My Plant Diary allows homeowners to maintain records on plants in their yard. They can upload photos and add notes to a plant at any time. Plant data, including sustainability and edibility, are sourced from master data.
Users can generate a report to show several attributes of their yard: sustainability, edibility, native, etc. This report can be used to help sell the positive attributes of the house.
Users can interact with MyPlantDiary using either a set of RESTful service endpoints, or a simple UI, or both.
- As a homeowner, I want to be able to catalog my specimens, so that I will remember what I planted.
Given: A feed of plant data are available
When: The user/service selects plant Eastern Redbud
When: The user/service adds latitude 39.74 to an Eastern Redbud specimen
Then: The user’s/service’s Eastern Redbud will be saved with 39.74 latitude.
Given: Specimen data are available
When: The user/service searches for “kajsd;luaopuidfjo;aj;sd”
Then: My Plant Diary will not return any results, and the user will not be able to save the specimen.
Given: Specimen data are available, and specimen 83 is Eastern Redbud.
When: The user/service searches for the specimen with ID “83”
Then: My Plant Diary will return exactly one specimen record for "Eastern Redbud".
Given: Specimen data are available
When: The user/service posts a new Specimen object with valid attributes "latitude=39.74, longitude=-84.51"
Then: MyPlantDiary will create a new specimen for this record, and will return this new specimen object.
- As a homeowner, I want to be able to upload photos of my plant at any time.
Given: The user is logged in and has selected a previously-saved Eastern Redbud specimen
When: The user uploads a valid 640*480 photo of an Eastern Redbud Flower
Then: The 640*480 photo of an Eastern Redbud flower will be saved to the specimen profile, and can be viewed later.
Given: The user is logged in and has selected a previously-saved Eastern Redbud specimen
When: The user uploads a 100GB photo
Then: The photo will be rejected as too large.
Given: The user is logged in and has selected a previously-saved Eastern Redbud specimen
When: The user uploads a 1600*1200 photo
Then: The photo will be resized automatically to 640*480
Then: The 640*480 photo will be shown to the user.
- As a homeowner, I want to generate a report of the sustainability of my yard.
Given: The user has a valid account and specimens associated to that account.
When: The user runs a report.
Then: The user will see a report of plants, dates, native, edible, and sustainability rating.
Given: The user has a valid account and no specimens associated to that account.
When: The user runs a report.
Then: The user will see an error, indicating no data available for report.
This is what we plan to export to another app.
{ "type" : "object", "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string" }, "age" : { "type" : "integer" } } }
UI Specialist: Brandan Jones Business Logic/Persitence: Brandan Jones DevOps/Product Owner/Scrum Master/GitHub Admin: Brandan Jones