Part of an undergraduate senior project on United States apportionment methods; used to do analysis for Satisfactory Justification of the United States’ Apportionment undergraduate senior thesis paper. The application can calculate apportionments for any appropriate house size and any Census from 1900 to 2010 with the following methods:
- Hamilton
- Jefferson
- Lowndes
- Adams
- Webster
- Dean
- Huntington-Hill
Apportionment can be done individually with results displayed in the terminal or they can be done en masse with results outputted in a CSV file. En masse apportionment can either be for a range of house sizes or be done for each Census from 1900 to 2010. En masse apportionment outputs the method name, census year, house size, and the average constituency size for the full apportionment on each line of the CSV file.
Clone the repository by downloading the ZIP, using GitHub Desktop, or using the follow command in the terminal: git clone
In order to run the test suite, the following commands need to be run on the terminal line beforehand:
pip install pytest
From a terminal based in the src
folder, run the command python
to run the program. Enter 0 anytime it prompts you to select a multiple choice option to exit the program.
From a terminal based in the test
folder, run the command pytest
to run all of the tests in the