is a simple framework to output to a file, url, the console, or even register notification using UserNotifications. o
can also get input from a file, url, or console.
Currently, o
can be used on macOS, iOS, and watchOS.
o.console.out("Value to print: ", terminator: "") // (oTests/oTests.swift@7) [testExample()]: Value to print:
o.console.out(o.console.in()) // Type in "???"; (oTests/oTests.swift@8) [testExample()]: Optional("???")
let fileContents = 4
let folderPath = "./TestFolder"
let filename = "SomeNumber"
try o.file.createDirectory(path: folderPath)
// Write the value 4, an Int, to a file named `filename` in the `folderPath` directory. Files using o.file are base64Encoded by default.
try o.file.out(fileContents, path: folderPath, filename: filename, base64Encoded: false)
// Asserts
XCTAssertEqual(try o.file.in(path: folderPath, filename: filename), 4)
// Delete the File
try o.file.delete(path: folderPath, filename: filename)
// Assert deletion
XCTAssertThrowsError(try o.file.in(path: folderPath, filename: filename) as Int)
struct Post: Codable {
let userId: Int
let id: Int
let title: String
let body: String
// GET Request
let (data, response) = try await o.url.get(
url: URL(string: "api/posts")!
// POST Request
let post = Post(userId: 1, id: 1, title: "First!", body: "")
let (_, response) = try await o.url.post(
url: URL(string: "api/posts/\(post.id)")!,
body: try? JSONEncoder().encode(post)
// Request Notification Authorization
// Set UNUserNotificationCenter.current's delegate to `o.notification.delegate`
// Schedule a Notification
title: "Hello!",
subtitle: "o.notification",
body: "Woo Hoo!",
trigger: UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(
timeInterval: 3,
repeats: false