The KAT requires some programming-language specific information to work. Instantiation of the progamming language to KAT should happen with the language semantics on an as-needed basis.
The module IMP-KAT
includes all the supported analysis for the IMP language.
requires "imp.k"
requires "kat.k"
imports STRATEGY
imports IMP-BIMC
imports IMP-SBC
module IMP-KAT
imports IMP
imports KAT
configuration <kat-imp> initSCell(Init) initKatCell <harness> initImpCell(Init) </harness> </kat-imp>
Here the definition of a State
for IMP is given, as well as the definitions of how to push
and pop
syntax PreState ::= ImpCell
// ---------------------------
rule <s> push => push IMPCELL ... </s> <harness> IMPCELL </harness>
rule <s> pop IMPCELL => . ... </s> <harness> _ => IMPCELL </harness>
rule #normal => ^ lookup | ^ assignment
rule #branch => ^ iftrue | ^ iffalse | ^ divzero | ^ divnonzero
rule #loop => ^ whileIMP
rule <s> bool? [ <imp> <k> true ... </k> ... </imp> ] => #true ... </s>
rule <s> bool? [ <imp> <k> false ... </k> ... </imp> ] => #false ... </s>
Here we provide a way to make queries about the current IMP memory using IMP's BExp
sort directly.
is a predicate that allows us to make queries about the current execution memory.
module IMP-BIMC
imports IMP-KAT
imports KAT-BIMC
syntax StatePred ::= "bexp?" BExp
// ---------------------------------
rule <s> bexp? B [ <imp> <k> KCELL </k> <mem> MEM </mem> </imp> ]
=> push <imp> <k> KCELL </k> <mem> MEM </mem> </imp>
~> pop <imp> <k> B </k> <mem> MEM </mem> </imp>
~> eval
~> #pred pop
module IMP-SBC
imports IMP-KAT
imports KAT-SBC
imports MATCHING
IMP will abstract by turning all the values in memory into fresh symbolic values.
syntax Strategy ::= "#abstract" Set State
// -----------------------------------------
rule <s> abstract [ <imp> <k> KCELL </k> <mem> MEM </mem> </imp> ] => #abstract keys(MEM) <imp> <k> KCELL </k> <mem> MEM </mem> </imp> ... </s>
rule <s> #abstract .Set STATE => pop STATE ... </s>
rule <s> #abstract ((SetItem(X) => .Set) XS) <imp> <mem> MEM => MEM[X <- ?V:Int] </mem> ... </imp> ... </s>
Subsumption will be based on matching one <k>
cell with the other.
This is correct because the memory is fully abstracted at the beginning of each rule.
TODO: We should be able to match on the entire configuration, not just the <k>
rule <s> <imp> <k> KCELL </k> ... </imp> subsumes? <imp> <k> KCELL' </k> ... </imp>
=> #if #matches(KCELL', KCELL) #then #true #else #false #fi