flash Data |
Session::push | Push a Value onto an Array Session Value |
Session::put | Store an Item in the Session |
Session::reflash | Reflash the Current Flash Data |
Session::regenerate | Regenerate the Session ID |
Prefix | description |
Storage::allDirectories | Returns an array of all the directories within a given directory and all of its sub-directories |
Storage::allFiles | Get all of the files from the given directory (recursive) |
Storage::append | Insert content at the end of a file. |
Storage::cleanDirectory | Empty the specified directory of all files and folders. |
Storage::copy | Copy an existing file to another location on the disk |
Storage::delete | Remove one or multiple files from the disk |
Storage::deleteDirectory | May be used to remove a directory, including all of its files, from the disk |
Storage::directories | Returns an array of all the directories within a given directory |
Storage::exists | Determine if a file exists |
Storage::extension | Extract the file extension from a file path. |
Storage::files | Returns an array of all of the files in a directory |
Storage::get | Retrieve the contents of a given file |
Storage::isDirectory | Determine if the given path is a directory. |
Storage::isFile | Determine if the given path is a directory. |
Storage::iswritable | Determine if the given path is writable. |
Storage::lastModified | Returns the UNIX timestamp of the last time the file was modified |
Storage::makeDirectory | Will create the given directory, including any needed sub-directories |
Storage::mimeType | Get the mime-type of a given file. |
Storage::move | Move an existing file to a new location on the disk |
Storage::name | Extract the file name from a file path. |
Storage::prepend | Insert content at the beginning of a file |
Storage::put | Store a file on disk |
Storage::size | Get the size of the file in bytes |
Storage::type | Get the file type of a given file. |
Prefix | description |
$table->bigInteger | BIGINT equivalent to the table. |
$table->binary | BLOB equivalent to the table |
$table->boolean | BOOLEAN equivalent to the table |
$table->date | DATE equivalent to the table. |
$table->dateTime | DATETIME equivalent to the table |
$table->decimal('amount', 5, 2); | DECIMAL equivalent with a precision and scale |
$table->double('column', 15, 8); | DOUBLE equivalent with precision |
$table->dropColumn | Drop a column |
$table->dropForeign | Drop a Foreign Key |
$table->dropIndex | Drop a basic Index |
$table->dropUnique | Drop a Unique Index |
$table->engine | Set the storage engine for a table |
$table->enum | ENUM equivalent to the table |
$table->float | FLOAT equivalent to the table |
$table->foreign | Add a Foreign Key to a table |
$table->increments | Incrementing ID |
$table->integer | INTEGER equivalent to the table |
$table->longText | LONGTEXT equivalent to the table |
$table->mediumText | MEDIUMTEXT equivalent to the table |
$table->morphs | Adds INTEGER taggable_id and STRING taggable_type |
$table->primary | Add a primary or array of composite keys |
$table->renameColumn | Rename a column |
$table->smallInteger | SMALLINT equivalent to the table |
$$table->softDeletes | Adds deleted_at column for soft deletes |
$table->string | VARCHAR equivalent with a length (optional) |
$table->text | TEXT equivalent to the table |
$table->time | TIME equivalent to the table |
$table->timestamp | TIMESTAMP equivalent to the table |
$table->timestamps | Adds created_at and updated_at columns |
$table->tinyInteger | TINYINT equivalent to the table |
$table->unique | Add a unique index |
unsigned | Add Set INTEGER to UNSIGNED |
$table->bigIncrements | Incrementing ID using a "big integer" equivalent. |
after | Add Column AFTER |
default | Declare a default value for a column |
nullable | Designate that the column allows NULL values |
Prefix | description |
View::composer | Define a View Composer |
View::composerClass | Define a Class-based View Composer |
View::creator | Register a View Creator |
View::make | Create a View with Data |
View::makeCompact | Create a View, Pass Data with compact() |
View::makeWith | Create a View, Pass Data using with() |
View::share | Share Data across all Views |
Prefix | description |
Validator::extend | Register a custom validator extension. |
Validator::make | Create a new Validator instance. |
Validator::resolver | Resolve a new Validator instance. |