Location: Inside Moveit2 tutorial repository.
cd ~/ws_moveit/src/my_moveit
Complete build:
cd ~/ws_moveit/
colcon build --mixin release
Selective build:
colcon build --packages-select my_moveit
- test_node101.cpp:
- Sends Pose goal and Joint goal using custom planners and with path constraints.
- Contains Subscriber for Pose goal and Joint Goal along with PoseToPlan and Joint Function with Custom Planner Loader and Path cnstraints.
- Arguments: use_custom_planner,use_path_constraint.
- obs_planner.cpp:
- Plans for pose with and without obstacle and executes the shorter trajectory.
- Contains Obstacle addition and removing functions and Trajectory Processing function.
To launch Move_group:
ros2 launch ws_moveit2 demo.launch.py
(using the tutorial's launch file).
To Start node with default planner and without constraints:
ros2 run my_moveit test_node101
To Publish to Pose Goal:
ros2 topic pub --once /pose_goal geometry_msgs/msg/Pose "{position: {x: 0.5, y: 0.0, z: 0.590}}"
To Publish to Joint Goal:
ros2 topic pub --once /joint_goal std_msgs/msg/String "data: '-1.86, -1.46, 0.990, -2.04,1.18,1.116,-0.10'"
To launch Move_group:
ros2 launch ws_moveit2 demo.launch.py
ros2 run my_moveit test_node101 --ros-args -p use_custom_planner:=true
To Publish to Pose Goal:
ros2 topic pub --once /pose_goal geometry_msgs/msg/Pose "{position: {x: 0.5, y: 0.0, z: 0.590}}"
ros2 run my_moveit test_node101 --ros-args -p use_path_constraint:=true
To Publish to Joint Goal:
ros2 topic pub --once /joint_goal std_msgs/msg/String "data: '-1.86, -1.46, 0.990, -2.04,1.18,1.116,-0.10'"
To launch Move_group:
ros2 launch ws_moveit2 demo.launch.py
To add obstacle, plan, with and without obstacle and post processing:
ros2 run my_moveit obs_planner
- Adding and Removing Obstacles
- Trajectory Post-Processing
1.Moveit2 Tutorials
2.Path Constraint tutorials
3.Automatic Addision
5.Misc Issues