Purpose : To provide a platform that allows users to find job with interacting UI like trello.
Version : 1.0 Duration : 4 weeks
- Research
- User stories
- Features
- Project approval
- Project planning
- Agile - Identified the features that provide maximum values
- Trello tracking of progress
- Consensus to learn
- Logistics
- System setup
- Design
- Development
- Data preparation, Test, Bug-fix
- Basic styling
- Preparation for commit
- Document technical details
- Document technical challenges
- Document the Improvement
- Enhancement in upcoming version
- Presentation and sharing of project
- able to create job status like "Applying", "Done", etc
- able to create job and update the company name, position, preparation and etc
- able to move job from current column to another column like trello
- Direct to other web site social media page (next version)
- Quick Links (PDPA, FAQ…) (next version)
- MERN stack
- 4 models : job, notification, users.
- Deploy online and accessible to the public via Heroku
Trello react dnd library