Upgradable Smart Contracts for the 2GT Token
- Contract Address = 0xC96c1609A1a45CcC667B2b7FA6508e29617f7b69
- Implementation (logic) = 0xf9E1F413CE99aaF207C9e325EcA93A8Ed2d5FfDf
- ProxyAdmin = 0xDaCAc5E5Fd52Ac1109bEBd561a7DF18702ab6D0c
- We use openZepplin upgradable, reusable and secure Smart Contracts
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime
- NPM.js - package manager for Node.js packages
- Chai - javascript testing framework
- Ethereum - Decentralized platform for Smart Contract applications
- OpenZepplin - Reusable and Secure Smart Contracts
- Truffle - Development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum
- ganache - Node.js based Ethereum client for testing and development
- Infura - Ethereum API and IPFS API for building Ethereum blockchain applications on a scalable cloud infrastructure with reliable transaction processing.
- 2Gether BlockChain Team
Code released under the MIT License.