1)测试 pt-table-checksum 的缺陷如下:
(1)pt-table-checksum 数据校验使用数据库的CRC32进行校验,针对表中两个列名及数据相同但顺序不同,无法检测出来
(2)pt-table-checksum 依赖主从关系,非主从关系的数据库无法检测
(3)pt-table-checksum 是基于binlog把在主库进行的检查动作,在从库重放一遍
(4)pt-table-checksum 需要安装依赖包,针对平台有限制
2)goTableCheckSum 针对 pt-table-checksum 的缺陷改造:
(1)goTableCheckSum 数据校验是有程序进行校验,可以使用CRC32、MD5、SHA1算法进行对数据校验,将数据使用字节流的形式查询校验,规避上述问题
(2)goTableCheckSum 对源目端数据库只会执行select查询数据操作,对源目端的数据库产生的压力较小
(3)goTableCheckSum 支持针对指定的单表或多表进行数据校验、可以指定忽略校验的表
(4)goTableCheckSum 支持指定where条件的数据校验查询,但仅限于单表
(5)goTableCheckSum 支持自定义每次检验数据库的chunk大小。即每次校验多少条行数
(6)goTableCheckSum 支持自定义修复语句的执行方式,是写在文件中还是直接在表中执行
(7)goTableCheckSum 支持针对单表的where条件的数据校验
(8)goTableCheckSum 支持指定检验数据算法CRC32、MD5、HASH1
(9)goTableCheckSum 支持MySQL <-> MySQL、Oracle <-> MySQL之间的异构数据校验
3)goTableCheckSum 后续功能更新
你可以从 这里 下载二进制可执行文件,我已经在ubuntu、centos、redhat、windows x64下测试过
安装Oracle Instant Client
从https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/downloads.html下载免费的Basic或Basic Light软件包。
# oracle basic client
# oracle sqlplus
# oracle sdk
配置oracle client并生效
shell> unzip instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
shell> unzip instantclient-sqlplus-linux.x64-
shell> unzip instantclient-sdk-linux.x64-
shell> mv instantclient_11_2 /usr/local
shell> echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/instantclient_11_2:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >>/etc/profile
shell> source /etc/profile
The source and destination specified by goTableCheckSum cannot be the same, and the data can only be checked offline
goTableCheckSum - mysql table data verification
goTableCheckSum [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
lianghang <[email protected]>
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--frameworkCode value, -f value The type of the current validation schema. for example: MySQL(source) <-> MySQL(dest) is -f mm or -f=mm,Oracle(source) <-> MySQL(dest) is -f om or -f=om, MySQL(source) <-> Oracle(dest) is -f mo or -f=mo (default: "mm")
--OracleSid value, --osid value The SID required to connect to Oracle. for example:SID is "helowin", -sid helowin or -sid=helowin (default: "NULL")
--source value, -s value Source side database connection information. For example: --source host=,user=root,password=abc123,port=3306 (default:"NULL")
--dest value, -d value Target database connection information. For example: --dest host=,user=root,password=abc123,port=3306 (default: "NULL")
--database value, -D value checksum Database name. For example: -D pcms or -D=pcms (default: "NULL")
--table value, -t value checksum table name. For example: --table=a, or --table=a,b... (default: "ALL")
--ignoreTable value, --igt value Ignore a check for a table. For example: --igt=a or --igt=a,b... (default: "NULL")
--character value, --charset value connection database character. For example: --charset=utf8 (default: "utf8")
--chunkSize value, --chunk value How many rows of data are checked at a time. For example: --chunk=1000 or --chunk 1000 (default: "10000")
--datafix value Fix SQL written to a file or executed directly. For example: --datafix=file or --datafix table (default: "file")
--checksum value, --cks value Specifies algorithms for source and target-side data validation.values are CRC32 MD5 SHA1. For example: --checksum=CRC32 or
--checksum MD5 or --checksum=HASH1 (default: "CRC32")
--where value The WHERE condition is used for data validation under a single table. For example: --where "1=1" or --where "id >=10" (default: "NULL")
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
shell> ./goTableCheckSum -s host=,user=pcms,password=pcms@123,port=3306 -d
host=,user=pcms,password=pcms@123,port=3306 -D pcms -t gobench1
-- database pcms initialization completes,begin initialization table --
-- Start initial database pcms table gobench1 --
** table gobench1 check start **
Start the repair Delete SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_gobench1.sql
Start the repair Insert SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_gobench1.sql
Start the repair Delete SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_gobench1.sql
Start the repair Insert SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_gobench1.sql
Start the repair Delete SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_gobench1.sql
Start the repair Insert SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_gobench1.sql
** table gobench1 check completed **
** check table gobench1 time is 1.483941625s **
shell> ./goTableCheckSum -s host=,user=pcms,password=pcms@123,port=3306 -d
host=,user=pcms,password=pcms@123,port=3306 -D pcms -datafix table
-- database pcms initialization completes,begin initialization table --
-- Start initial database pcms table gobench1 --
** table gobench1 check start **
Start executing Delete SQL statements in the target databases pcms
Start executing Insert SQL statements in the target databases pcms
Start executing Delete SQL statements in the target databases pcms
Start executing Insert SQL statements in the target databases pcms
Start executing Delete SQL statements in the target databases pcms
Start executing Insert SQL statements in the target databases pcms
** table gobench1 check completed **
** check table gobench1 time is 1.633451665s **
shell> ./goTableCheckSum -s host=,user=pcms,password=pcms@123,port=3306 -d
host=,user=pcms,password=pcms@123,port=3306 -D pcms -t gobench1 -datafix file
--where "id <=200000"
-- database pcms initialization completes,begin initialization table --
-- Start initial database pcms table gobench1 --
** table gobench1 check start **
Start the repair Delete SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_gobench1.sql
Start the repair Insert SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_gobench1.sql
** table gobench1 check completed **
** check table gobench1 time is 1.836164054s **
shell> ./goTableCheckSum -f om -osid helowin -s host=,user=pcms,password=pcms,port=1521 -d host=,user=pcms,password=pcms@123,port=3306 -D pcms
godror WARNING: discrepancy between DBTIMEZONE ("+00:00"=0) and SYSTIMESTAMP ("+08:00"=800) - set connection timezone, see https://github.com/godror/godror/blob/master/doc/timezone.md
-- database pcms initialization completes,begin initialization table --
-- Start initial database pcms table GOBENCH1 --
** table GOBENCH1 check start **
Start the repair Delete SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_GOBENCH1.sql
Start the repair Insert SQL and write the repair SQL to /tmp/pcms_GOBENCH1.sql
** table GOBENCH1 check completed **
** check table GOBENCH1 time is 1m25.9036516s **
-- Start initial database pcms table GOBENCH2 --
** table GOBENCH2 check start **
** table GOBENCH2 check completed **
** check table GOBENCH2 time is 56.8436ms **
goTableChecksum needs go version > 1.12 for go mod
shell> git clone https://github.com/ywlianghang/goTableCheckSum.git
shell> cd main
shell> go build -o goTableChecksum main.go
shell> chmod +x goTableChecksum
shell> mv goTableChecksum /usr/bin
1)待检验表必须有数据,如果没有数据可以使用 --igt 参数忽略该表
lianghang [email protected]