TNB (testnet-in-a-box) will deploy a collection of monitored and peered zcashd instances to a Kubernetes cluster.
A deployment requires 2 tar archives:
- An archive of binaries from a TNB build (zcashd, zcash-cli, zcash-gtest, zcash-tx) see the task for more info: ./docs/
- An archive of a block snapshot from the regular testnet, see the task for more info: ./bases/tekton/tasks/snapshot-gcp.yml
The versions and source of these archives is defined in deploy/configmaps-tnb.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: zcash-tnb-bundle
ARCHIVE_NAME: zcashd-tnb-artifacts-d292376.tgz
SNAPSHOT_NAME: zcash-testnet-miner-1009419.tgz
Install kind
See ./
(Important note: As of 7-30-2020, please do not run as a script. Instead copy/paste commands into terminal.)
Once everything has deloyed correctly, you can view/interact with the testnetinabox cluster with a few different tools. The Grafana dashboard will provide visual data of peer activities and certain RPCs. The Lens IDE will allow users to connect to pods and run commands, as the cluster maintains the control-plane. Otherwise, users can issue commands from terminal to retrieve/interact with zcash data.
kubectl port-forward svc/monitoring 3000:3000 &
Browse to http://localhost:3000/d/mIrc97CCz/zcash-testnet-in-a-box
To tail logs for the first zcash pod:
export pod1=$(kubectl get pods -l app=zcash-with-exporter -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
export pod2=$(kubectl get pods -l app=zcash-with-exporter -o jsonpath="{.items[1]}")
kubectl logs -f $pod1 -c zcashd-script
kubectl logs -f -l app=zcashd-peers
To run a zcash RPC on $pod1
kubectl exec -ti $pod1 -c zcashd-script -- bash
${HOME}/workspace/source/src/zcash-cli -rpcpassword=${ZCASHD_RPCPASSWORD} getinfo
See for a list current of Zcash RPCs
As the nodes are modified with their given zcash.confs, users can scale pods to add more peers to the cluster:
kubectl scale --replicas=4 deploy/zcash-tnb-bundle
This will create 4 pods in the cluster. This can scale up to N pods depending on your system resources.
An alternative tool to interact with the cluster is Lens (
chmod +x Lens-3.5.1.AppImage
sudo mv Lens-3.5.1.AppImage /usr/sbin/lens
Once installed successfully, start Lens and select the cluster from the 'Add clusters' + button in the IDE. This will allow you to interact with the pods from a dashboard. This can be useful when a developer needs to view logs and debug information, for a given set of pods.
Depending on your network needs, you will likely have a few different zcash.confs to simulate miners and other nodes. For details of what goes into a bundle see: