In Lab 1pre, you have already installed ROS Kinetic. The FoodTutrle simulator for this lab is adapted from the ROS TurtleBot Stage package. Install TurtleBot Stage:
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-turtlebot-stage
sudo apt install ros-kinetic-joint-state-publisher-gui
Clone this repository and set up the environment:
git clone
cd CS4278-5478-MotionPlanning
source devel/setup.bash
Check your setup:
roslaunch planner turtlebot_in_stage.launch
You should see RViz and ROS Stage.
The FoodTurtle system consists of three components: the simulator, the planner,
and the controller. The code in this repository provides most of these
components, including the necessary functions for setting up ROS nodes in the
simulator, data communication, and robot control. You will implement the
planning algorithm and some robot interfaces by filling in the template labeled
. We recommend that you use
as a base class and then implement your planners as derived
Launch the simulator and execute the planner:
roscd planner/src
sh [your map name] start_x start_y start_theta
python --goal 'goal_x,goal_y' --com use_com_1_map_or_not
For example, load map1.png
and set the robot start pose as (x=1, y=1, θ=0):
roscd planner/src
sh map1 1 1 0
Set the robot goal as (x=5, y=5) and run the planner:
python --goal '5,5' --com 0
The flag --com
indicates whether the COM1 map is used, as it requires a special set of environment parameters.
Without adding any implementation, you should see the robot move forward by two tiles and then turn left.
For visualization, we recommend the ROS Stage. RViz provides 2.5-D visualization, but may be noisy due to the asynchronous communication delay of ROS.
A dataset provides 5 maps for evaluation, including 4
hand-crafted maps (map1.png
to map4.png
) and a simplified COM1 level-1 floor
plan (com1building.png
). Each map has a corresponding list of test cases with
the initial state and goals specified here.
Evaluate your planners in all test cases under the three models, DSDA, CSDA and
DSPA. For DSDA and CSDA, save the control actions in a txt
file and name it
. For DSPA, save the MDP control policy in a
file and name it {task}_{map}_{goal_x}_{goal_y}.json
For example,
for DSDA onmap2.png
with[5, 5]
as the goal.CSDA_map3_9_9.txt
for CSDA onmap3.png
with[9, 9]
as the goal.DSPA_com1building_43_10.json
for the MDP policy on com1building.png with[43, 10]
as the goal.
You can find the functions to save the results in Some examples of control files can be found here.
Submit a single zip archive named {MatricNo}
, which contains 3 directories:
: your codeControls
: the control files for all testcasesReport
: your report