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Pixora is a Django-based photo-sharing web application that allows users to create, manage, and share photo albums. It includes user authentication, album management, and features like marking albums as favorites. Logo


  • User Authentication: Signup, login, and logout functionalities.
  • Album Management: Create, edit, delete albums.
  • Photo Upload: Upload photos to specific albums.
  • Favorite Albums: Users can mark albums as favorites for quick access.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run migrations:
    python migrate
  4. Start the development server:
    python runserver

NOTE : In pixora/, change your database according to your preference.


  • Visit to access the app.
  • Sign up and create new albums.
  • Upload photos to your albums.
  • Share albums using a unique code or link.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Breakdown of MAIN Functions:


1. index()

  • Purpose: Renders the home page and displays user albums if they are logged in.
  • Details:
    • verifyLogin(request): Verifies if a user is logged in.
    • If logined is True, fetches the user’s albums and favorite albums.
    • Context dictionary is used to pass data (like albums, fav) to the index.html template.

2. dashboard()

  • Purpose: Displays the user dashboard with their albums and favorited albums.
  • Details:
    • Uses verifyLogin() to check login status.
    • Fetches user-specific albums and favorites, then renders dashboard.html.
    • Redirects to the login page if not logged in.

3. signup()

  • Purpose: Handles new user registration.
  • Details:
    • On POST, validates the SignupForm and creates a new user.
    • Uses set_password() to hash the password before saving.
    • Redirects users to the login page upon successful signup.

4. login()

  • Purpose: Manages user login.
  • Details:
    • Retrieves next_url for post-login redirection.
    • Validates login form and checks user credentials (email and password).
    • Sets a cookie with login status (logined) upon successful login.
    • Provides user feedback using Django messages for incorrect credentials.

5. verifyLogin()

  • Purpose: Checks if a user is logged in using cookies.
  • Details:
    • Extracts and evaluates the logined cookie.
    • Returns a tuple (logined, email).
    • Handles cases where the cookie is not set.

6. albumcreation()

  • Purpose: Allows logged-in users to create a new album.
  • Details:
    • Validates the form for album creation.
    • Generates a unique uuid for each album.
    • Saves the album details and creates a directory for media uploads.
    • Uses os.makedirs to create a folder for storing album photos.

7. logout()

  • Purpose: Logs out the user.
  • Details:
    • Redirects to the homepage and deletes the logined cookie.

8. album_view()

  • Purpose: Displays the contents of a specific album.
  • Details:
    • Fetches the album by its code using get_object_or_404.
    • Retrieves all photos associated with the album.
    • Uses check_ownership() to determine if the current user is the album owner.
    • Passes data to albumview.html including ownership status and favorited status.

9. upload_photos()

  • Purpose: Handles photo uploads to a specific album.
  • Details:
    • Uses ImagesForm to accept image uploads.
    • Processes uploaded images in a loop and associates them with the specified album.
    • Redirects back to the album view after uploading.

10. delete_album()

  • Purpose: Deletes a specific album and its associated media.
  • Details:
    • Verifies login status and user ownership of the album.
    • Uses shutil.rmtree to delete the album folder from the filesystem.
    • Displays success or error messages and redirects to the dashboard.

11. delete_photo()

  • Purpose: Removes a specific photo from an album.
  • Details:
    • Retrieves the photo by its id and deletes it from the album.
    • Deletes the physical image file from the server using os.remove.

12. imageupload()

  • Purpose: Allows batch upload of images to an album.
  • Details:
    • Iterates over uploaded images and saves them to the specified album.
    • Redirects to the album view page after completion.

13. Fav_albums()

  • Purpose: Toggles the favorite status of an album for a user.
  • Details:
    • Checks if the album is already favorited by the user.
    • Adds or removes the album from FavAlbums accordingly.
    • Redirects back to the album view.

14. EditAlbum()

  • Purpose: Edits the details of an existing album.
  • Details:
    • Allows changing the album’s name and share status.
    • Saves the updated details and redirects back to the album view.


Explanation of

1. Imports:

  • ModelForm: A Django form class that automatically connects a form to a model, making it easier to create and update database entries.
  • Customers, Albums, Photo: Models from your app, used for form validation and input handling.
  • forms: Provides various form fields like CharField, EmailField, and FileField.
  • ValidationError: Used to raise custom validation errors for input.

2. UsersLoginForm:

  • Purpose: Handles user login.
  • Fields:
    • password: A CharField using PasswordInput to mask input.
      • Attributes include class for CSS styling, placeholder for input hints, and required to enforce input.
    • email: An EmailField with similar attributes.
  • Meta:
    • Specifies the Customers model and includes email and password as fields.
    • Automatically links form validation to the Customers model.

3. SignupForm:

  • Purpose: Manages new user registration.
  • Fields:
    • name: A CharField for the user’s name.
  • Meta:
    • Uses the Customers model and includes all fields (__all__).
  • Method: clean_email()
    • Custom validation to check if the email already exists in the database.
    • Raises a ValidationError if the email is already registered.

4. AlbumCreations:

  • Purpose: Handles album creation input.
  • Meta:
    • Uses the Albums model.
    • Specifies name and share as fields to manage album details.

5. ImagesForm:

  • Purpose: Manages image uploads to albums.
  • Fields:
    • images: Uses FileField to allow users to upload image files.
    • Uses ClearableFileInput widget to allow users to manage uploaded files.
    • Set as required=False to make image uploads optional.

These forms streamline user interactions by handling input validation, displaying form fields, and connecting user inputs to the database models. If you need a deeper dive into any part of this file, let me know!