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Welcome to Spellbook. Cast a magical incantation to tame the blockchain.


  • Have a question on how something works in Spellbook, or why we design spells in a particular way?
    • Please visit the docs directory to find various topics & ideally answers to any question about Spellbook
  • Spellbook has introduced sub-projects, with the intention to pilot a path forward for scaling the repo
  • Are you building something new? Please make sure to open a Draft PR, so we minimize duplicated work, and other wizards can help you if you need
  • Don't know where to start? The docs below will guide you, but as a summary:
    • Want to make an incremental improvement to one of our spells? (add a new project, fix a bug you found), simply open a PR with your changes.
    • Do you want to get started building spells and you don't know what to build? Check Issues to see what the community needs.
    • Check the Discussions section to see what problems the community is trying to solve (i.e. non-incremental changes) or propose your own!
  • Have questions? Head over to #spellbook on our discord and the community will be happy to help out!
  • Like with most OSS projects, your contributions to Spellbook are your own IP, you can find more details in the Contributor License Agreement

Table of Contents


Spellbook is Dune's interpretation layer, built for and by the community.

Spellbook is a dbt project. Each model is a simple SQL query with minor syntactic sugar (meant to capture dependencies and help build the resulting tables), and does a small part of the task of turning raw and decoded records into interpretable blockchain data.

Spellbook is built for and by the community, you are welcome to close any gaps that you find by sending a PR, creating issues to propose small changes or track bugs, or participate in discussions to help steer the future of this project.


Spellbook has a lot of moving parts & specific design principles for contributing to Dune's interpretation layer of data. In order to prepare contributors to participate most efficiently, the docs directory contains a wide ranging set of topics to answer common questions & provide info on why the repo is setup as it is. Please read & refer to this section when developing in Spellbook and questions arise. The Dune team will also link back to these docs to answer questions often, to help grow awareness and keep communications clean.


In order to prepare for scaling Spellbook, the repo has started to pilot sub-projects to break out complex DBT lineages a bit & keep focus areas clean. This will also help downstream orchestration to keep spells fresh in production. Please refer to initial GH discussion for high-level info & continue the conversation there with the Dune team.

  • First sub-project: erc20 token metadata, found here

Ways to contribute to Spellbook

  • Build spells - if you want to write code, simply clone the repo, write your code, and open a PR
    • If you already know what to build, there's no red tape to skip around, simply open a PR when you're ready. We advise opening draft PRs early, so we avoid duplication of efforts and you can get help from other wizards
    • If you don't know where to start, check out Issues for ideas. We're always looking for help fixing small bugs or implementing spells for small projects
  • Flag gaps in spellbook - have you found a bug, or is there a project missing from one of the sectors that you'd like to add? You can create an issue and bring other wizards to your aid.
    • Bugs: Found a record on a Spell that doesn't reflect chain data correctly? Please make sure you link to a block explorer showing the expected value, and a dune query showing the wrong value. If there's multiple records affected, any sense of scale (how many rows, affected USD volume) will also be very helpful.
  • Propose changes to spellbook - Discussions are where we bring up, challenge and develop ideas to continue building spellbook. If you want to make a major change to a spell (e.g. major overhaul to a sector, launching a new sector, designing a new organic volume filter, etc.).

Submitting a PR

Want to get right to work? Follow the guide here to get started.

Testing your spell

You don't need a complex local setup to test spells against Dune's engine. Once you send a PR, our CI pipeline will run and test it, and, if the job finishes successfully, you'll be able to query the data your PR created directly from

Simply write a query like you would for any of our live tables, and use the test schema to fetch the tables your PR created.


You can find the exact names easily by looking at the logs from the dbt slim ci action, under dbt run initial model(s).

Please note: the test tables built in the CI pipeline will exist for ~24 hours. If your table doesn't exist, trigger the pipeline to run again and recreate the test table.

Connecting with other wizards

We use Discord to connect with our community. Head over to spellbook channel on Dune's Discord for questions or to ask for help with a particular PR. We encourage you to learn by doing, and leverage our vibrant community to help you get going.

Setting up your Local Dev Environment


  • Fork this repo and clone your fork locally. See Github's guide on contributing to projects.
  • We default to use unix (LF) line endings, windows users please set: git config --global core.autocrlf true. more info
  • python 3.9 installed. Our recommendation is to follow the Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
  • pip installed
  • pipenv installed
  • paths for both pip and pipenv are set (this should happen automatically but sometimes does not). If you run into issues like "pipenv: command not found", try troubleshooting with the pip or pipenv documentation.

Initial Installation

You can watch the video version of this if you scroll down a bit.

Navigate to the spellbook repo within your CLI (Command line interface).

cd user\directory\github\spellbook
# Change this to wherever spellbook is stored locally on your machine.

Using the pipfile located in the spellbook repo, run the below install command to create a pipenv.

pipenv install

If the install fails, one likely reason is our script looks for a static python version and the likelihood of an error for a wrong python version is pretty high. If that error occurs, check your python version with:

python --version

Now use any text editor program to change the python version in the pipfile within the spellbook directory to your python version. You need to have at least python 3.9. If you have changed the python version in the pipfile, run pipenv install again.

You are now ready to activate this project's virtual environment. Run the following command to enter the environment:

pipenv shell

You have now created a virtual environment for this project. You can read more about virtual environments here.

To pull the dbt project dependencies run:

dbt deps

Ensure you are in Spellbook root directory, then run the following command:

dbt compile

Spellbook root directory includes a profiles.yml file, which helps tell dbt how to run commands. The profile is located in the root directory here. This should never need modified, unless done intentionally by the Dune team.
Due to the profiles.yml file being stored in the root directory, this is why users must be in the root directory on the command line to run dbt compile.

dbt compile will compile the JINJA and SQL templated SQL into plain SQL which can be executed in the Dune UI. Your spellbook directory now has a folder named target containing plain SQL versions of all models in Dune. If you have made changes to the repo before completing all these actions, you can now be certain that at least the compile process works correctly, if there are big errors the compile process will not complete. If you haven't made changes to the directory beforehand, you can now start adding, editing, or deleting files within the repository. Afterwards, simply run dbt compile again once you are finished with your work in the directory and test the plain language sql queries on

Coming back

If you have done this installation on your machine once, to get back into dbt, simply navigate to the spellbook repo, run pipenv shell, and you can run dbt compile again.

What did I just do?

You now have the ability to compile your dbt model statements and test statements into plain SQL. This allows you to test those queries on the usual environment and should therefore lead to a better experience while developing spells. Running the queries will immediately give you feedback on typos, logical errors, or mismatches. This in turn will help us deploy these spells faster and avoid any potential mistakes.

How to use dbt to create spells

There are a couple of new concepts to consider when making spells in dbt. The most common ones wizards will encounter are refs, sources, freshness, and tests.

In the body of each query, tables are referred to either as refs, ex {{ ref('1inch_ethereum') }} or sources, ex {{ source('ethereum', 'traces') }}. Refs refer to other dbt models and they should refer to the file name like 1inch_ethereum.sql, even if the model itself is aliased. Sources refer to "raw" data or tables/views not generated by dbt. Using refs and sources allows us to automatically build dependency trees.

Sources and models are defined in schema.yml files where tests and other attributes are defined.

The best practice is to add tests unique and non_null tests to the primary key for every new model. Similarly, a freshness check should be added to every new source (although we will try not to re-test freshness if the source is used elsewhere).

Adding descriptions to tables and columns will help people find and use your tables.

  - name: 1inch_ethereum
    description: "Trades on 1inch, a DEX aggregator"
      - name: tx_hash
        description: "Table primary key: a transaction hash (tx_hash) is a unique identifier for a transaction."
          - unique
          - not_null

  - name: ethereum
      warn_after: { count: 12, period: hour }
      error_after: { count: 24, period: hour }
      - name: traces
        loaded_at_field: block_time

See links to more docs on dbt below.

Generating and serving documentation:

To generate documentation and view it as a website, run the following commands:

  • dbt docs generate
  • dbt docs serve You must have set up dbt with dbt init but you don't need database credentials to run these commands.

See dbt docs documentation for more information on how to contribute to documentation.

As a preview, you can do things like:

  • Write simple one or many line descriptions of models or columns.
  • Write longer descriptions as code blocks using markdown.
  • Link to other models in your descriptions.
  • Add images / project logos from the repo into descriptions.
  • Use HTML in your description.

DBT Resources:

  • Learn more about dbt in the docs
  • Check out Discourse for commonly asked questions and answers
  • Join the chat on Slack for live discussions and support
  • Find dbt events near you
  • Check out the blog for the latest news on dbt's development and best practices


SQL views for Dune







No packages published


  • Python 91.6%
  • Shell 8.4%