diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index cf87cf93..d19ada83 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ egg:
# Now build all the build dependencies for this zenpack.
rm -rf $(TXSSHCLIENT_DIR)/build
- cd $(TXSSHCLIENT_DIR); python setup.py build
+ cd $(TXSSHCLIENT_DIR); python setup.py build --build-lib build/lib
mkdir -p $(ZP_DIR)/lib/sshclient
cp -r $(TXSSHCLIENT_DIR)/build/lib/sshclient/* $(ZP_DIR)/lib/sshclient/
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/__init__.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/__init__.py
index 5e1fc2db..bf6e21f1 100644
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/__init__.py
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/__init__.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
from OFS.CopySupport import CopyError
schema = CFG.zenpack_module.schema
-from service_migration import install_migrate_zenpython, remove_migrate_zenpython, fix_service_healthcheck_path, force_update_configs
+from service_migration import remove_migrate_zenpython, force_update_configs
NOVAHOST_PLUGINS = ['zenoss.cmd.linux.openstack.nova',
@@ -54,18 +54,12 @@ def install(self, app):
super(ZenPack, self).install(app)
- install_migrate_zenpython()
# by default, services are only installed during initial zenpack
# installs, not upgrades. We run it every time instead, but make
# it only process service definitions that are missing, by
# overriding getServiceDefinitionFiles to be intelligent.
- # Fix zenpack-provided healthcheck file paths (since the zenpack's)
- # directory may change during install/upgrade
- fix_service_healthcheck_path()
# We ship a shell script as a "config" file- make sure that
# the config is updated if the script has changed.
force_update_configs(self, "proxy-zenopenstack", ["opt/zenoss/bin/proxy-zenopenstack"])
@@ -83,8 +77,6 @@ def getServiceDefinitionFiles(self):
svcs = set([s.name for s in ctx.services])
files = []
- if "RabbitMQ-Ceilometer" not in svcs:
- files.append(self.path('service_definition', "RabbitMQ-Ceilometer.json"))
if "zenopenstack" not in svcs:
files.append(self.path('service_definition', "zenopenstack.json"))
if "proxy-zenopenstack" not in svcs:
@@ -130,8 +122,6 @@ def remove(self, app, leaveObjects=False):
- remove_migrate_zenpython()
# Patch last to avoid import recursion problems.
from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure import patches
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/apiclients/txrabbitadminapi.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/apiclients/txrabbitadminapi.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e1a51a7d..00000000
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/apiclients/txrabbitadminapi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) Zenoss, Inc. 2016-2017, all rights reserved.
-# This content is made available according to terms specified in
-# License.zenoss under the directory where your Zenoss product is installed.
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger('zen.OpenStack.rabbitmqadmin')
-import Globals
-from Products.ZenUtils.Utils import unused
-import json
-import urllib
-from base64 import b64encode
-from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
-from twisted.web.client import getPage
-from twisted.web.error import Error as TwistedError
-class RabbitMqAdminApiClient(object):
- """Class to connect, login, and retrieve data
- """
- def __init__(self, host, port, username, password, timeout=60):
- self._target = 'http://{}:{}'.format(host, port)
- self._username = username
- self._password = password
- self._timeout = int(timeout)
- self._auth = 'Basic {}'.format(b64encode('{}:{}'.format(username, password)))
- @inlineCallbacks
- def _request(self, path, method='GET', data=None):
- """Asynchronously request the URL.
- """
- headers = {
- 'User-Agent': 'RabbitMqAdminApiClient',
- 'Accept': 'application/json',
- 'Authorization': self._auth,
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- }
- if data is not None:
- # Intended to be used with PUT method that requires a body be sent
- headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(data))
- # No need to add this header,we send all the time
- # headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- url = '{0}{1}'.format(self._target, path)
- log.debug('requesting page: {}'.format(url))
- try:
- result = yield getPage(
- url,
- method=method,
- postdata=data,
- headers=headers,
- cookies={},
- timeout=self._timeout
- )
- except TwistedError as e1:
- if e1.status == '204' and e1.message == 'No Content':
- # Usually indicates put/delete success
- returnValue('{"status":"204","message":"No Content"}')
- elif ((e1.status == '401' and e1.message == 'Unauthorized' and e1.response is not None)
- or (e1.status == '500' and e1.message == 'Internal Server Error' and e1.response is not None)
- or (e1.status == '404' and e1.message == 'Object Not Found' and e1.response is not None)
- or (e1.status == '400' and e1.message == 'Bad Request' and e1.response is not None)):
- # We can handle this exception using the json in the response
- returnValue(e1.response)
- else:
- log.error('Could not fetch url {}: {}'.format(url, e1))
- raise
- except Exception as e2:
- log.exception('Failed to retrieve {}: {}'.format(url, e2))
- raise
- returnValue(result)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def json_from_request(self, path, method='GET', data=None):
- """Method to retrieve the json returned
- """
- result = yield self._request(path, method, data)
- if result is not None:
- try:
- log.debug(result)
- out_dict = json.loads(result)
- returnValue(out_dict)
- except Exception as e:
- # We don't care what went wrong as long as we can't decode the
- # json log it and return null
- log.exception('Could not decode JSON "{}": {}'.format(str(result), e))
- raise
- # Should not happen
- returnValue(None)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def does_user_exist(self, username):
- found = False
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request('/api/users')
- if self._does_response_contain_an_error_message(json_result):
- returnValue(False)
- # [{"name":"test","password_hash":"AbcdefghijKlmnOPqrsTuVw/bDM=","tags":"administrator"},{"name":"zenoss","password_hash":"c7885c9c376154362f338f256f4590a7=","tags":"management"}]
- for user in json_result:
- if username == user.get('name', None):
- found = True
- returnValue(found)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def add_user(self, username, password, tags='monitoring'):
- # url encode username because someone might create a user with a slash (just look at the slash in the vhosts we create)
- path = '/api/users/' + urllib.quote(username, '')
- # The tags key is mandatory. tags is a comma-separated list of tags for the user. Currently recognised tags are "administrator", "monitoring" and "management".
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path, 'PUT', '{"password":"'+password+'","tags":"'+tags+'"}')
- # did it work?
- if json_result is not None and '204' == json_result.get('status', None):
- returnValue(True)
- returnValue(False)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def delete_user(self, username):
- # url encode username because someone might create a user with a slash (just look at the slash in the /zenoss we create)
- path = '/api/users/' + urllib.quote(username, '')
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path, 'DELETE')
- # did it work?
- if json_result is not None and '204' == json_result.get('status', None):
- returnValue(True)
- returnValue(False)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def does_user_have_permissions_on_vhost(self, username, permissionsdict, vhost):
- found = False
- path = '/api/users/' + urllib.quote(username, '') + "/permissions"
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path)
- if self._does_response_contain_an_error_message(json_result):
- returnValue(False)
- # [{"user":"zenoss","vhost":"/zenoss","configure":".*","write":".*","read":".*"}]
- for vhostpermission in json_result:
- if username == vhostpermission.get('user', None) and vhost == vhostpermission.get('vhost', None):
- foundConfigurePerm = True
- foundWritePerm = True
- foundReadPerm = True
- # If the caller did not specify a permission to check for we assume anything is ok
- if "configure" in permissionsdict:
- foundConfigurePerm = (permissionsdict["configure"] == vhostpermission.get('configure', None))
- if "write" in permissionsdict:
- foundWritePerm = (permissionsdict["write"] == vhostpermission.get('write', None))
- if "read" in permissionsdict:
- foundReadPerm = (permissionsdict["read"] == vhostpermission.get('read', None))
- # if we found everything we should be good
- found = (foundConfigurePerm and foundWritePerm and foundReadPerm)
- returnValue(found)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def add_user_permissions_to_vhost(self, username, permissionsdict, vhost):
- # All keys are mandatory.
- if 'configure' not in permissionsdict or 'write' not in permissionsdict or 'read' not in permissionsdict:
- log.error("Called add_user_permissions_to_vhost without all 3 permission keys defined (configure, write, read), what we got was: %s", str(permissionsdict))
- returnValue(False)
- # /api/parameters/component/vhost/name
- path = '/api/permissions/' + urllib.quote(vhost, '') + '/' + urllib.quote(username, '')
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path, 'PUT', '{"configure":"' + permissionsdict['configure']
- + '","write":"' + permissionsdict['write']
- + '","read":"' + permissionsdict['read'] + '"}')
- # did it work?
- if (not self._does_response_contain_an_error_message(json_result)
- and json_result is not None
- and '204' == json_result.get('status', None)):
- returnValue(True)
- returnValue(False)
- # delete permissions
- @inlineCallbacks
- def delete_user_permissions_from_vhost(self, username, vhost):
- path = '/api/permissions/' + urllib.quote(vhost, '') + '/' + urllib.quote(username, '')
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path, 'DELETE')
- # did it work?
- if (not self._does_response_contain_an_error_message(json_result)
- and json_result is not None
- and '204' == json_result.get('status', None)):
- returnValue(True)
- returnValue(False)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def delete_user_permissions_from_all_vhosts(self, username):
- success = True
- path = '/api/users/' + urllib.quote(username, '') + "/permissions"
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path)
- for vhostpermission in json_result:
- if username == vhostpermission.get('user', None):
- delete_result = yield self.delete_user_permissions_from_vhost(username, vhostpermission.get('vhost', None))
- if not delete_result:
- log.error("Unable to delete permissions from vHost %s", vhostpermission.get('vhost', None))
- success = False
- returnValue(success)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def does_vhost_exist(self, vhostname):
- found = False
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request('/api/vhosts')
- if self._does_response_contain_an_error_message(json_result):
- returnValue(False)
- # [{'tracing': False, 'name': '/'}, {'name': '/zenoss', 'tracing': False, 'messages_details': {'rate': 0.0}, 'messages': 0, 'message_stats': {'publish_details': {'rate': 0.0}, 'deliver_get': 34636, 'publish': 34636, 'get_no_ack': 34636, 'get_no_ack_details': {'rate': 0.0}, 'deliver_get_details': {'rate': 0.0}}, 'messages_unacknowledged_details': {'rate': 0.0}, 'messages_ready_details': {'rate': 0.0}, 'messages_unacknowledged': 0, 'messages_ready': 0}]
- for vhost in json_result:
- if vhostname == vhost.get('name', None):
- found = True
- returnValue(found)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def add_vhost(self, vhostname):
- # url encode vhostname because someone might create a vhost with a slash (just look at the slash in the /zenoss we create)
- path = '/api/vhosts/' + urllib.quote(vhostname, '')
- log.debug(path)
- # The tags key is mandatory. tags is a comma-separated list of tags for the user. Currently recognised tags are "administrator", "monitoring" and "management".
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path, 'PUT')
- # did it work?
- if json_result is not None and '204' == json_result.get('status', None):
- returnValue(True)
- returnValue(False)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def delete_vhost(self, vhostname):
- # url encode vhostname because someone might create a vhost with a slash (just look at the slash in the /zenoss we create)
- path = '/api/vhosts/' + urllib.quote(vhostname, '')
- # The tags key is mandatory. tags is a comma-separated list of tags for the user. Currently recognised tags are "administrator", "monitoring" and "management".
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path, 'DELETE')
- # did it work?
- if json_result is not None and '204' == json_result.get('status', None):
- returnValue(True)
- returnValue(False)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def does_exchange_exist_on_vhost(self, exchange, vhostname):
- found = False
- # /api/exchanges/vhost/name
- path = '/api/exchanges/' + urllib.quote(vhostname, '')
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path)
- # [{u'name': u'', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': False, u'message_stats': {u'publish_out': 43276, u'publish_out_details': {u'rate': 0.0}, u'publish_in': 43276, u'publish_in_details': {u'rate': 0.0}}, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'direct', u'auto_delete': False}, {u'name': u'amq.direct', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': False, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'direct', u'auto_delete': False}, {u'name': u'amq.fanout', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': False, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'fanout', u'auto_delete': False}, {u'name': u'amq.headers', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': False, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'headers', u'auto_delete': False}, {u'name': u'amq.match', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': False, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'headers', u'auto_delete': False}, {u'name': u'amq.rabbitmq.trace', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': True, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'topic', u'auto_delete': False}, {u'name': u'amq.topic', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': False, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'topic', u'auto_delete': False}, {u'name': u'zenoss.openstack.ceilometer', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': False, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'topic', u'auto_delete': False}, {u'name': u'zenoss.openstack.heartbeats', u'durable': True, u'vhost': u'/zenoss', u'internal': False, u'arguments': {}, u'type': u'topic', u'auto_delete': False}]
- for vhost in json_result:
- if vhostname == vhost.get('vhost', None) and exchange == vhost.get('name', None):
- found = True
- returnValue(found)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def add_exchange_to_vhost(self, exchange, vhostname):
- # /api/exchanges/vhost/name
- path = '/api/exchanges/' + urllib.quote(vhostname, '') + '/' + urllib.quote(exchange, '')
- # The type key is mandatory; other keys are optional.
- # {"type":"direct","auto_delete":false,"durable":true,"internal":false,"arguments":{}}
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path, 'PUT', '{"type":"topic"}')
- # did it work?
- if (not self._does_response_contain_an_error_message(json_result)
- and json_result is not None
- and '204' == json_result.get('status', None)):
- returnValue(True)
- returnValue(False)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def delete_exchange_from_vhost(self, exchange, vhostname):
- # /api/exchanges/vhost/name
- path = '/api/exchanges/' + urllib.quote(vhostname, '') + '/' + urllib.quote(exchange, '')
- # The type key is mandatory; other keys are optional.
- # {"type":"direct","auto_delete":false,"durable":true,"internal":false,"arguments":{}}
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request(path, 'DELETE')
- # did it work?
- if (not self._does_response_contain_an_error_message(json_result)
- and json_result is not None
- and '204' == json_result.get('status', None)):
- returnValue(True)
- returnValue(False)
- @inlineCallbacks
- def verify_access(self):
- json_result = yield self.json_from_request('/api/whoami')
- if self._does_response_contain_an_error_message(json_result):
- returnValue(False)
- # TODO: Further verification on the data returned?
- returnValue(True)
- def _does_response_contain_an_error_message(self, json_result):
- # Check for json results that indicate this happened
- # {"error":"Unauthorized","reason":"\"Unauthorized\"\n"}
- # {"error":"not_authorised","reason":"Not administrator user"}
- # {"error":"Internal Server Error","reason":"{error, ....}"}
- if type(json_result) not in ['list'] and 'error' in json_result:
- log.error("Unsuccessful, the following error response was returned instead: %s", str(json_result))
- return True
- return False
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/configure.zcml b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/configure.zcml
index 23a30819..b8296821 100644
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/configure.zcml
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/configure.zcml
@@ -38,12 +38,6 @@
- log.debug("[%s/%s] Timestamp (%s) appears to be in the future. Using now instead." % (resourceId, meter, value['data']['timestamp']))
- if timestamp < now - CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME:
- log.debug("[%s/%s] Timestamp (%s) is already %d seconds old- discarding message." % (resourceId, meter, value['data']['timestamp'], now - timestamp))
- else:
- cache[device_id].add_perf(resourceId, meter, meter_value, timestamp)
- else:
- log.error("Discarding unrecognized message type: %s" % value['type'])
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/datasources/QueueSizeDataSource.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/datasources/QueueSizeDataSource.py
index f53762c8..04625c53 100644
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/datasources/QueueSizeDataSource.py
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/datasources/QueueSizeDataSource.py
@@ -1,38 +1,24 @@
-# Copyright (C) Zenoss, Inc. 2014, all rights reserved.
+# Copyright (C) Zenoss, Inc. 2014-2024, all rights reserved.
# This content is made available according to terms specified in
# License.zenoss under the directory where your Zenoss product is installed.
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger('zen.OpenStack.QueueSizeStatus')
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
-from zope.component import adapts, getUtility
+from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements
-from Products.ZenEvents import ZenEventClasses
from ZenPacks.zenoss.PythonCollector.datasources.PythonDataSource import (
PythonDataSource, PythonDataSourcePlugin, PythonDataSourceInfo,
from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.utils import add_local_lib_path, result_errmsg
-from zenoss.protocols.interfaces import IAMQPConnectionInfo, IQueueSchema
-from zenoss.protocols.twisted.amqp import AMQPFactory
-import txamqp.client
class QueueSizeDataSource(PythonDataSource):
- Datasource used to check the number of messages in this device's ceilometer
- queues.
+ Deprecated. Need to delete with the next release.
ZENPACKID = 'ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.'
@@ -54,15 +40,14 @@ class QueueSizeDataSource(PythonDataSource):
class IQueueSizeDataSourceInfo(IPythonDataSourceInfo):
- API Info interface for IQueueSizeDataSource.
+ Deprecated. Need to delete with the next release.
class QueueSizeDataSourceInfo(PythonDataSourceInfo):
- API Info adapter factory for QueueSizeDataSource.
+ Deprecated. Need to delete with the next release.
@@ -71,128 +56,8 @@ class QueueSizeDataSourceInfo(PythonDataSourceInfo):
testable = False
-# Persistent state
-# Technically, we could share the same client for all devices, but
-# in the interest of keeping things simple and consistent with the
-# other datasources..
-amqp_client = {} # amqp_client[device.id] = AMQClient object
class QueueSizeDataSourcePlugin(PythonDataSourcePlugin):
- proxy_attributes = ()
- @classmethod
- def config_key(cls, datasource, context):
- """
- Return list that is used to split configurations at the collector.
- This is a classmethod that is executed in zenhub. The datasource and
- context parameters are the full objects.
- """
- return (
- context.device().id,
- datasource.getCycleTime(context),
- datasource.plugin_classname,
- )
- @classmethod
- def params(cls, datasource, context):
- return {}
- @inlineCallbacks
- def collect(self, config):
- log.debug("Collect for OpenStack AMQP Queue Size (%s)" % config.id)
- results = {}
- self._amqpConnectionInfo = getUtility(IAMQPConnectionInfo)
- self._queueSchema = getUtility(IQueueSchema)
- # reuse existing connectio if there is one.
- if config.id in amqp_client and amqp_client[config.id]:
- amqp = amqp_client[config.id]
- else:
- amqp = AMQPFactory(self._amqpConnectionInfo, self._queueSchema)
- yield amqp._onConnectionMade
- amqp_client[config.id] = amqp
- for queuename in ('$OpenStackInboundPerf', '$OpenStackInboundEvent',):
- queue = self._queueSchema.getQueue(queuename, replacements={'device': config.id})
- try:
- info = yield amqp.channel.queue_declare(queue=queue.name,
- passive=True)
- results[queuename] = info.fields[1]
- except txamqp.client.Closed, e:
- log.info("Unable to determine queue size for %s (queue does not exist)" % queue.name)
- pass
- except Exception, e:
- log.info("Unable to determine queue size for %s (%s)" % (queue.name, e))
- pass
- defer.returnValue(results)
- def _disconnect_amqp_client(self, config_id):
- if config_id in amqp_client and amqp_client[config_id]:
- amqp = amqp_client[config_id]
- amqp.disconnect()
- amqp.shutdown()
- del amqp_client[config_id]
- def onSuccess(self, result, config):
- data = self.new_data()
- ds0 = config.datasources[0]
- queue_map = {
- 'perfQueueCount': '$OpenStackInboundPerf',
- 'eventQueueCount': '$OpenStackInboundEvent'
- }
- for point in ds0.points:
- if point.id not in queue_map:
- log.error("Queue datapoint '%s' is not supported" % point.id)
- continue
- if queue_map[point.id] not in result:
- log.error("No queue count available for %s %s" % (config.id, queue_map[point.id]))
- continue
- value = result[queue_map[point.id]]
- data['values'][ds0.component][point.id] = (value, 'N')
- if len(data['values']):
- data['events'].append({
- 'device': config.id,
- 'component': ds0.component,
- 'summary': 'OpenStack AMQP QueueSize: successful collection',
- 'severity': ZenEventClasses.Clear,
- 'eventKey': 'openstackCeilometerAMQPCollection',
- 'eventClassKey': 'openstack-QueueSize',
- })
- return data
- def onError(self, result, config):
- # just in case some error we don't recover from is occurring, throw
- # out the connection.
- self._disconnect_amqp_client(config.id)
- errmsg = 'OpenStack AMQP QueueSize: %s' % result_errmsg(result)
- log.error('%s: %s', config.id, errmsg)
- data = self.new_data()
- data['events'].append({
- 'device': config.id,
- 'summary': errmsg,
- 'severity': ZenEventClasses.Error,
- 'eventKey': 'openstackCeilometerAMQPCollection',
- 'eventClassKey': 'openstack-QueueSize',
- })
- return data
- def cleanup(self, config):
- log.info("Disconnecting any open AMQP connections for OpenStack AMQP QueueDataSource (%s)" % config.id)
- self._disconnect_amqp_client(config.id)
+ """
+ Deprecated. Need to delete with the next release.
+ """
+ pass
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/dsplugins.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/dsplugins.py
index 3063f731..45fbd030 100644
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/dsplugins.py
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/dsplugins.py
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger('zen.OpenStack')
-import datetime
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
@@ -18,34 +14,16 @@
from Products.DataCollector.plugins.DataMaps import ObjectMap
-from Products.ZenEvents import ZenEventClasses
import zope.component
-from zope.component import getUtility
from Products.Five import zcml
import Products.ZenMessaging.queuemessaging
-from zenoss.protocols.interfaces import IAMQPConnectionInfo
zcml.load_config('meta.zcml', zope.component)
zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', zope.component)
zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', Products.ZenMessaging.queuemessaging)
-from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.apiclients.txrabbitadminapi import RabbitMqAdminApiClient
- import servicemigration as sm
- sm.require("1.0.0")
- VERSION5 = True
-except ImportError:
- VERSION5 = False
-# cache of the last password set for each user during rabbitmq provisioning
-# and the last time it was checked
class MaintenanceDataSourcePlugin(PythonDataSourcePlugin):
proxy_attributes = ()
@@ -84,140 +62,3 @@ def onSuccess(self, result, config):
return data
-class RabbitMQCeilometerCredentialsDataSourcePlugin(PythonDataSourcePlugin):
- proxy_attributes = ()
- @classmethod
- def config_key(cls, datasource, context):
- # We would ideally run one task per username to provision.
- # (not per device), but because the task splitter runs per device,
- # this results in duplicate tasks, which fail silently to be allocated.
- # (See ZEN-27883)
- #
- # Instead, we will run it once per device, but only perform the
- # collection step a maximum of once every 5 minutes.
- return (
- context.device().id,
- datasource.getCycleTime(context),
- datasource.plugin_classname,
- context.zOpenStackAMQPUsername
- )
- @classmethod
- def params(cls, datasource, context):
- return {
- 'zOpenStackAMQPUsername': context.zOpenStackAMQPUsername,
- 'zOpenStackAMQPPassword': context.zOpenStackAMQPPassword
- }
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def collect(self, config):
- ds0 = config.datasources[0]
- user = ds0.params['zOpenStackAMQPUsername']
- password = ds0.params['zOpenStackAMQPPassword']
- if not VERSION5:
- # This datasource is only applicable to v5.
- defer.returnValue(None)
- if not user:
- # the task splitter will still consider no user as a valid
- # task differentiator. So, if this is the task for the non
- # existant username, just exit without doing anything.
- defer.returnValue(None)
- last_run = USER_LASTCHECK.get(user)
- if last_run and datetime.datetime.now() - last_run < datetime.timedelta(minutes=5):
- # This user has already been checked within the last
- # 5 minutes.
- log.debug(
- "Skipping RabbitMQCeilometerCredentialsDataSourcePlugin for "
- "user %s because it has already run recently", user)
- defer.returnValue(None)
- USER_LASTCHECK[user] = \
- datetime.datetime.now()
- connectionInfo = getUtility(IAMQPConnectionInfo)
- if USER_PASSWORD.get(user, None) != password:
- # password has changed, or not previously been set- go ahead
- # and set that user up. (note that this will also verify
- # the vhost and exchanges)
- yield self._verify_amqp_credentials(
- vhost='/zenoss',
- user=user,
- password=password,
- admin_host='localhost',
- admin_port='45672',
- admin_user=connectionInfo.user,
- admin_password=connectionInfo.password
- )
- # Store password if we set it successfully.
- USER_PASSWORD[user] = password
- def onSuccess(self, result, config):
- return {
- 'events': [{
- 'summary': 'RabbitMQ-Ceilometer: successful completion',
- 'eventKey': 'RabbitMQCeilometerResult',
- 'severity': ZenEventClasses.Clear,
- 'eventClassKey': 'openstack-RabbitMQ'
- }],
- }
- def onError(self, result, config):
- return {
- 'events': [{
- 'summary': 'Error configuring RabbitMQ-Ceilometer: %s' % result,
- 'eventKey': 'RabbitMQCeilometerResult',
- 'severity': ZenEventClasses.Error,
- 'eventClassKey': 'openstack-RabbitMQ'
- }],
- }
- @inlineCallbacks
- def _verify_amqp_credentials(self, vhost, user, password, admin_host, admin_port, admin_user, admin_password):
- client = RabbitMqAdminApiClient(admin_host, admin_port, admin_user, admin_password)
- log.info("Verifying access to RabbitMQ Management HTTP API")
- if not (yield client.verify_access()):
- raise Exception("Cannot access RabbitMQ Management HTTP API http://%s:%s as %s" % (admin_host, admin_port, admin_user))
- log.info("Verifying vhost...")
- success = yield client.does_vhost_exist(vhost)
- if not success:
- success = yield client.add_vhost(vhost)
- if not success:
- raise Exception("Unable to create vhost %s, cannot complete setup" % vhost)
- log.info("Verifying exchanges...")
- for exchange in ('zenoss.openstack.ceilometer', ):
- success = yield client.does_exchange_exist_on_vhost(exchange, vhost)
- if not success:
- success = yield client.add_exchange_to_vhost(exchange, vhost)
- if not success:
- raise Exception("Unable to create exchange %s on vhost %s, cannot complete setup" % (exchange, vhost))
- log.info("Verifying user '%s'" % user)
- existing_user = yield client.does_user_exist(user)
- # create user if missing, set password if it exists.
- success = yield client.add_user(user, password)
- if not success:
- raise Exception("Unable to create or update user %s, cannot complete setup" % user)
- if not existing_user:
- # If this is a new user, setup desired permissions
- log.info("Setting up new amqp user's permissions")
- success = yield client.delete_user_permissions_from_all_vhosts(user)
- if success:
- success = yield client.add_user_permissions_to_vhost(user, {"configure": "zenoss.openstack.*",
- "write": "zenoss.openstack.*",
- "read": "^$"}, vhost)
- if not success:
- raise Exception("Unable to set permissions for user %s on vhost %s, cannot complete setup" % (user, vhost))
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/init_rabbitmq-ceil.sh b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/init_rabbitmq-ceil.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 32dfdafd..00000000
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/init_rabbitmq-ceil.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ ! -e $SENTINEL ] ; then
- USER=$1
- #Tag with administrator in order to add ability to create and delete users, create and delete permissions through http api
- rabbitmqctl add_user $USER $PASSWORD || true
- rabbitmqctl change_password $USER $PASSWORD
- rabbitmqctl set_user_tags $USER administrator management
- rabbitmqctl add_vhost /zenoss || true
- rabbitmqctl clear_permissions -p /zenoss $USER
- rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /zenoss $USER '.*' '.*' '.*'
- rabbitmqadmin --port=45672 --vhost=/zenoss --username=$USER --password=$PASSWORD declare exchange name=zenoss.openstack.ceilometer type=topic
- rabbitmqctl delete_user guest || true
- touch $SENTINEL
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/openstack_amqp_init.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/openstack_amqp_init.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a34186..00000000
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/openstack_amqp_init.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# This program is part of Zenoss Core, an open source monitoring platform.
-# Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Zenoss Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your
-# option) any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# For complete information please visit: http://www.zenoss.com/oss/
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger('zen.OpenStack.amqp_init')
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import uuid
-import transaction
-import Globals
-from Products.ZenUtils.Utils import unused
-import zope.component
-from zope.component import getUtility, getAdapter
-from Products.Five import zcml
-from Products.ZenUtils.ZenScriptBase import ZenScriptBase
-import Products.ZenMessaging.queuemessaging
-from zenoss.protocols.interfaces import IAMQPConnectionInfo, IQueueSchema, IAMQPChannelAdapter
-from zenoss.protocols.amqp import Publisher as BlockingPublisher
- import servicemigration as sm
- sm.require("1.0.0")
- VERSION5 = True
-except ImportError:
- VERSION5 = False
-def require_rabbitmq():
- print "Verifying rabbitmqctl access"
- try:
- with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
- subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "rabbitmqctl", "list_vhosts"], stdout=devnull)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
- sys.exit("Unable to exceute rabbitmqctl (%s)\nPlease execute this command on the correct host." % e)
-def create_exchanges():
- print "Verifying exchanges"
- # Create all the AMQP exchanges we require. This should be run before we try
- # to have ceilometer send zenoss any events.
- zcml.load_config('meta.zcml', zope.component)
- zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', zope.component)
- zcml.load_config('configure.zcml', Products.ZenMessaging.queuemessaging)
- connectionInfo = getUtility(IAMQPConnectionInfo)
- queueSchema = getUtility(IQueueSchema)
- amqpClient = BlockingPublisher(connectionInfo, queueSchema)
- channel = amqpClient.getChannel()
- for exchange in ('$OpenStackInbound', ):
- exchangeConfig = queueSchema.getExchange(exchange)
- print "Verifying configuration of exchange '%s' (%s)" % (exchange, exchangeConfig.name)
- # Declare the exchange to which the message is being sent
- getAdapter(channel, IAMQPChannelAdapter).declareExchange(exchangeConfig)
- amqpClient.close()
-def create_default_credentials(dmd):
- print "Checking default credentials"
- dc = dmd.getObjByPath("Devices/OpenStack/Infrastructure")
- if not dc.getProperty('zOpenStackAMQPPassword'):
- print "Generating random default zOpenStackAMQPPassword"
- random_password = uuid.uuid4().bytes.encode("base64")[:15]
- dc.setZenProperty('zOpenStackAMQPPassword', random_password)
-def provision_user(dmd):
- dc = dmd.getObjByPath("Devices/OpenStack/Infrastructure")
- user = dc.getZ('zOpenStackAMQPUsername')
- password = dc.getProperty('zOpenStackAMQPPassword')
- conninfo = getUtility(IAMQPConnectionInfo)
- vhost = conninfo.vhost
- if not [x for x in subprocess.check_output(['sudo', 'rabbitmqctl', 'list_users']).split("\n") if x.startswith(user + "\t")]:
- print "Adding user %s to rabbitmq" % user
- try:
- with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
- subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'rabbitmqctl', 'add_user', user, password], stdout=devnull)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
- sys.exit("Unable to exceute rabbitmqctl (%s)" % e)
- else:
- # Set the password (unconditionally)
- print "Updating user password"
- try:
- with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
- subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'rabbitmqctl', 'change_password', user, password], stdout=devnull)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
- sys.exit("Unable to exceute rabbitmqctl (%s)" % e)
- # Fix the user permissions, too, just in case.
- print "Verifying user permissions"
- try:
- with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
- subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'rabbitmqctl', '-p', vhost, 'clear_permissions', user], stdout=devnull)
- subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'rabbitmqctl', '-p', vhost, 'set_permissions', user, 'zenoss.openstack.*', 'zenoss.openstack.*', '^$'], stdout=devnull)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
- sys.exit("Unable to exceute rabbitmqctl (%s)" % e)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if not VERSION5:
- require_rabbitmq()
- create_exchanges()
- # Log into ZODB..
- try:
- script = ZenScriptBase()
- script.connect()
- dmd = script.dmd
- except Exception, e:
- sys.exit("Unable to connect to ZODB: %s" % e)
- create_default_credentials(dmd)
- if not VERSION5:
- provision_user(dmd)
- rabbit_ip = {}
- if VERSION5:
- from Products.ZenUtils.controlplane.application import getConnectionSettings
- from Products.ZenUtils.controlplane import ControlPlaneClient
- client = ControlPlaneClient(**getConnectionSettings())
- for svc_id in [x.id for x in client.queryServices() if x.name == 'RabbitMQ-Ceilometer']:
- svc = client.getService(svc_id)
- for ceil_endpoint in filter(lambda s: s['Name'] == 'rabbitmq_ceil', svc.getRawData()['Endpoints']):
- try:
- ip = ceil_endpoint['AddressAssignment']['IPAddr']
- collector = client.getService(svc.parentId).name
- rabbit_ip[collector] = ip
- except Exception:
- # no ip assignment or error determining what collector this is.
- pass
- dc = dmd.getObjByPath("Devices/OpenStack/Infrastructure")
- transaction.commit()
- conninfo = getUtility(IAMQPConnectionInfo)
- if VERSION5:
- port = 55672
- else:
- port = conninfo.port
- print """
-OpenStack Configuration
-Add the following configuration to ceilometer.conf on all openstack nodes:
-For Mitaka and newer versions,
- meter_dispatchers = zenoss
- event_dispatchers = zenoss
-For Newton and newer versions,
- [event]
- drop_unmatched_notifications = true
-For all versions,
- [notification]
- store_events=True
- [dispatcher_zenoss]
- zenoss_device = [device that the openstack environment is registered as in zenoss]
- amqp_port = {AMQP_PORT}
- amqp_userid = {AMQP_USERID}
- amqp_password = {AMQP_PASSWORD}
- amqp_virtual_host = {AMQP_VIRTUAL_HOST}
- amqp_hostname = [The correct AMQP system IP or hostname (see below)]
- """.format(
- AMQP_PORT=port,
- AMQP_USERID=dc.getZ('zOpenStackAMQPUsername'),
- AMQP_PASSWORD=dc.getProperty('zOpenStackAMQPPassword'),
- AMQP_VIRTUAL_HOST=conninfo.vhost,
- )
- if VERSION5:
- if rabbit_ip:
- print "* The correct IP address will depend upon the collector for the device:"
- for collector_name, ip in rabbit_ip.iteritems():
- print " %s: %s" % (collector_name, ip)
- else:
- print "* No RabbitMQ-Ceilometer IP address assignments could be found."
- print " - To correct this, in Control Center, click 'Assign' for the"
- print " unassigned RabbitMQ-Ceilometer IP assignments."
- else:
- print """
- * Your current Zenoss amqp_hostname is set to '{AMQP_HOSTNAME}'.
- => If this is not the correct IP to access your rabbitmq server from
- external hosts, you must specify the proper IP for amqp_hostname
- in ceilometer.conf.
- """.format(AMQP_HOSTNAME=conninfo.host)
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/openstack_helper.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/openstack_helper.py
index 194f3bf7..d1163dfe 100644
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/openstack_helper.py
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/openstack_helper.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
from optparse import OptionParser
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
-from apiclients.session import SessionManager
+from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.apiclients.session import SessionManager
class OpenstackHelper(object):
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/poll_openstack.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/poll_openstack.py
index 5a5b99ce..350a4e67 100644
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/poll_openstack.py
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/libexec/poll_openstack.py
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
-from apiclients.exceptions import APIClientError
-from apiclients.session import SessionManager
-from apiclients.txapiclient import NovaClient, NeutronClient, CinderClient
+from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.apiclients.exceptions import APIClientError
+from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.apiclients.session import SessionManager
+from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.apiclients.txapiclient import NovaClient, NeutronClient, CinderClient
class OpenStackPoller(object):
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/migrate/RemoveRabbitMQCeilometerService.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/migrate/RemoveRabbitMQCeilometerService.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a6e009f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/migrate/RemoveRabbitMQCeilometerService.py
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright (C) Zenoss, Inc. 2024, all rights reserved.
+# This content is made available according to terms specified in
+# License.zenoss under the directory where your Zenoss product is installed.
+"""Remove RabbitMQ-Ceilometer service"""
+import logging
+import Globals
+from Acquisition import aq_base
+# Platform imports
+from Products.ZenModel.migrate.Migrate import Version
+from Products.ZenModel.ZenPack import ZenPackMigration
+from Products.Zuul.interfaces import ICatalogTool
+from Products.ZenModel.RRDTemplate import RRDTemplate
+from Products.ZenRelations.RelationshipBase import RelationshipBase
+# ZenPack imports
+from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.Instance import Instance
+from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.Endpoint import Endpoint
+from ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.Vnic import Vnic
+from service_migration import remove_migrate_zenpython
+ import servicemigration as sm
+ from Products.ZenUtils.application import ApplicationState
+ from Products.ZenUtils.controlplane.application import getConnectionSettings
+ from Products.ZenUtils.controlplane import ControlPlaneClient
+ from Products.ZenUtils.controlplane import ControlCenterError
+except ImportError:
+LOG = logging.getLogger("zen.migrate")
+# Name of service to remove.
+SERVICE_NAME = "rabbitmq-ceilometer"
+class RemoveRabbitMQCeilometerService(ZenPackMigration):
+ version = Version(4, 0, 1)
+ def migrate(self, pack):
+ if pack.prevZenPackVersion is None:
+ # Do nothing if this is a fresh install of self.version.
+ return
+ return
+ self.migrate_service(pack)
+ self.migrate_templates(pack.dmd)
+ self.rebuild_relations(pack)
+ self.migrate_zprops(pack.dmd)
+ def rebuild_relations(self, pack):
+ results = ICatalogTool(pack.dmd.Devices.OpenStack.Infrastructure).search([Instance, Vnic, Endpoint])
+ LOG.info("starting: %s total objects", results.total)
+ objects_migrated = 0
+ for brain in results:
+ try:
+ if self.updateRelations(brain.getObject()):
+ objects_migrated += 1
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.exception(
+ "error updating relationships for %s",
+ brain.id)
+ LOG.info("finished: %s of %s objects required migration", objects_migrated, results.total)
+ def updateRelations(self, comp):
+ if isinstance(comp, Instance):
+ relations = Instance._relations
+ elif isinstance(comp, Endpoint):
+ relations = Endpoint._relations
+ elif isinstance(comp, Vnic):
+ relations = Vnic._relations
+ for relname in (x[0] for x in relations):
+ rel = getattr(aq_base(comp), relname, None)
+ if not rel or not isinstance(rel, RelationshipBase):
+ comp.buildRelations()
+ return True
+ return False
+ def migrate_zprops(self, dmd):
+ zprops_to_remove = ["zOpenStackAMQPUsername", "zOpenStackAMQPPassword"]
+ for zprop in zprops_to_remove:
+ if dmd.Devices.hasProperty(zprop):
+ try:
+ dmd.Devices._delProperty(zprop)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.warn("Failed to delete zProperty - %s with a message: %s", zprop, e)
+ def migrate_templates(self, dmd):
+ amqp_templates = [
+ "Endpoint",
+ "Instance",
+ "Vnic"
+ ]
+ ds_types_to_delete = [
+ "OpenStack Ceilometer AMQP",
+ "OpenStack Ceilometer Events AMQP",
+ "OpenStack Ceilometer Heartbeats AMQP",
+ "OpenStack AMQP Queue Size"
+ ]
+ ds_names_to_delete = [
+ "rabbitmq-credentials",
+ "openstackQueues"
+ ]
+ templates = []
+ results = ICatalogTool(dmd.Devices.OpenStack.Infrastructure).search(RRDTemplate)
+ if results.total == 0:
+ return
+ for result in results:
+ try:
+ template = result.getObject()
+ except Exception:
+ continue
+ if template.id in amqp_templates:
+ templates.append(template)
+ for template in templates:
+ ds_to_delete = []
+ for ds in template.datasources():
+ if ds.sourcetype in ds_types_to_delete or ds.id in ds_names_to_delete:
+ ds_to_delete.append(ds.id)
+ if ds_to_delete:
+ try:
+ template.manage_deleteRRDDataSources(ds_to_delete)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.warn("Failed to delete datasource - %s with a message: %s", ds_to_delete, e)
+ # if the template is empty then remove it
+ if len(template.datasources()) == 0:
+ try:
+ template.deviceClass().manage_deleteRRDTemplates((template.id,))
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.warn("Failed to delete template - %s with a message: %s", template.id, e)
+ def migrate_service(self, pack):
+ sm.require("1.0.0")
+ try:
+ ctx = sm.ServiceContext()
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.warn("Failed to remove %s service: %s", SERVICE_NAME, e)
+ return
+ services = get_services_ids(ctx)
+ if not services:
+ return
+ client = ControlPlaneClient(**getConnectionSettings())
+ # Stop and remove the old service and rabbitmqs_ceil endpoints in zenpython.
+ remove_migrate_zenpython()
+ remove_service(client, services)
+def get_services_ids(ctx):
+ services = []
+ """Return service to be removed or None."""
+ for service in ctx.services:
+ if service.name.lower() == SERVICE_NAME:
+ services.append(service)
+ return services
+def stop_service(client, service):
+ """Stop service."""
+ service_id = service._Service__data['ID']
+ try:
+ status = client.queryServiceStatus(service_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.warn("failed to get %s service status: %s", service.name, e)
+ else:
+ for instance_status in status.itervalues():
+ if instance_status.status != ApplicationState.STOPPED:
+ try:
+ client.stopService(service_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.warn("failed to stop %s service: %s", service.name, e)
+ return
+def remove_service(client, services):
+ """Remove service. Stopping it first if necessary."""
+ for service in services:
+ stop_service(client, service)
+ try:
+ client.deleteService(service._Service__data['ID'])
+ LOG.info("successfuly removed service from serviced: %s", service.name)
+ except ControlCenterError as e:
+ LOG.warn("failed to remove %s service: %s", service.name, e)
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/-CONFIGS-/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/-CONFIGS-/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 85dd8983..00000000
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/-CONFIGS-/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-RABBITMQ_MNESIA_BASE=/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia-ceil-{{(parent .).Name}}{{if ne .InstanceID 0}}-node{{end}}
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/-CONFIGS-/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/-CONFIGS-/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 36470649..00000000
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/-CONFIGS-/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- {rabbit, [
- {log_levels, [{connection, error}]},
- {cluster_nodes, {[{{with $service := .}}{{with $rabbits := .Instances}}{{range (each $rabbits) }}'rabbit@rbt-ceil{{.}}'{{if ne (plus 1 .) $rabbits}},{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}], disc}}
- ]},
- {rabbitmq_management, [{listener, [{port, 45672}]}]},
- {kernel, [
- {inet_dist_listen_max, 54001},
- {inet_dist_listen_min, 54001}
- ]}
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/RabbitMQ-Ceilometer.json b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/RabbitMQ-Ceilometer.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ccf1aa14..00000000
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_definition/RabbitMQ-Ceilometer.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
- "servicePath": "/hub/collector",
- "serviceDefinition": {
- "CPUCommitment": 1,
- "Command": "/usr/sbin/rabbitmq-server",
- "ConfigFiles": {
- "/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf": {
- "FileName": "/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf",
- "Owner": "root:root",
- "Permissions": "0664"
- },
- "/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config": {
- "FileName": "/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config",
- "Owner": "root:root",
- "Permissions": "0664"
- }
- },
- "Description": "RabbitMQ server for OpenStackInfrastructure Ceilometer",
- "Endpoints": [
- {
- "AddressConfig": {
- "Port": 45672,
- "Protocol": "tcp"
- },
- "Application": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}_admin",
- "Name": "rabbitmq_ceil admin",
- "PortNumber": 45672,
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "export"
- },
- {
- "AddressConfig": {
- "Port": 55672,
- "Protocol": "tcp"
- },
- "Application": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}",
- "Name": "rabbitmq_ceil",
- "PortNumber": 55672,
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "export"
- },
- {
- "Application": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}_epmd",
- "Name": "rabbitmq_ceil_epmd",
- "PortNumber": 54369,
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "export"
- },
- {
- "Application": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}_inet_dist",
- "Name": "rabbitmq_ceil_inet_dist",
- "PortNumber": 54001,
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "export"
- },
- {
- "Application": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}_epmd",
- "Name": "rabbitmq_ceil_epmds",
- "PortNumber": 54369,
- "PortTemplate": "{{plus .InstanceID 24369}}",
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "import_all",
- "VirtualAddress": "rbtc{{.InstanceID}}:54369"
- },
- {
- "Application": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}_inet_dist",
- "Name": "rabbitmq_ceil_inet_dists",
- "PortNumber": 54001,
- "PortTemplate": "{{plus .InstanceID 49001}}",
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "import_all",
- "VirtualAddress": "rbtc{{.InstanceID}}:54001"
- },
- {
- "Application": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}",
- "Name": "rabbitmqs_ceil",
- "PortNumber": 55672,
- "PortTemplate": "{{plus .InstanceID 35672}}",
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "import_all",
- "VirtualAddress": "rbtc{{.InstanceID}}:55672"
- }
- ],
- "Environment": [
- "ERL_EPMD_PORT=54369"
- ],
- "HealthChecks": {
- "admin": {
- "Interval": 10.0,
- "Script": "curl -s -u {{(getContext . \"global.conf.amqpuser\")}}:{{(getContext . \"global.conf.amqppassword\")}} http://localhost:45672/api/vhosts | grep -q /zenoss"
- },
- "publishing": {
- "Interval": 10.0,
- "Script": "curl -s -u {{(getContext . \"global.conf.amqpuser\")}}:{{(getContext . \"global.conf.amqppassword\")}} http://localhost:45672/api/aliveness-test/%%2Fzenoss | grep -q '{\"status\":\"ok\"}'"
- },
- "ceilometer-setup": {
- "Interval": 15.0,
- "Script": "init_rabbitmq-ceil.sh {{(getContext . \"global.conf.amqpuser\")}} {{(getContext . \"global.conf.amqppassword\")}}"
- }
- },
- "Hostname": "rbt-ceil{{.InstanceID}}",
- "ImageID": "",
- "Instances": {
- "min": 1
- },
- "Launch": "auto",
- "LogConfigs": [
- {
- "path": "/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@localhost.log",
- "type": "rabbitmq"
- },
- {
- "path": "/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@localhost-sasl.log",
- "type": "rabbitmq_sasl"
- }
- ],
- "Name": "RabbitMQ-Ceilometer",
- "Prereqs": [
- {
- "Name": "Cluster Leader Start",
- "Script": "[ $(hostname) == 'rbt-ceil0' ] || rabbitmqctl -n rabbit@rbt-ceil0 status | grep nodedown || sleep 5"
- }
- ],
- "Privileged": true,
- "RAMCommitment": "256M",
- "Services": [],
- "Snapshot": {
- "Pause": "PAUSE_CHECK_TIMEOUT=60 ${ZENHOME:-/opt/zenoss}/bin/quiesce-rabbitmq.sh pause",
- "Resume": "${ZENHOME:-/opt/zenoss}/bin/quiesce-rabbitmq.sh resume"
- },
- "Tags": [
- "daemon",
- "collector"
- ],
- "Volumes": [
- {
- "#####": "drwxr-x--- 4 rabbitmq rabbitmq 4096 Feb 25 21:25 /var/lib/rabbitmq",
- "ContainerPath": "/var/lib/rabbitmq",
- "Owner": "rabbitmq:rabbitmq",
- "Permission": "0750",
- "ResourcePath": "rabbitmq/ceil-{{(parent .).Name}}{{.InstanceID}}"
- }
- ]
- }
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_migration.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_migration.py
index e8c51b74..83dda0db 100644
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_migration.py
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/service_migration.py
@@ -22,30 +22,6 @@
import copy
import os
-def fix_service_healthcheck_path():
- # When the zenpack is installed or upgraded, the path to the healthcheck
- # script will need to be updated to reflect the current zenpack path.
- if not VERSION5:
- return
- try:
- ctx = sm.ServiceContext()
- except sm.ServiceMigrationError:
- log.info("Couldn't generate service context, skipping.")
- return
- for svc in ctx.services:
- if svc.name != 'RabbitMQ-Ceilometer':
- continue
- for check in svc.healthChecks:
- if check.name == 'ceilometer-setup':
- log.info("Enabling %s healthcheck for %s", check.name, ctx.getServicePath(svc))
- script_path = zenpack_path('libexec/init_rabbitmq-ceil.sh')
- check.script = script_path + ' {{(getContext . "global.conf.amqpuser")}} {{(getContext . "global.conf.amqppassword")}}'
- ctx.commit()
def force_update_configs(zenpack, service_name, config_filenames):
# update the specified config filenames to match those provided in the
@@ -76,97 +52,6 @@ def force_update_configs(zenpack, service_name, config_filenames):
-def install_migrate_zenpython():
- if not VERSION5:
- return
- try:
- ctx = sm.ServiceContext()
- except sm.ServiceMigrationError:
- log.info("Couldn't generate service context, skipping.")
- return
- # Create the endpoints we're importing.
- mgmt_endpoint = {
- "ApplicationTemplate": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}_admin",
- "Name": "rabbitmqadmins_ceil",
- "PortNumber": 45672,
- "PortTemplate": "{{plus .InstanceID 45672}}",
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "import_all"
- }
- mgmt_endpoint_lc = {key.lower(): value for (key, value) in mgmt_endpoint.iteritems()}
- try:
- rabbit_mgmt = sm.Endpoint(**mgmt_endpoint_lc)
- except TypeError:
- mgmt_endpoint_lc = {key.lower(): value for (key, value) in mgmt_endpoint.iteritems() if key != "PortTemplate"}
- amqp_endpoint = {
- "ApplicationTemplate": "openstack_rabbitmq_{{(parent .).Name}}",
- "Name": "rabbitmqs_ceil",
- "PortNumber": 55672,
- "PortTemplate": "{{plus .InstanceID 55672}}",
- "Protocol": "tcp",
- "Purpose": "import_all"
- }
- amqp_endpoint_lc = {key.lower(): value for (key, value) in amqp_endpoint.iteritems()}
- try:
- rabbit_amqp = sm.Endpoint(**amqp_endpoint_lc)
- except TypeError:
- amqp_endpoint_lc = {key.lower(): value for (key, value) in amqp_endpoint.iteritems() if key != "PortTemplate"}
- commit = False
- zpythons = filter(lambda s: s.name == "zenpython", ctx.services)
- log.info("Found %i services named 'zenpython'" % len(zpythons))
- for zpython in zpythons:
- collector = ctx.getServiceParent(zpython).name
- rbtamqp_imports = filter(lambda ep: ep.name == "rabbitmqs_ceil" and ep.purpose == "import_all", zpython.endpoints)
- if len(rbtamqp_imports) > 0:
- log.info("Service %s already has a rabbitmqs_ceil endpoint." % ctx.getServicePath(zpython))
- else:
- log.info("Adding a rabbitmqs_ceil import endpoint to service '%s'." % ctx.getServicePath(zpython))
- rabbit_amqp = sm.Endpoint(**amqp_endpoint_lc)
- rabbit_amqp.__data = copy.deepcopy(amqp_endpoint)
- rabbit_amqp.application = "openstack_rabbitmq_{}".format(collector)
- zpython.endpoints.append(rabbit_amqp)
- commit = True
- rbtmgmt_imports = filter(lambda ep: ep.name == "rabbitmqadmins_ceil" and ep.purpose == "import_all", zpython.endpoints)
- if len(rbtmgmt_imports) > 0:
- log.info("Service %s already has a rabbitmqadmins_ceil endpoint." % ctx.getServicePath(zpython))
- else:
- log.info("Adding a rabbitmqadmins_ceil import endpoint to service '%s'." % ctx.getServicePath(zpython))
- rabbit_mgmt = sm.Endpoint(**mgmt_endpoint_lc)
- rabbit_mgmt.__data = copy.deepcopy(mgmt_endpoint)
- rabbit_mgmt.application = "openstack_rabbitmq_{}_admin".format(collector)
- zpython.endpoints.append(rabbit_mgmt)
- commit = True
- # Fix application names for existing rabbitmq-ceilometer and zenpython endpoints
- # naming convention.
- services = filter(lambda s: s.name == "zenpython" or s.name == "RabbitMQ-Ceilometer", ctx.services)
- change_count = 0
- for service in services:
- collector = ctx.getServiceParent(service).name
- for endpoint in service.endpoints:
- if endpoint.application.startswith("rabbitmq_"):
- new_application_name = endpoint.application.replace("rabbitmq_", "openstack_rabbitmq_")
- log.debug("%s/%s: Changing endpoint from %s to %s", collector, service.name, endpoint.application, new_application_name)
- endpoint.application = new_application_name
- commit = True
- change_count += 1
- if endpoint.applicationtemplate.startswith("rabbitmq_"):
- new_application_template = endpoint.applicationtemplate.replace("rabbitmq_", "openstack_rabbitmq_")
- log.debug("%s/%s: Changing endpoint template from %s to %s", collector, service.name, endpoint.applicationtemplate, new_application_template)
- endpoint.applicationtemplate = new_application_template
- commit = True
- change_count += 1
- if change_count:
- log.info("Upgraded %d endpoint names and templates to new naming convention.", change_count)
- if commit:
- ctx.commit()
def remove_migrate_zenpython():
if not VERSION5:
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/tests/test_cvim.py b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/tests/test_cvim.py
index 4fa4d747..2116fd3c 100755
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/tests/test_cvim.py
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/tests/test_cvim.py
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def afterSetUp(self):
self.linux_dc = self.dmd.Devices.createOrganizer('/Server/SSH/Linux/NovaHost')
self.hostmap = HostMap()
- @crochet.wait_for(timeout=30)
+ @crochet.wait_for(timeout=60)
def perform_mapping(self):
# This has to be run through the twisted reactor.
return self.hostmap.perform_mapping()
diff --git a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/zenpack.yaml b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/zenpack.yaml
index f439e213..3e97855d 100644
--- a/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/zenpack.yaml
+++ b/ZenPacks/zenoss/OpenStackInfrastructure/zenpack.yaml
@@ -89,15 +89,6 @@ zProperties:
containers. Provide the container names (or a pattern to match
them) here, or leave blank in a non-containerized openstack
- zOpenStackAMQPUsername:
- type: string
- default: openstack
- label: Username for ceilometer AMQP integration
- description: See documentation for details.
- zOpenStackAMQPPassword:
- type: password
- label: Password for ceilometer AMQP integration
- description: See documentation for details.
type: string
default: ''
@@ -227,9 +218,6 @@ device_classes:
description: 'OpenStackInfrastructure: Endpoint Monitoring'
targetPythonClass: ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.Endpoint
- events:
- type: OpenStack Ceilometer Events AMQP
- cycletime: 30
type: OpenStack Neutron Agent Status
cycletime: 30
@@ -237,10 +225,6 @@ device_classes:
type: Python
plugin_classname: ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.dsplugins.MaintenanceDataSourcePlugin
cycletime: 7200
- rabbitmq-credentials:
- type: Python
- plugin_classname: ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.dsplugins.RabbitMQCeilometerCredentialsDataSourcePlugin
- cycletime: 300
commandTemplate: ${here/ZenPackManager/packs/ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure/path}/libexec/poll_openstack.py
@@ -384,12 +368,6 @@ device_classes:
aliases: {pool_qos_support__count: null}
parser: ZenPacks.zenoss.OpenStackInfrastructure.parsers.endpoint
- openstackQueues:
- type: OpenStack AMQP Queue Size
- cycletime: 300
- datapoints:
- eventQueueCount: {}
- perfQueueCount: {}
type: OpenStack Nova Service Status
cycletime: 30
@@ -512,17 +490,6 @@ device_classes:
dpName: openstack_networkTotalCount
format: '%7.0lf'
- Queues:
- units: count
- miny: 0
- graphpoints:
- Event:
- dpName: openstackQueues_eventQueueCount
- format: '%7.0lf'
- Performance:
- dpName: openstackQueues_perfQueueCount
- format: '%7.0lf'
- color: 98df8a
units: count
miny: 0
diff --git a/docs/body.md b/docs/body.md
index 84a00f83..036e43a6 100644
--- a/docs/body.md
+++ b/docs/body.md
@@ -1018,6 +1018,18 @@ option requires that your browser have https connectivity to the Zenoss collecto
external SSH access may not be available by default, and additional
configuration may be required to achieve it.
+* Starting from OpenStackInfrastructure version 4.0.1, the RabbitMQ-ceilometer
+ service has been removed from the ZenPack. As a result, events and performance
+ data are no longer collected from OpenStack Ceilometer via AMQM. OpenStack
+ Ceilometer collection have been fully migrated to the zenopenstack service.
+ The following OpenStackInfrastructure AMQP data source types are deleted
+ during the upgrade:
+ - OpenStack Ceilometer AMQP
+ - OpenStack Ceilometer Events AMQP
+ - OpenStack Ceilometer Heartbeats AMQP
+ - OpenStack AMQP Queue Size"
Zenoss Analytics
@@ -1203,6 +1215,21 @@ Known Issues
+- Removed RabbitMQ-ceilometer service from the ZenPack (ZPS-8941)
+- Fixed execute permission for OSI devices (ZPS-8939)
+- Tested with Zenoss Resource Manager 6.7.0, Zenoss Cloud and Service Impact 5.7.0
+- Added support for OSP 16.x
+- Increased Read timeout (ZPS-7352)
+- Modeling needs to succeed when cinder service is not available. (ZPS-7362)
+- Host name is constructed with informative string unique to the endpoint and host combination (ZPS-7318)
+- Added support for Queens, Rocky, Ussuri, Train, Victoria and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) version 13, 14 and 16
+- Tested with Zenoss Resource Manager 6.5.0, 6.6.0, Zenoss Cloud and Service Impact 5.5.3
- Add support for Twisted library update (ZPS-6975)
diff --git a/docs/releases.md b/docs/releases.md
index 89b743cf..171247b4 100644
--- a/docs/releases.md
+++ b/docs/releases.md
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
-Version 4.0.0- Download
-: Released on 2021/06/04
-: Requires PythonCollector ZenPack,OpenStack (Tenant View) ZenPack,Linux Monitor ZenPack
-: Requires PythonCollector ZenPack,OpenStack (Tenant View) ZenPack,Linux Monitor ZenPack
-: Tested with Zenoss Resource Manager 6.6.0, Zenoss Cloud and Service Impact 5.5.3
-Version 3.0.1- Download
-: Released on 2020/06/05
+Version 4.0.1 - Download
+: Released on 2024/08/06
: Requires PythonCollector ZenPack,OpenStack (Tenant View) ZenPack,Linux Monitor ZenPack
: Requires PythonCollector ZenPack,OpenStack (Tenant View) ZenPack,Linux Monitor ZenPack
-: Tested with Zenoss Resource Manager 6.4.1, Zenoss Cloud and Service Impact 5.5.1
+: Compatible with Zenoss 6.x and Zenoss Cloud
-Version 2.4.2- Download
-: Released on 2018/08/15
+Version 4.0.0 - Download
+: Released on 2021/06/04
: Requires PythonCollector ZenPack,OpenStack (Tenant View) ZenPack,Linux Monitor ZenPack
: Requires PythonCollector ZenPack,OpenStack (Tenant View) ZenPack,Linux Monitor ZenPack
-: Compatible with Zenoss 4.2 - 6.2
+: Compatible with Zenoss 6.x and Zenoss Cloud