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Easily document your Sanic API with Swagger UI, Plus param validation and model serialization.

You can find out more here:

What is sanic-transmute ?

A transmute framework for sanic. This framework provides:

  • declarative generation of http handler interfaces by parsing function annotations
  • validation and serialization to and from a variety of content types (e.g. json or yaml).
  • validation and serialization to and from native python objects, using attrs and schematics.
  • autodocumentation of all handlers generated this way, via swagger.

Quick Start



Find Examples here:

Simple example with schematics model.

from sanic import Sanic, Blueprint
from sanic.response import json
from sanic_transmute import describe, add_route, add_swagger, APIException
from sanic.exceptions import ServerError
from schematics.models import Model
from schematics.types import IntType

class User(Model):
    points = IntType()

app = Sanic()
bp = Blueprint("test_blueprints", url_prefix="/blueprint")

@describe(paths="/api/v1/user/{user}/", methods="GET")
async def test_transmute(request, user: str, env: str=None, group: [str]=None):
    API Description: Transmute Get. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    return {
        "user": user,
        "env": env,
        "group": group,

async def handle_exception(request) -> User:
    API Description: Handle exception. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    raise ServerError("Something bad happened", status_code=500)

async def handle_api_exception(request) -> User:
    API Description: Handle APIException. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    raise APIException("Something bad happened", code=404)

async def get_blueprint_params(request, left: int, right: int) -> str:
    API Description: Multiply, left * right. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    res = left * right
    return "{left}*{right}={res}".format(left=left, right=right, res=res)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    add_route(app, test_transmute)
    add_route(app, handle_exception)
    add_route(app, handle_api_exception)
    # register blueprints
    add_route(bp, get_blueprint_params)
    # add swagger
    add_swagger(app, "/api/v1/swagger.json", "/api/v1/")"", port=8000)

Simple example with attrs model.

from sanic import Sanic, Blueprint
from sanic.response import json
from sanic_transmute import describe, add_route, add_swagger, APIException
from sanic.exceptions import ServerError
import attr

class User:
    points = attr.ib(type=int)

app = Sanic()
bp = Blueprint("test_blueprints", url_prefix="/blueprint")

@describe(paths="/api/v1/user/{user}/", methods="GET")
async def test_transmute_get(request, user: str, env: str=None, group: [str]=None):
    API Description: Transmute Get. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    return {
        "user": user,
        "env": env,
        "group": group,

@describe(paths="/api/v1/user/", methods="POST")
async def test_transmute_post(request, user: User) -> User:
    API Description: Transmute Post. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    return user

async def handle_exception(request) -> User:
    API Description: Handle exception. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    raise ServerError("Something bad happened", status_code=500)

async def handle_api_exception(request) -> User:
    API Description: Handle APIException. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    raise APIException("Something bad happened", code=404)

async def get_blueprint_params(request, left: int, right: int) -> str:
    API Description: Multiply, left * right. This will show in the swagger page (localhost:8000/api/v1/).
    res = left * right
    return "{left}*{right}={res}".format(left=left, right=right, res=res)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    add_route(app, test_transmute_get)
    add_route(app, test_transmute_post)
    add_route(app, handle_exception)
    add_route(app, handle_api_exception)
    # register blueprints
    add_route(bp, get_blueprint_params)
    # add swagger
    add_swagger(app, "/api/v1/swagger.json", "/api/v1/")"", port=8000)




Run unit tests.

./uranium test