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The next platform

作者提到的 [[kubernetes]] 的问题:

  • Steep learning curve.
  • Lots of moving parts.
  • Requires a dozen other CNCF projects to do useful work.
  • Helm templating was a mistake but it’s too popular now.
  • Everything has to be containerized, which complicates dev environments and slows down CI/CD.

我日常需要的是一个随时启动的、持久化的 VM/Container。话题太大,以至于没有想法。

Gregory Szorc’s Digital Home | Transferring Python Build Standalone Stewardship to Astral A new home for python-build-standalone

python-build-standalone 项目将转移到 [[Astral]] Org 下。过去几个月的版本发布已经是 Astral 员工维护,为了更好的体现这一点,所以进行了转移。

python-build-standalone 的一个 Release 包含的 Assets 有 947 个,这会不会是 Github 上面最多的…..

What is proto? | moonrepo

一个新的版本管理器,重点是 pluggable。不知道和 [[mise]] 的区别是什么。

Pessimistic or Optimistic Concurrency Control? Lessons Learned from Real-World Customer Scenarios | by siddontang | Dec, 2024 | Medium

What We Learned from Customers:

  • Don’t Assume the Customer Knows Their Workloads
  • Don’t Assume the Customer Knows How to Write Retry Logic
  • Don’t Assume the Customer Can Easily Change Their Codebase
  • Don’t Assume the Customer Only Has Short, Small Transactions
  • Don’t Assume the Customer Understands Which Keys Are Prone to Conflict

**If there’s one lesson we’ve learned, it’s this: Always evaluate concurrency control strategies in the context of real-world conditions, not just theoretical ideals.

专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 开篇 -专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 工作的收益究竟是什么?

忘记是什么时候在推特上关注的 Xiaowen 了,是靠谱的职场老大哥,他的一些观点我时不时的会重新看一看。还有一位职场老大哥是在豆瓣上关注的 ,他可能不想太多人关注到,就不贴了。

iptables 拦截 bridge 包的问题排查 | 卡瓦邦噶!

经过一通乱查,发现 Bridge 的包跑到了 iptables 里面去,被 iptables 的 FORWARD chain DROP 了。

我有一个排查 iptables 是哪一条 rule 丢包的妙计,就是 watch -d "iptables -nvL | grep DROP",watch 会监控引号中的脚本,脚本会过滤出来所有会丢包的 rule,-d 参数很关键,它可以让 watch 每次对比和上一次命令的不通,然后高亮出来。一眼定位到问题。

生活 +专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 工作的收益究竟是什么?

所以,回到标题,工作的最大收益究竟是什么? +我觉得,是能力和经验。如果你的工作顺带能给你提供一些物有所值甚至物超所值的经济反馈,那自然是更好的。但如果你的工作无法给你带来能力和经验上的继续跃迁,那钱再多你也需要足够的警惕才好。

忘记是什么时候在推特上关注的 Xiaowen 了,靠谱的职场老大哥,他的一些观点我时不时的会重新看一看,现在还在持续输出观点的人不多了,有价值的就更少了。还有一位职场老大哥是在豆瓣上关注的,他可能不想太多人关注到,就不贴了。

iptables 拦截 bridge 包的问题排查 | 卡瓦邦噶!

经过一通乱查,发现 Bridge 的包跑到了 iptables 里面去,被 iptables 的 FORWARD chain DROP 了。

我有一个排查 iptables 是哪一条 rule 丢包的妙计,就是 watch -d "iptables -nvL | grep DROP",watch 会监控引号中的脚本,脚本会过滤出来所有会丢包的 rule,-d 参数很关键,它可以让 watch 每次对比和上一次命令的不通,然后高亮出来。一眼定位到问题。

生活 -链接到标题

韩国旅行回忆:首尔、釜山与仁川的真实体验 - Jimmy Song


[[韩国]]游记。刚好最近朋友也去韩国玩了很久,跟我推荐釜山。我还挺想去一次韩国的,因为日常看韩剧比较多,听歌也听 K-pop 多一些,想实际的去看看韩国的生活。

书影 +链接到标题

韩国旅行回忆:首尔、釜山与仁川的真实体验 - Jimmy Song


[[韩国]]游记。刚好最近朋友也去韩国玩了很久,跟我推荐釜山。我还挺想去一次韩国的,因为日常看韩剧比较多,听歌也听 K-pop 多一些,想实际的去看看韩国的生活。

my second year without a job | shilin typing… +My second year without a job | Hacker News

At the end of 2022, when I quit my job to work on my projects, I made resolutions: to make $1M in revenue in 2025. Well, that’s not really happening… But rest assured, I do everything possible to reach that goal rather sooner than later.

At first, I thought I would only write about my projects, as any struggling entrepreneur should. But this year was about much more than just projects. Without music, sports, and friends, I wouldn’t be able to keep up with work, especially unpaid. No matter the angle under which I look at it, it was a great year — fulfilling, with a lot of love and care.

作者在加拿大 2 年花光了自己的积蓄(8w 美元)在离职初期有着很好的预想,虽然没有达到,但是也没有很糟糕,作者学习了钢琴,做了更多的运动,度过了美好的一年。

HackerNews 评论的这段话也是值得思考的:“He’s privileged sure, not because he had 80K in the bank to burn through, but because he knows it’s not the end of him when it’s burnt through. He COULD get a job and steady income if he wanted, in at least that 80K range (probably double really). So meh. Good for him though for scratching his itches though. Any dude who can code can be a wage slave if they really want to.”


书影 链接到标题

《选择安乐死的日本人》,前阵子安乐死的相关讨论很多(大家在谈论安乐死的时候默认指的是主动安乐死),但是自己对于这个伦理话题没有什么想法,想着找本书来了解下。书里讲述的主体是一个单身年长女性患病(MSA)“自死”的过程记录。当前日本是不允许安乐死的,所以她选择去瑞士去寻死。当前安乐死的前提条件是:a. 有难以忍受的病痛;b.没有治愈的希望;c.能够明确地表达意愿;d.没有患者期望的治疗手段。这个世界还有很多的病痛没有解法,患者知道自己接下来的生活状态会是什么样子,比如失去沟通能力、无法行走、无法自理。安乐死分为两种,一种是机构把药给患者,由患者自行服用;另一种是医生主动投药使患者死亡。



碎碎念 diff --git a/atom.xml b/atom.xml index 971b9b72f..b34b13d9d 100644 --- a/atom.xml +++ b/atom.xml @@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ <hr> <p><a href="https://world.hey.com/xiaowen/post-e21b61eb" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 开篇</a> <a href="https://world.hey.com/xiaowen/post-f0f31070" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 工作的收益究竟是什么?</a></p> -<p>忘记是什么时候在推特上关注的 Xiaowen 了,是靠谱的职场老大哥,他的一些观点我时不时的会重新看一看。还有一位职场老大哥是在豆瓣上关注的 ,他可能不想太多人关注到,就不贴了。</p> +<blockquote> +<p>所以,回到标题,工作的最大收益究竟是什么? +我觉得,是能力和经验。如果你的工作顺带能给你提供一些物有所值甚至物超所值的经济反馈,那自然是更好的。但如果你的工作无法给你带来能力和经验上的继续跃迁,那钱再多你也需要足够的警惕才好。</p> +</blockquote> +<p>忘记是什么时候在推特上关注的 Xiaowen 了,靠谱的职场老大哥,他的一些观点我时不时的会重新看一看,现在还在持续输出观点的人不多了,有价值的就更少了。还有一位职场老大哥是在豆瓣上关注的,他可能不想太多人关注到,就不贴了。</p> <hr> <p><a href="https://www.kawabangga.com/posts/6726" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">iptables 拦截 bridge 包的问题排查 | 卡瓦邦噶!</a></p> <blockquote> @@ -71,6 +75,18 @@ </blockquote> <p>[[韩国]]游记。刚好最近朋友也去韩国玩了很久,跟我推荐釜山。我还挺想去一次韩国的,因为日常看韩剧比较多,听歌也听 K-pop 多一些,想实际的去看看韩国的生活。</p> <hr> +<p><a href="https://shilin.ca/my-second-year-without-job/" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">my second year without a job | shilin typing&hellip;</a> +<a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42344002" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">My second year without a job | Hacker News</a></p> +<blockquote> +<p>At the end of 2022, when I quit my job to work on my projects, I made resolutions: to make $1M in revenue in 2025. Well, that&rsquo;s not really happening… But rest assured, I do everything possible to reach that goal rather sooner than later.</p> +</blockquote> +<blockquote> +<p>At first, I thought I would only write about my projects, as any struggling entrepreneur should. But this year was about much more than just projects. Without music, sports, and friends, I wouldn&rsquo;t be able to keep up with work, especially unpaid. No matter the angle under which I look at it, it was a great year — fulfilling, with a lot of love and care.</p> +</blockquote> +<p>作者在加拿大 2 年花光了自己的积蓄(8w 美元)在离职初期有着很好的预想,虽然没有达到,但是也没有很糟糕,作者学习了钢琴,做了更多的运动,度过了美好的一年。</p> +<p>HackerNews 评论的这段话也是值得思考的:“He&rsquo;s privileged sure, not because he had 80K in the bank to burn through, but because he knows it&rsquo;s not the end of him when it&rsquo;s burnt through. He COULD get a job and steady income if he wanted, in at least that 80K range (probably double really). So meh. Good for him though for scratching his itches though. Any dude who can code can be a wage slave if they really want to.”</p> +<p>最近一个同事要离职了,说现在只是想要低成本的活着。如果我离职之后,会做什么?我的积蓄可以让我(低成本)生活多久?这是我和周围朋友聊天的时候经常会谈论的话题,但又总是没有想法。在工作中寻找意义太难了,其他方向寻找意义又找不到。</p> +<hr> <h2 id="书影"> 书影 <a class="heading-link" href="#%e4%b9%a6%e5%bd%b1"> diff --git a/posts/atom.xml b/posts/atom.xml index bafae9c38..286c34529 100644 --- a/posts/atom.xml +++ b/posts/atom.xml @@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ <hr> <p><a href="https://world.hey.com/xiaowen/post-e21b61eb" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 开篇</a> <a href="https://world.hey.com/xiaowen/post-f0f31070" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 工作的收益究竟是什么?</a></p> -<p>忘记是什么时候在推特上关注的 Xiaowen 了,是靠谱的职场老大哥,他的一些观点我时不时的会重新看一看。还有一位职场老大哥是在豆瓣上关注的 ,他可能不想太多人关注到,就不贴了。</p> +<blockquote> +<p>所以,回到标题,工作的最大收益究竟是什么? +我觉得,是能力和经验。如果你的工作顺带能给你提供一些物有所值甚至物超所值的经济反馈,那自然是更好的。但如果你的工作无法给你带来能力和经验上的继续跃迁,那钱再多你也需要足够的警惕才好。</p> +</blockquote> +<p>忘记是什么时候在推特上关注的 Xiaowen 了,靠谱的职场老大哥,他的一些观点我时不时的会重新看一看,现在还在持续输出观点的人不多了,有价值的就更少了。还有一位职场老大哥是在豆瓣上关注的,他可能不想太多人关注到,就不贴了。</p> <hr> <p><a href="https://www.kawabangga.com/posts/6726" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">iptables 拦截 bridge 包的问题排查 | 卡瓦邦噶!</a></p> <blockquote> @@ -71,6 +75,18 @@ </blockquote> <p>[[韩国]]游记。刚好最近朋友也去韩国玩了很久,跟我推荐釜山。我还挺想去一次韩国的,因为日常看韩剧比较多,听歌也听 K-pop 多一些,想实际的去看看韩国的生活。</p> <hr> +<p><a href="https://shilin.ca/my-second-year-without-job/" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">my second year without a job | shilin typing&hellip;</a> +<a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42344002" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">My second year without a job | Hacker News</a></p> +<blockquote> +<p>At the end of 2022, when I quit my job to work on my projects, I made resolutions: to make $1M in revenue in 2025. Well, that&rsquo;s not really happening… But rest assured, I do everything possible to reach that goal rather sooner than later.</p> +</blockquote> +<blockquote> +<p>At first, I thought I would only write about my projects, as any struggling entrepreneur should. But this year was about much more than just projects. Without music, sports, and friends, I wouldn&rsquo;t be able to keep up with work, especially unpaid. No matter the angle under which I look at it, it was a great year — fulfilling, with a lot of love and care.</p> +</blockquote> +<p>作者在加拿大 2 年花光了自己的积蓄(8w 美元)在离职初期有着很好的预想,虽然没有达到,但是也没有很糟糕,作者学习了钢琴,做了更多的运动,度过了美好的一年。</p> +<p>HackerNews 评论的这段话也是值得思考的:“He&rsquo;s privileged sure, not because he had 80K in the bank to burn through, but because he knows it&rsquo;s not the end of him when it&rsquo;s burnt through. He COULD get a job and steady income if he wanted, in at least that 80K range (probably double really). So meh. Good for him though for scratching his itches though. Any dude who can code can be a wage slave if they really want to.”</p> +<p>最近一个同事要离职了,说现在只是想要低成本的活着。如果我离职之后,会做什么?我的积蓄可以让我(低成本)生活多久?这是我和周围朋友聊天的时候经常会谈论的话题,但又总是没有想法。在工作中寻找意义太难了,其他方向寻找意义又找不到。</p> +<hr> <h2 id="书影"> 书影 <a class="heading-link" href="#%e4%b9%a6%e5%bd%b1"> diff --git a/tags/Weekly/atom.xml b/tags/Weekly/atom.xml index 2cb903b75..e379263c4 100644 --- a/tags/Weekly/atom.xml +++ b/tags/Weekly/atom.xml @@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ <hr> <p><a href="https://world.hey.com/xiaowen/post-e21b61eb" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 开篇</a> <a href="https://world.hey.com/xiaowen/post-f0f31070" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">专栏:职场不用喝咖啡 - 工作的收益究竟是什么?</a></p> -<p>忘记是什么时候在推特上关注的 Xiaowen 了,是靠谱的职场老大哥,他的一些观点我时不时的会重新看一看。还有一位职场老大哥是在豆瓣上关注的 ,他可能不想太多人关注到,就不贴了。</p> +<blockquote> +<p>所以,回到标题,工作的最大收益究竟是什么? +我觉得,是能力和经验。如果你的工作顺带能给你提供一些物有所值甚至物超所值的经济反馈,那自然是更好的。但如果你的工作无法给你带来能力和经验上的继续跃迁,那钱再多你也需要足够的警惕才好。</p> +</blockquote> +<p>忘记是什么时候在推特上关注的 Xiaowen 了,靠谱的职场老大哥,他的一些观点我时不时的会重新看一看,现在还在持续输出观点的人不多了,有价值的就更少了。还有一位职场老大哥是在豆瓣上关注的,他可能不想太多人关注到,就不贴了。</p> <hr> <p><a href="https://www.kawabangga.com/posts/6726" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">iptables 拦截 bridge 包的问题排查 | 卡瓦邦噶!</a></p> <blockquote> @@ -71,6 +75,18 @@ </blockquote> <p>[[韩国]]游记。刚好最近朋友也去韩国玩了很久,跟我推荐釜山。我还挺想去一次韩国的,因为日常看韩剧比较多,听歌也听 K-pop 多一些,想实际的去看看韩国的生活。</p> <hr> +<p><a href="https://shilin.ca/my-second-year-without-job/" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">my second year without a job | shilin typing&hellip;</a> +<a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42344002" class="external-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">My second year without a job | Hacker News</a></p> +<blockquote> +<p>At the end of 2022, when I quit my job to work on my projects, I made resolutions: to make $1M in revenue in 2025. Well, that&rsquo;s not really happening… But rest assured, I do everything possible to reach that goal rather sooner than later.</p> +</blockquote> +<blockquote> +<p>At first, I thought I would only write about my projects, as any struggling entrepreneur should. But this year was about much more than just projects. Without music, sports, and friends, I wouldn&rsquo;t be able to keep up with work, especially unpaid. No matter the angle under which I look at it, it was a great year — fulfilling, with a lot of love and care.</p> +</blockquote> +<p>作者在加拿大 2 年花光了自己的积蓄(8w 美元)在离职初期有着很好的预想,虽然没有达到,但是也没有很糟糕,作者学习了钢琴,做了更多的运动,度过了美好的一年。</p> +<p>HackerNews 评论的这段话也是值得思考的:“He&rsquo;s privileged sure, not because he had 80K in the bank to burn through, but because he knows it&rsquo;s not the end of him when it&rsquo;s burnt through. He COULD get a job and steady income if he wanted, in at least that 80K range (probably double really). So meh. Good for him though for scratching his itches though. Any dude who can code can be a wage slave if they really want to.”</p> +<p>最近一个同事要离职了,说现在只是想要低成本的活着。如果我离职之后,会做什么?我的积蓄可以让我(低成本)生活多久?这是我和周围朋友聊天的时候经常会谈论的话题,但又总是没有想法。在工作中寻找意义太难了,其他方向寻找意义又找不到。</p> +<hr> <h2 id="书影"> 书影 <a class="heading-link" href="#%e4%b9%a6%e5%bd%b1">