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Mobile gRPC Benchmarks

As gRPC has become a better and faster RPC framework, we've consistently gotten the question, "How much faster is gRPC?" We already have comprehensive server-side benchmarks, but we don't have mobile benchmarks. Benchmarking a client is a bit different than benchmarking a server. We care more about things such as latency and request size and less about things like queries per second (QPS) and number of concurrent threads. Thus we built an Android app in order to quantify these factors and provide solid numbers behind them.

Specifically what we want to benchmark is client side protobuf vs. JSON serialization/deserialization and gRPC vs. a RESTful HTTP JSON service. For the serialization benchmarks, we want to measure the size of messages and speed at which we serialize and deserialize. For the RPC benchmarks, we want to measure the latency of end-to-end requests and packet size.

Protobuf vs. JSON

In order to benchmark protobuf and JSON, we ran serializations and deserializations over and over on randomly generated protos, which can be seen here. These protos varied quite a bit in size and complexity, from just a few bytes to over 100kb. JSON equivalents were created and then also benchmarked. For the protobuf messages, we had three main methods of serializing and deserializing: simply using a byte array, CodedOutputStream/CodedInputStream which is protobuf's own implementation of input and output streams, and Java's ByteArrayOutputStream and ByteArrayInputStream. For JSON we used org.json's JSONObject. This only had one method to serialize and deserialize, toString() and new JSONObject(), respectively.

In order to keep benchmarks as accurate as possible, we wrapped the code to be benchmarked in an interface and simply looped it for a set number of iterations. This way we discounted any time spent checking the system time.

interface Action {
    void execute();

// Sample benchmark of multiplication
Action a = new Action() {
    public void execute() {
        int x = 1000 * 123456;

for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {

Before running a benchmark, we ran a warmup in order to clean out any erratic behaviour by the JVM, and then calculated the number of iterations needed to run for a set time (10 seconds in the protobuf vs. JSON case). To do this, we started with 1 iteration, measured the time it took for that run, and compared it to a minimum sample time (2 seconds in our case). If the number of iterations took long enough, we estimated the number of iterations needed to run for 10 seconds by doing some math. Otherwise, we multiplied the number of iterations by 2 and repeated.

// This can be found in benchmark()
int iterations = 1;
// Time action simply reports the time it takes to run a certain action for that number of iterations
long elapsed = timeAction(action, iterations);
while (elapsed < MIN_SAMPLE_TIME_MS) {
    iterations *= 2;
    elapsed = timeAction(action, iterations);
// Estimate number of iterations to run for 10 seconds
iterations = (int) ((TARGET_TIME_MS / (double) elapsed) * iterations);


Benchmarks were run on protobuf, JSON, and gzipped JSON.

We found that regardless of the serialization/deserialization method used for protobuf, it was consistently about 3x faster for serializing than JSON. For deserialization, JSON is actually a bit faster for small messages (<1kb), around 1.5x, but for larger messages (>15kb) protobuf is 2x faster. For gzipped JSON, protobuf is well over 5x faster in serialization, regardless of size. For deserialization, both are about the same at small messages, but protobuf is about 3x faster for larger messages. Results can be explored in more depth and replicated here.


To benchmark RPC calls, we want to measure end-to-end latency and bandwidth. To do this, we ping pong with a server for 60 seconds, using the same message each time, and measure the latency and message size. The message consists of some fields for the server to read, and a payload of bytes. We compared gRPC's unary call to a simple RESTful HTTP JSON service. The gRPC benchmark creates a channel, and starts a unary call that repeats when it recieves a response until 60 seconds have passed. The response contains a proto with the same payload sent.

Similarly for the HTTP JSON benchmarks, it sends a POST request to the server with an equivalent JSON object, and the server sends back a JSON object with the same payload.

// This can be found in doUnaryCalls()
// Make stub to send unary call
final BenchmarkServiceStub stub = BenchmarkServiceGrpc.newStub(channel);
stub.unaryCall(request, new StreamObserver<SimpleResponse>() {
    long lastCall = System.nanoTime();
    // Do nothing on next
    public void onNext(SimpleResponse value) {

    public void onError(Throwable t) {
        Status status = Status.fromThrowable(t);
        System.err.println("Encountered an error in unaryCall. Status is " + status);

    // Repeat if time isn't reached
    public void onCompleted() {
        long now = System.nanoTime();
        // Record the latencies in microseconds
        histogram.recordValue((now - lastCall) / 1000);
        lastCall = now;

        Context prevCtx = Context.ROOT.attach();
        try {
            if (endTime > now) {
                stub.unaryCall(request, this);
            } else {
        } finally {

Both HttpUrlConnection and the OkHttp library were used.

Only gRPC's unary calls were benchmarked against HTTP, since streaming calls were over 2x faster than the unary calls. Moreover, HTTP has no equivalent of streaming, which is an HTTP/2 specific feature.


In terms of latency, gRPC is 5x-10x faster up to the 95th percentile, with averages of around 2 milliseconds for an end-to-end request. For bandwidth, gRPC is about 3x faster for small requests (100-1000 byte payload), and consistently 2x faster for large requests (10kb-100kb payload). To replicate these results or explore in more depth, check out our repository.

TODO: Battery measurements?