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new instance

Abhi edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 2 revisions


NOTE: This article was made on the same time as of writing crackme0x01 article, so it might be a good idea to read that first to get a gist of idea as some piece of code have been taken from it, however it's not mandatory to do so.

When reverse-engineering Android APKs, you're bound to encounter Smali bytecode. One common Smali instruction is new-instance. Most of the time when working on Android RE APKs, often you will see lines like this:

new-instance p1, Lcom/example/MyInstance;

This creates a new instance of a class. The p1 is a register that contains the reference to the newly created instance. The Lcom/example/MyInstance; is the class that is being instantiated.

To Understand this better you need to be able to understand the meaning behind Instance Methods in Java. You might know that Java is an object-oriented programming language. Instance methods are a fundamental part of Java's object-oriented capabilities. They enable objects to have behaviors, interact with their own state, and communicate with other objects

They are essential components of a class that define the behaviors and actions an object of the class can perform. These methods are non-static and require an object of their class to be created before they can be invoked. This is because instance methods can access instance variables and other instance methods directly, allowing them to operate on the specific state of an object.

What Does new-instance Do?

The new-instance instruction creates a new object of a specified class and stores its reference in a register. In Java, you might do something like:

FlagGuard flagGuard = new FlagGuard();

In Smali, this is represented by:

new-instance p1, Lcom/entebra/crackme0x01/FlagGuard;

Here’s a breakdown:

  • p1: A register that stores the reference to the new FlagGuard object.
  • Lcom/entebra/crackme0x01/FlagGuard;: The class being instantiated (in this case, FlagGuard).

After the new-instance instruction, the object is created but not fully initialized yet.

Initializing the Object

After creating the object, we need to call its constructor to initialize it. This is where the invoke-direct instruction comes in. In Java, you call the constructor automatically when creating an object. But in Smali, it breaks down into two steps:

  1. Create the instance: Which we have already done with new-instance.
  2. Call the constructor.
invoke-direct {p1}, Lcom/entebra/crackme0x01/FlagGuard;-><init>()V

This line directly calls the constructor -><init>()V of the FlagGuard class on the newly created object stored in p1.

If you want to learn more than this then refer to Java Tutorials on Instance Methods and Constructors.