Working through a server problem as an academic exercise.
Having never written my own server before, there was much learning.
Some of this work is influenced by structures produced by others. Notably, I was influenced by I appreciated the organization initially. I also borrowed the enums for both content types and http methods from this approach. That said, I think i was able to improve on that approach. There are clearly more elegant solutions, but this one is mine.
At this point, the server will honor GET, HEAD, and TRACE. I have an unrecognized case in there as well, but all other request types will return with 501.
In my research, I came across several examples that included some levels of build testing. I elected to forgo this based on the small project size.
I referenced a few apache libraries because I didn't want to have to define my own enums. I'm sure this is a debatable approach.
###On with the show!
These instructions assume: Modern variants of Java and Maven.
Once this repo is cloned, run:
mvn clean package
from the root directory of this project. Within the generated target folder, find:
From /target, run the following:
$ java -jar bwarner-Webserver-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar <port> <threads>
For the purposes of this exercise, the server expects a valid port number between 1025 and 65535. Any other number will default to 8080
For the purposes of this exercise, the server expects a valid number from 1 to 10. Any other number will default to 5.
This server returns content from /www directory, sibling to /src. I've included one of the sample "Skeleton" ( example pages as it has several css and image files.