Sample | Description | Trigger | In Bindings | Out Bindings |
timer-trigger-cosmos-output-binding |
Azure Functions Timer Trigger Python Sample. The function gets blog RSS feed and store the results into CosmosDB using Cosmos DB output binding | Timer | NONE | CosmosDB |
For a TimerTrigger
to work, you provide a schedule in the form of a cron expression(See the link for full details). A cron expression is a string with 6 separate expressions which represent a given schedule via patterns. The pattern used in this sample (0 1 * * * *
) is to represent "once a day at 1:00 am". The following is Cron schedule pattern samples:
# every 5 minutes
0 */5 * * * *
# Run every 6 hours at 10 mins past the hour
10 */6 * * * *
# Run at 1:00 am
0 1 * * * *
# Run at 5:31 pm:
31 17 * * * *
As specified in functions.json
, you need Azure Cosmos DB account for storing data using Cosmos DB output binding
"scriptFile": "",
"bindings": [
"name": "mytimer",
"type": "timerTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"schedule": "0 1 * * * *"
"direction": "out",
"type": "cosmosDB",
"name": "outdoc",
"databaseName": "testdb",
"collectionName": "feedcol",
"leaseCollectionName": "leases",
"createLeaseCollectionIfNotExists": true,
"connectionStringSetting": "MyCosmosDBConnectionString",
"createIfNotExists": true
Create a Cosmos DB Account
az cosmosdb create \
--kind GlobalDocumentDB \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP
Create Database and Collection in the Cosmos DB that you've created
# Get Key
COSMOSDB_KEY=$(az cosmosdb list-keys --name $COSMOSDB_ACCOUNT_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --output tsv |awk '{print $1}')
# Create Database
az cosmosdb database create \
--db-name $DATABASE_NAME \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP
# Create a container with a partition key and provision 400 RU/s throughput.
az cosmosdb collection create \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--collection-name $COLLECTION_NAME \
--db-name $DATABASE_NAME \
--partition-key-path /title \
--throughput 400
# Create a container for leaves
# 'leaves' need to be a single collection partition
# Please see also:
az cosmosdb collection create \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--collection-name $LEASES_COLLECTION_NAME \
--db-name $DATABASE_NAME \
--throughput 400
func host start
Publish the function to the cloud
func azure functionapp publish $FUNCTION_APP_NAME --build-native-deps --no-bundler
Add Functions App Settings
az webapp config appsettings set \
--settings \
If all goes successfully and feed results are stored in the Cosmos DB that you've created, you'll see the document like this:
"items": [
"id": "dbe7a29c0de2807a5f17e9a3a63bc5f3378bc815",
"title": "Blog: Update on Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes",
"date": "Thu, 17 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000"
"id": "9eda61a9ba684f1acb9a03c8b709f51df80c905a",
"title": "Blog: Container Storage Interface (CSI) for Kubernetes GA",
"date": "Tue, 15 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000"
"id": "6c24aea9a7d60f8697c3cfe5328e1c86196facbc",
"title": "Blog: APIServer dry-run and kubectl diff",
"date": "Mon, 14 Jan 2019 00:00:00 +0000"
"id": "00c9181702e3e237bb150d248ffcc27796f8774f",
"title": "Blog: Kubernetes Federation Evolution",
"date": "Wed, 12 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000"
"id": "fe818ab1fb07e0a95e2a0e7bf754c15ab95bf6b8",
"title": "Blog: etcd: Current status and future roadmap",
"date": "Tue, 11 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000"
"id": "ab8f4110-0692-4875-9d0f-b864cca603c6",
"_rid": "dCoKAPwUdioBAAAAAAAAAA==",
"_self": "dbs/dCoKAA==/colls/dCoKAPwUdio=/docs/dCoKAPwUdioBAAAAAAAAAA==/",
"_etag": "\"0d004e82-0000-0000-0000-5c544bf70000\"",
"_attachments": "attachments/",
"_ts": 1549028343