AI-Enhanced Transaction Simulator with User-Friendly Insights on Starknet | Built using Galadriel
Easy To Use UI : Users only need to enter contract addresses. ABIs and function names are aueried and populated autimatically.
Clear & Concise Simulations : Clear and easy to understand transaction traces data displayed in the web application.
AI Powered Txn Summary : Decentralized & On chain AI inference using Galadriel L1 to generate txn summary.
- All Links
- Deployed Contracts
- Instructions to setup and run locally
- Our Solution (Architecture)
- App Demo
- Future Vision
- Tech Stack
- Team
- Galadriel Devnet Contract - 0x9eDB204F176F7182D6a6C3D4FD2381267CA8c97d
Follow these instructions to set up and run the project:
Using Github
- Clone the Git repository:
- Install project dependencies:
npm install
- Copy .env.example
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Access the web app in your browser at http://localhost:3000
- Integrate txn simulator with dApps on starknet. Develep a widget/extension for this purpose in upcoming steps.
- Support chaining of multiple transactions
- Better UI and support for complex data types decoding for Starknet blockchain
- Starknet.js
- Starknet/@react-core
- Galadriel L1 Devnet
- Next JS
Team AlphaDevs ๐
Harsh Tyagi Yashasvi Chaudhary
Harsh Tyagi Yashasvi Chaudhary
Feel free to reach out to the AlphaDevs team with any questions or issues.
We appreciate your interest in our project and welcome contributions and feature suggestions.