English | 简体中文
我们通过提供带有示例的提示给大型语言模型,使用上下文学习引导大型语言模型理解关系抽取任务。如上图所示,我们设计了两种提示:(1) TEXT PROMPT 仅包含关系抽取任务最基本的必要信息;(2) INSTRUCT PROMPT 包含关系抽取任务相关的指令。同时,为了实现更好的抽取性效果,实体类型可以作为schemas信息加入到提示中。
>> python gpt3ICL.py -h
usage: gpt3ICL.py [-h] --api_key API_KEY --train_path TRAIN_PATH --test_path TEST_PATH --output_success OUTPUT_SUCCESS --output_nores OUTPUT_NORES --prompt {text,text_schema,instruct,instruct_schema} [--k K]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--api_key API_KEY, -ak API_KEY
--train_path TRAIN_PATH, -tp TRAIN_PATH
The path of training / demonstration data.
--test_path TEST_PATH, -ttp TEST_PATH
The path of test data.
The output directory of successful ICL samples.
--output_nores OUTPUT_NORES, -on OUTPUT_NORES
The output directory of failed ICL samples.
--prompt {text,text_schema,instruct,instruct_schema}
--k K k-shot demonstrations
为了弥补少样本场景下关系抽取有标签数据的缺失, 我们设计带有数据样式描述的提示,用于指导大型语言模型自动地生成更多的有标签数据根据已有的少样本数据,如上图最后一条提示所示。
>> python gpt3DA.py -h
usage: gpt3DA.py [-h] --api_key API_KEY --demo_path DEMO_PATH --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR --dataset {tacred,tacrev,retacred} [--k K]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--api_key API_KEY, -ak API_KEY
--demo_path DEMO_PATH, -dp DEMO_PATH
The directory of demonstration data.
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
The output directory of generated data.
--dataset {tacred,tacrev,retacred}
--k K k-shot demonstrations
author = {Xin Xu and
Yuqi Zhu and
Xiaohan Wang and
Ningyu Zhang},
title = {How to Unleash the Power of Large Language Models for Few-shot Relation Extraction?},
journal = {The 4th Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP 2023)},
year = {2023},
url = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.01555.pdf},
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics"