A collection of tools, commands, and data used in preprocessing and setup of Hi-C data for the 4D-Genome Browser (4DGB) Project.
## Activate hic-explorer environment
conda activate hicexplorerenv
## Change directory to tools
cd ./hic-converter/tools
## Convert the .h5 file to .hic formated file for Mus musculus chromosome 13
./h5.to.hic.sh -m ../data/h5/SRR1956527_chr13.h5 -g ../data/sizes/mm10.chr13.size.bed -o ../data/hic/SRR1956527_chr13.200kb.hic
## Change directory to tools
cd ./hic-converter/tools
## Convert a summary.txt.gz file to an .hic file for a single chromosome
./summary.to.chrom.hic.py -i ../data/summary/GSM2667262_WT1.HiC.rep1.mus.chr13.summary.txt.gz -g mm9 -c chr13 -O ../data/hic/GSM2667262_WT1.HiC.rep1.mus.chr13.200kb.hic
## Activate hic-explorer environment
conda activate hicexplorerenv
## Change directory to tools
cd ./hic-converter/tools
## Envoke our long to chrom hic function
./long.to.chrom.hic.py -i ../data/long/merged_nodups.chr22.subsampled.txt.gz -g ../data/sizes/GRCh38.chr22.size.bed -c chr22 -O ../data/hic/chr22.10kb.hic -R 10000
## Clone this repo
git clone [email protected]:4DGB/hic-converter.git
## Make scripts within the *tools* directory executable
chmod +x ./hic-converter/tools/*.sh ./hic-converter/tools/*.py
conda create -n hicexplorerenv hicexplorer -c bioconda -c conda-forge
os, argparse, numpy, pandas, gzip, subprocess
Scripts here were developed using version 1.22.01 (also stored here on this repo).
A conda environment is generated to install HiCExplorer
## change directory and make alias callable in this instance
cd ./hic-converter
shopt -s expand_aliases
## Set the juicer alias
alias juicer='java -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -jar ./tools/juicer_tools_1.22.01.jar'
## Splitting off single chromosome (chromosome 22) data from large Hi-C file that is KR balanced and resolved at 200 kb
juicer pre in.short out.chr22.200kb.hic ./sizes/chr22.size.bed -r 200000 -k KR
R1.fastq.gz, R2.fastq.gz -> HiCExplorer -> output.h5 -> (.h5 to .hic, see above)
R1.fastq.gz, R2.fastq.gz -> juicer pipeline -> merged_nodups.txt.gz -> juicer tools (see below)
Using juicer pre to extract contacts along chromosome 1, with 200 kb resolution, and Knight Runiz correction.
juicer pre -k KR -r 200000 merged_nodups.txt.gz output.chr1.hic chr1.size.bed
chr1 248956422
Marks et al. "Dynamics of gene silencing during X inactivation using allele-specific RNA-seq." Genome biology 16.1 (2015): 1-20.
Durand et al. "Juicer provides a one-click system for analyzing loop-resolution Hi-C experiments." Cell systems 3.1 (2016): 95-98.
Wang et al. "SMCHD1 merges chromosome compartments and assists formation of super-structures on the inactive X." Cell 174.2 (2018): 406-421.
Wolff et al. "Galaxy HiCExplorer 3: a web server for reproducible Hi-C, capture Hi-C and single-cell Hi-C data analysis, quality control and visualization." Nucleic acids research 48.W1 (2020): W177-W184.
Lappala et al. "Four-dimensional chromosome reconstruction elucidates the spatiotemporal reorganization of the mammalian X chromosome." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118.42 (2021): e2107092118.