Python lambda for sending well-defined messages to confluent kafka assumes AWS Deployment with API Gateway exposure of endpoint
Hearth of the solution lies in the Src folder
POST 🔒 method is guarded by JWT token in standard header "bearer"
Method | Endpoint | Info |
GET | /api |
OpenAPI 3 definition |
GET | /token |
forwards (HTTP303) caller to where to obtain JWT token for posting to topic |
GET | /topics |
lists available topics |
GET | /topics/{topicName} |
schema for given topic |
POST 🔒 | /topics/{topicName} |
posts payload (after authorization and schema validation) into kafka topic |
POST | terminate |
kills lambda - useful for when forcing config reload is desired |
There are 3 configs for this solution (in conf folder)
- config.json
- this one needs to live in the conf folder
- defines where are other resources/configs
- access.json
- this one could be local or in AWS S3
- defines who has access to post to individual topics
- topics.json
- this one could be local or in AWS S3
- defines schema of the topics, as well as enumerates those
Whole solution expects to be deployed as lambda in AWS, there are prepared terraform scripts to make initial deplyoment, and can be found in "terraform" folder
Resulting lambda_function zip file needs to be uploaded to aws s3 bucket (since direct upload of zip likes to fail, might be related to poor network though)
All that is needed afterwards is supplementing variables for
- aws_region
- vpc_id
- vpc_endpoint
- resource prefix - all terraform resources would be prefixed my this prefix, usefull when mixed-in with something else
- lambda_source_bucket - the bucket where "" is already uploaded
- lambda_role_arn - the role for the lambda, should be able to make HTTP calls to wherever kafka server lives
- lambda_vpc_subnet_ids
Once tfvars are supplied, go terraform apply and you are done
Useful scripts for dev and Deployment
Jupyter notebook, with one cell for lambda initialization and one cell per method, for testing purposes Obviously using it requires correct configs to be in place (PUBLIC key is being loaded during initilization)
shell script for fetching pithon requirements and ziping it together with sources and config into lambda archive it needs to be uploaded to s3 bucket first before running the terraform