ADAPT ISOv4Plugin Version 2.0.0
Refactored and introduced code into Model objects for all relevant ISOXML elements and Mapping objects containing the transformation logic to ADAPT.
Introduced support for hierarchical machine models and multi section data.
Extended Prescription Import/Export with Vector and Manual Rx support and cleaned up & retested all Grid Import/Export code.
Extended geospatial logged data import/export to support TC-GEO DDOP use cases.
Split OperationData objects by DeviceModel to ensure valid device element hierarchies (depths & orders).
Added support for Connectors/Hitch Points, Navigation references, and ADAPT EquipmentConfigurations.
Added implementation for IPlugin.ValidateDataOnCard.
Added support for products in summary LoggedData.
Added comments throughout the Plugin.
Removed unit tests from the solution per discussion in the ADAPT technical team. They will need to be updated to handle the refactored code.