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164 lines (110 loc) · 6.97 KB
layout title load_polymer imports
Getting started

Custom Elements are the core building blocks of {{site.project_title}}-based applications. You create applications by assembling custom elements together, either ones provided by {{site.project_title}}, ones you create yourself, or third-party elements.


{{site.project_title}} expands the concepts of Custom Elements by providing extra goodies. However, if you're only interested in building a regular Custom Element, all you need is platform.js. It contains polyfills for missing platform features like Shadow DOM and HTML Imports.

  1. Load platform.js to polyfill missing platform features.
  2. Load components with <link rel="import" href="/path/to/component-file.html">
  3. Use the custom element in your page.

Here's a bare bones example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- 1. Shim missing platform features -->
    <script src="polymer-all/platform/platform.js"></script>
    <!-- 2. Load a component -->
    <link rel="import" href="x-foo.html">
    <!-- 3. Declare the component by its tag. -->

Note: You must always run your app from a web server. This is for the HTML Imports polyfill to work properly. This requirement will go away when the API is available natively in browsers.


Creating a basic custom element

The platform polyfills provided by {{site.project_title}} let you load and display custom elements. Just by loading platform.js you get support for these new technologies.

{% include samples/basic-element.html %}

Reminder: The name attribute is required and specifies the name of the HTML tag you'll instantiate in markup (e.g. <tag-name>). It must be a "-" separated string. {: .alert }

Creating a {{site.project_title}} element

{{site.project_title}} provides extra goodies for creating custom elements. We call these souped-up custom elements "{{site.project_title}} elements". To create one, follow these steps:

  1. Load {{site.project_title}} core (polymer/polymer.js or polymer.min.js).

    Note: polymer.js loads platform.js under the hood. You only need to include polymer.js when writing a {{site.project_title}} element. {: .alert }

  2. Declare your custom element using <polymer-element>.

In the following sample, we've converted our basic custom element into a {{site.project_title}} element named tk-element.

{% include samples/tk-element.html %}

Add properties/methods to your component

If you need to add public methods/properties to your element, include a <script> that calls {{site.project_title}}('your-tagname'). {{site.project_title}}(..) is a convenience wrapper for document.register, but also endows the element with special features like data binding and event mapping. Its first argument is the name of the element you're creating. The second argument (optional) is an object that defines your element's prototype.

{% include samples/tk-element-proto.html %}

Declarative data binding

You can bind properties in your component using declarative data binding and the "double-mustache" syntax ({%raw%}{{}}{%endraw%}) from Model Driven Views. The {%raw%}{{}}{%endraw%} is replaced by the value of the property referenced between the brackets.

{% include samples/tk-element-databinding.html %}

Binding to markup

You can use binding expressions in most HTML markup, except for tag names themselves. In the following example, we create a new property on our component named color whose value is bound to the value of the color style applied to the custom element.

{% include samples/tk-element-databinding-color.html %}

Binding between components and native elements

The following example demonstrates binding component properties to attributes of native input elements.

{% include samples/tk-binding-to-elements.html %}

Adding a ready() lifecycle method

When an element has been registered and finished initializing itself, it calls its ready method, if one exists. The ready callback is a great place to do constructor-like initialization work.

{% include samples/tk-element-ready.html %}

Publishing properties

Published properties can be used to define an element's "public API". {{site.project_title}} establishes two-way data binding for published properties and provides access to the property's value using MDV's {%raw%}{{}}{%endraw%}.

Publish a property by listing it in the attributes attribute in your <polymer-element>. Properties declared this way are initially null. To provide a more appropriate default value, include the same property name directly in your prototype (as seen below).

The following example defines two data-bound properties on the element, owner and color, and gives them default values:

{% include samples/tk-element-property-public.html %}

Note: In this example the user overrides the defaults for owner and color by configuring the element with initial attribute values (e.g. <tk-element-property-public owner="Scott" color="blue">).

Learn more about published properties

{% comment %}

Using a publish object (advanced)

There is another way to publish a property (but you probably will never need it): the publish object. Properties included in an object named publish are published just like properties named in attributes.

{% include samples/tk-element-property-public-publish.html %}

Change watching

Accessing public properties on an element

A element's published properties can be set using attributes on its custom element, as shown in index.html below.

{% include samples/tk-element-public-access.html %}
{% endcomment %}

Automatic node finding

Shadow DOM is a self-contained document-like subtree; id's in that subtree do not interact with id's in other trees. Each {{site.project_title}} element generates a map of id's to node references in the element's template. This map is accessible as $ on the element.

{% include samples/tk-node-finding.html %}