use 5.10.0 ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use WebColors;
my ($r, $g, $b) = colorname_to_rgb( 'goldenrod') ;
Get either the hex triplet value or the rgb values for a HTML named color.
Values have been taken from
For me I want this module so that I can use the named colours to extend Device::Hynpocube so that it can use the full set of named colors it is also used in Device::BlinkStick
Google material colors have spaces removed and their numerical values added, so Red 400 becomes red400, with accents Deep Purple A100 becomes deeppurplea100
Open color names have been included, "RED 1" would be used as oc-red-1
A few interesting pantone colors have been added, because I like them, the best way to find out what is available is to use the list_webcolors function.
- Google material colors
- Open color
dzil install WebColors
From downloaded repo
dzil install ./
list the colors covered in this module
my @colors = list_colors() ;
get rgb for a hex triplet, or a colorname. if the hex value is only 3 characters then it wil be expanded to 6
my ($r,$g,$b) = to_rgb( 'ff00ab') ;
($r,$g,$b) = to_rgb( 'red') ;
($r,$g,$b) = to_rgb( 'abc') ;
entries will be null if there is no match
get the rgb values 0..255 to match a color
my ($r, $g, $b) = colorname_to_rgb( 'goldenrod') ;
# get a material color
($r, $g, $b) = colorname_to_rgb( 'bluegrey500') ;
entries will be null if there is no match
get the color value as a hex triplet '12ffee' to match a color
my $hex => colorname_to_hex( 'darkslategray') ;
# get a material color, accented red
$hex => colorname_to_hex( 'reda300') ;
entries will be null if there is no match
get the rgb values as an integer percentage 0..100% to match a color
my ($r, $g, $b) = colorname_to_percent( 'goldenrod') ;
entries will be null if there is no match
match a name from a rgb triplet, matches within +/-1 of the values
my $name = rgb_to_colorname( 255, 0, 0) ;
returns null if there is no match
match a name from a rgb_percet triplet, matches within +/-1 of the value
my $name = rgb_percent_to_colorname( 100, 0, 100) ;
returns null if there is no match
match a name from a hex triplet, matches within +/-1 of the value
my $name = hex_to_colorname( 'ff0000') ;
returns null if there is no match
lighten a color by an optional amount, returns a hex color string amount to adjust is a multiple of 32
my $hex = lighten( 'goldenrod', 3) ;
darken a color by an optional amount, returns a hex color string amount to adjust is a multiple of 32
my $hex = darken( 'goldenrod', 2) ;