Types of Algorithms used for plagiarism detection: Substring Matching Subsequence Matching
Algorithms used: LCSS Rabin Karp KMP Boyer Moore Naive
========= LCSS
Running Time O(mn) Subsequence matching Data Structures used: 2D Array HashMap
========= Naive
Running Time O(n^2) Substring matching Data Structures used: Array ArrayList
========= KMP
Running Time O(n) Substring matching Prefix Function: O(m), m-pattern length Data Structures used: ArrayList
========= Rabin Karp
Running Time: Average and best case running time is O(n+m), worst-case time is O(nm) Substring matching Data Structures used: Array ArrayList
========= Boyer moore
Worst-case running time of O(n+m) only if the pattern does not appear in the text.
When the pattern does occur in the text, running time of the original algorithm is O(nm) in the worst case.
Substring matching
Data Structures used: