[64f1c4c] RichTextEditor: enable the editor to support mention('@')
[8bac355] RichTextEditor: enable the editor to support file upload
[cf969ab] RichTextEditor: add stateToPlainText and stateToEntityList method
[940ab2f] test: search component onSearch fn
[bc359a1] fix: downgrade react-select
[e94b0d5] chore: rename .babelrc.js to babel.config.js
[d2bfbaf] chore: upgrade eslint & prettier
[5b0a9b6] chore: upgrade webpack dev server
[db1eeaf] chore: bump tar from 6.1.6 to 6.1.11
[7ecf0df] chore: update axios to 0.21.3 to resolve dependabot alert
[58f328b] chore: upgrade webpack-dev-server to 4.1.1 to resolve dependabot alert
[ab1924a] chore: reinstall @commitlint/cli to resolve dependabot alert
[01933b8] chore: upgrade @babel/cli to 7.15.7 to resolve dependabot alert
[c37ceeb] chore: upgrade the rest of @babel/* dev deps to latest
[60c0fc4] chore: bump nth-check from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
[d612c04] build: release minor version 28.1.0