- Why Functional Programming Matters
- Devoxx Poland 2016 - Ted Neward - Why Functional Programming Matters
- Why is Learning Functional Programming So Damned Hard?
- What Functional Programming Is + Why It Makes You Better
- Why Isn't Functional Programming the Norm? – Richard Feldman
- 결론; 대세가 될 것이나 시간이 필요
- 이유; OOP가 그 자체 고유 특성의 우수성때문에 대세가 된 것이 아니기 때문
- 예를 들어 OOP 고유 특성중 하나인 상속은 OOP에서조차 기피 대상, 대신 compostion 사용. composition은 FP에도 존재
- 캡슐화 = 정보 은닉 개념 = 모듈화 개념의 다른 버전
- 그럼 왜 OOP 언어들이 대세인가
- Killer App; Ruby on Rails나 Wordpress/Drupal의 PHP
- 거대 업체 지원; Apple(ObjC, Swift), Google(Go), MS(C#)
- 시스템상 지원; OS/Embedded(C/C++), 브라우저(Javascript)
- 이런 모든 것의 지원을 받는 경우; Java(Sun)
- 꾸준한 업데이트; Python
- 그러나 이들 언어에서도조차도 함수형 프로그래밍 스타일이 점점 유행
- Why do we use OOP over functional code We use less code
- Why I use typed functional programming
- How Do I Learn Some Functional Programming?
- Functional Patterns in Domain Driven Design applied to Financial Models
- Functional Programming Doesn't Work (and what to do about it)
- Genuinely Functional User Interfaces
- The Expression Problem and Tables
- Imperative Functional Programming
- The algebra (and calculus!) of algebraic data types
- Covariance and Contravariance: a fresh look at an old issue
- Ask HN: Which functional programming language is the popular enterprise choice?
- Functional programming, APL and Unix pipes
- The Essence of FRP
- Functional Programming in the Real World
- FBP inspired data flow syntax: The missing piece for the success of functional programming?
- From Imperative to Pure-Functional and Back Again: Monads vs. Scoped Continuations
- Purely Functional Performance
- Hello, declarative world
- Ten reasons not to use a statically typed functional programming language
- Functional Programming Hurdle: Uninteresting programs
- "Controlling Time and Space: understanding the many formulations of FRP" by Evan Czaplicki
- Elm: Concurrent FRP for Functional GUIs
- Purely Functional Data Structures
- Seemingly impossible functional programs
- 케빈 TV
- What Is Functional Programming?
- Which Programming Languages Are Functional?
- 함수형 프로그래밍(Functional Programming) 기초
- 함수형 프로그래밍 두번째 이야기: 왜 함수형이라고 부를까?
- 번역 함수형 프로그래밍 세번째 이야기: 그럼 지금까지 해오던 것들을 다 바꾸어야 할까?
- 순수 함수와 정직한 설계
- A prettier printer
- (번역) A prettier printer — 필립 와들러
- 함수형 프로그래밍
- OOP는 사라지지 않을 거 같다
- 하나의 thread에서의 속도는 C보다 빠를 수가 없다. 다만 race condition이 훨씬 적다, immutable이니까
- rust에 대한 흥미
- Can I do FP in my language?
- Just Enough Functional Programming
- 함수형 프로그래밍의 장점
- Non-deterministic
- Practical Functional Programming
- midojeong.github.io/tags/#함수형
- Functional Programming For People Who Hate Math
- Pros and cons of functional programming
- Are idempotent functions the same as pure functions?
- Elements of Functional Programming map, flatMap, filter in Swift
- Functional Programming & Haskell - Computerphile
- What Is Functional Programming?
- So You Want to be a Functional Programmer
- 함수형 프로그래밍과 수학
- Referential Transparency — Programming Word of the Day
- Gain confidence with referential transparency
- Functional 360 Archives haskell, scala, clojure, F#에 대한 주간 뉴스
- Discover the power of first class functions
- 함수란 무엇인가?
- The Knights of Functional Programming fight the Imperative Dragon
- 함수형 프로그래밍 정리
- 함수형 프로그래밍의 시대가 오고 있(지는 않)다
- 함수형 프로그래밍이 어려운 이유 - 사실은 함수형 프로그래밍이 더 쉽다
- "Haskell vs. F# vs. Scala - A High-Level Language Features and Parallelism Support Comparison"을 읽고
- So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1)
- A Glossary of Functional Programming
- 수학에서 기원한 프로그래밍 패러다임, 순수 함수
- Benefits of Functional Programming by Example
- Code Smell: Side Effects
- Thinking in Functions, Part I: The Input/Output pattern
- 프로그래머를 위한 논리학 - 0
- 프로그래머를 위한 논리학 - 1
- The Essence of Functional Programming
- The Functional Sandwich Principle
- GOTO 2018 • Functional Programming in 40 Minutes • Russ Olsen - YouTube
- The Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming Language Evolution | by O'Reilly Media | oreillymedia | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- Why developers are falling in love with functional programming | by Rhea Moutafis | Towards Data Science
- 김진철의 How-to-Big Data | 빅데이터의 미래 (13) - CIO Korea
- 다시보는 커링 | overcurried
- The reality of functional programming - Developer Melange PODCAST - LispCast
- Legacy in Functional Programming PODCAST - LispCast
- 라인 백엔드 개발자의 함수형 프로그래밍 언어 실전 사용기 | 라인개발실록 - YouTube
- Immutability is not enough
- 실무에서 써먹는 불변성 | Popit
- Charles Scalfani, Author of Functional Programming Made Easier: A Step-by-Step Guide
- 다양한 함수의 정의와 표현
- How Functional Programming Can Make You A Better Developer - YouTube
- The Functional Programming Triad of Map, Filter and Fold
- FP is the new OOP - YouTube
- ‘액션-계산-데이터’ 관점으로 보는 함수형 프로그래밍 패러다임 | 요즘IT
- 함수형 프로그래밍 언어 3대장. (1) 세상 가장 우아한 코드를 만드는 Clojure, (2) 실무에… | by 김대현 | HappyProgrammer | Medium
- Functional Mumbo Jumbo - ADTs
- Algebraic Data Types in four languages
- What is an ADT (Algebraic Data types)?
- Algebraic Data Types and Data Modelling - EGYM Software Development
- The Simple Essence of Algebraic Subtyping: Principal Type Inference with Subtyping Made Easy | Lambda the Ultimate
- 스칼라 FP 관련 책들
- Book of monads by Alejandro Serrano Mena Leanpub PDF/iPad/Kindle
- Category Theory for Programmers: The Preface
- Grokking Simplicity
- Functional Programming for Mortals
- Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling
- Implementing functional languages: a tutorial
- An Outsider's Guide to Statically Typed Functional Programming by Brian Marick PDF/iPad/Kindle
- Category Theory from the Universe Up
- 2015-09 Category Theory in Functional Programming
- Greg Pfeil - Category-parametric Programming
- Applied Category Theory - The Emerging Science of Compositionality
- What’s in a Name? The ABC’s of Category Theory and Functional Programming
- Data Juggling - Part 5 - Curry-Howard-Lambek Correspondence
- Category Theory - Chapter 1: Basic Constructions
- Wolfram Physics Project: Relations to Category Theory
- 스테판 울프럼이 온라인 세션으로 다른 물리학자들과 진행한 "Relations to Category Theory"
- 4시간 가까이 이론 설명 및 토론 + 매스매티카로 예제 구현, 어려움
- All I needed for FP I learned in High School Algebra - Eric Normand
- Functional programming, meet OOP - The Startup - Medium
- Clojure - Functional Programming for the JVM
- Functional-navigational programming in Clojure(Script) with Specter
- Learn Functional Programming with Clojure
- Functional programming in Clojure
- Modern functional programming with Clojure - YouTube
- Functional Programming in the Cloud: Simpler Application Development Datomic Cloud
- Purely Functional IO in Clojure
- Functional Programming
- This is why people say that in functional programming the order of execution doesn’t matter - Learning Resources - ClojureVerse
- Functional Programming: Rapid Prototyping and Fast Delivery with Clojure - YouTube
- Lambda World
- Functional Programming with Effects by Rob Norris
- "Outperforming Imperative with Pure Functional Languages" by Richard Feldman - YouTube
- Functional Programming for Pragmatists • Richard Feldman • GOTO 2021 - YouTube
- Once you go functional, you can never go back
- Functional Programming in C++
- [Ndc17 ppt fp_in_modern_c++(https://www.slideshare.net/isaacjeon/ndc17-ppt-fpinmodernc)
- Monads in C++ 번역
- Gamasutra - In-depth: Functional programming in C++
- Representable Functors
- Functors and Category Theory Introductory
- Functor, Applicative, and Why
- Generalizing functions with Profunctors
- Handling Errors with Profunctor Optics - Using Optical Proxies to Short-circuit and Retry APIs
- 어떻게 하면 안전하게 함수를 합성할 수 있을까?
- Understanding Functor and Monad With a Bag of Peanuts
- Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures
- Intro to Higher Order Functions
- Higher-Order Function 이란 무엇인가
- Higher-Order Function 이란 무엇인가
- Template Method rocks but Higher Order Function can do the trick
- Functional Programming with Java 8
- Functional Reactive Programming in Java
- 함수형 프로그래밍의 예외처리
- Functional Programming Patterns with Java8 with Victor Rentea
- Mixed Paradigms: The Method to Madness. Venkat Subramaniam, Agile developer, Inc
- Dysfunctional programming in Java
- Java 8 transforming your thinking from OOP to FP
- VΛVΓ (Vavr, formerly called Javaslang) is a non-commercial, non-profit object-functional library that runs with Java 8+. It aims to reduce the lines of code and increase code quality
- JS 제너레이터와 함수형 프로그래밍
- 함수형JS
- 함수형 프로그래밍이 뭔가요?
- Javascript and Functional Programming: An Introduction
- Functional programming: Monads made clear - in javascript
- Stateful Monads in JavaScript
- Functional Programming in Javascript
- Professor Frisby Introduces Composable Functional JavaScript
- Javascript and Functional Programming: An Introduction
- Functional-Light JavaScript
- 함수형 프로그래밍
- Handle JavaScript data structures with map/reduce
- Function decorators: Transforming callbacks into promises and back again
- Functional JavaScript: Function Decorators Part 2 #JavaScript
- Two Years of Functional Programming in JavaScript: Lessons Learned
- An Introduction to Functional Programming Style in JavaScript
- Understanding Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript
- Understanding Functional Programming with Javascript
- Transducers: Efficient Data Processing Pipelines in JavaScript
- reduce에 Promise 더하기
- Simplify your JavaScript – Use .map(), .reduce(), and .filter()
- How to simplify your codebase with map(), reduce(), and filter() in JavaScript
- 5 Use Cases for reduce() in JavaScript | by wathsala danthasinghe | JavaScript In Plain English | Jul, 2020 | Medium
- (Functional) OOP With Message Passing
- NAVER 테크톡 - 함수형 자바스크립트와 동시성 프로그래밍
- Anjana Vakil: Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript - JSUnconf
- High-performance array transformations - This simple technique let’s you compose array
s andfilter
s in a nice and performant way - How to write your own map, filter and reduce functions in JavaScript
- Functional Programming Principles in Javascript
- A practical guide to writing more functional JavaScript
- Make your code easier to read with Functional Programming
- TypeScript with React + Redux/Immutable.js 빠르게 배우기
- TDD기반 React,Redux,Immutable 시작하기 (1)
- Functional Programming Patterns: A Cookbook
- Composing Software: An Introduction
- A Quick Introduction to Functional Javascript
- Can You Avoid Functional Programming as a Policy?
- The Universal Function Thoughts on JavaScript, Functions and Functional Programming
- What Is a Pure Function in JavaScript?
- Higher-order functions: what they are, and a React example
- Higher Order Functions (Composing Software)
- JavaScript Immutability
- An introduction to Functional JavaScript
- 선언형으로 대체 가능한 문법들 정리
- 변하지 않는 상태를 유지하는 방법, 불변성(Immutable)
- Learn JavaScript functional programming from Avengers
- 함수형 프로그래밍 정리
- Ultra small code using Functional Programming - Yoganathan Palaniswamy - Medium
- Brad Barrow's Blog | Javascript FlatMap Usage
- Framework Free - Functional HTML Rendering and State Management in Vanilla JS - Drew Warren - YouTube
- abcjs는 함수형 자바스크립트(functional javascript) 라이브러리입니다
- chunkify.js a functional API to unblock your JavaScript
- fantasy-land - Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript
- immer - Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one
- immutable.js
- persist - Specialized persistent collections in javascript -- immutable-js addons https://www.npmjs.com/package/persistence-js
- Ramda - A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers
- Lenses - Composable Getters and Setters for Functional Programming
- Lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras
- JavaScript SDK 성능개선 방법 – 압축과 최적화로 실행시간 단축하기
- More Lodash Features that are Available in Plain JavaScript
- Lodash의 대체재로서의 순수 자바스크립트 함수
- Are We Ready to Replace Lodash?. A look at JavaScript and RxJS functions… | by Yanique Andre | The Startup | Jul, 2020 | Medium
- Applying Git and Optimistic Concurrency Control principles to Data Oriented Programming
- Object spread와 lodash.cloneDepp 비교하기
- What is a Monad? - Computerphile
- Yet another "What is a Monad" post
- "Build Your Own Probability Monads" paper, blog posts and source code
- Monadic IO: Laziness Makes You Free
- Using Monads in C++ to Solve Constraints
- Monads in Elixir
- Logic, Languages, Compilation, and Verification
- The list monad in Perl and Python
- Monads Are Not Metaphors
- Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures
- IO monad realized in 1965
- Arrows, Monads and Kleisli – part I
- monads-in-clojure Back in 2009 I wrote a four-part tutorial on monads for Clojure programmers. It can be considered an introduction to the algo.monads library
- Asynchronous Programming and Monad Transformers in Scala
- Monad Programming with Scala Future
- Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures
- Functional programming: Monads made clear - in javascript
- Brian Beckman: Don't fear the Monad
- Monad - FunFunFunction #21
- 모나드(monad)와 클로저(clojure)
- The Curse of Understanding
- 모나드 합성의 대안
- JavaScript 모나딕 파서
- A Monad Menagerie
- Your easy guide to Monads, Applicatives, & Functors
- Describing Data...with free applicative functors (and more)—Kris Nuttycombe
- Move Over Free Monads: Make Way for Free Applicatives! — John de Goes
- Monad는 무엇인가
- How would you explain a concept of monads to a non-CS person?
- Monad Fact #1
- Monad Fact #2
- Monad Fact #3
- 3분 모나드
- A Monad is just a Monoid… - Michele Stieven - Medium
- Functional Programming with Effects by Rob Norris - YouTube
- Ep 9: Transformers, Monads in Disguise - YouTube
- Origins of Python's "Functional" Features
- Functional Programming in Python
- A functional standard library for Python http://toolz.readthedocs.org
- Functional Programming Demystified
- PyconKr2018 Functional Programming
- A functional standard library for Python http://toolz.readthedocs.org
- Episode #117: Functional Python with Coconut
- Elements of Functional Programming in Python
- Daniel Kirsch - Functional Programming in Python - YouTube
- FP demystified - YouTube
- PyCon AU 2018 | FP demystified
- Going Functional in Python (with code) | by Hair Parra | Analytics Vidhya | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- Functioning with python functional programming- lambda, map, filter, zip, reduce, accumulate | LinkedIn
- funcy: A fancy and practical functional tools
- Monads, in my Python? by Xuanyi Chew - YouTube
- Monads in Python: Why and How? - YouTube
- Monads in Python. A simple implementation of the Failure… | by Martin McBride | The Startup | Medium
- pampy: Pampy: The Pattern Matching for Python you always dreamed of
- Pycket: A Tracing JIT For a Functional Language
- PyToolz API Documentation — Toolz 0.10.0 documentation
- scalaps Introducing scalaps: Scala-inspired data structures for Python
- simplematch: Minimal, super readable string pattern matching for python.
- Scala code examples for Functional Programming Jargon
- A Beginner-Friendly Tour through Functional Programming in Scala
- 진짜 함수형 초보자들을 위한 트레이닝(1) in Scala
- DDD(domain driven design) 관점에서 객체지향 vs 함수형 코드 비교
- Domain-Driven Design with FP in Scala | Medium
- Functional programming and Spark: do they mix?
- Let’s Code Real World App Using Purely Functional Techniques (in Scala)
- Lambda Calculus - Computerphile
- Switching from OOP to Functional Programming scala, haskell 예제로 설명
- A Crash Course in Category Theory - Bartosz Milewski
- Fun(c) 2018.7: John De Goes - FP to the Max
- Plain Functional Programming by Martin Odersky
- How to Build a Functional API—Julien Truffaut
- Real-World Functional Scala by Chris Birchall
- Scala vs Java In Competitive Programming With Functional Programming
- Did Functional Programming get it wrong?
- Demystifying Functional Programming (Part 1)
- Demystifying Functional Programming (Part 2) — The need for immutability
- How I learned to stop worrying and love FP in Scala
- On Eliminating Error in Distributed Software Systems
- Hangman in FP Scala
- Functional Programming features in Scala
- Currying in Scala: A Useful Example
- Scala journals — Currying: The tale of a code example no one actually ever used | by Annette R. | Aug, 2020 | Level Up Coding
- Foundation of functional programming course https://www.fp-tower.com/foundation
- Zero-Overhead Tree Processing with the Visitor Pattern
- Learn Functional Programming course/tutorial on Scala
- My FP Journey
- Functional Tree Traversal (In Scala)
- What Functional Programming Is, What it Isn't, and Why it Matters
- Learning Functional Programming with Scala | by Ryan Susana | Medium
- More Algebra of Algebraic Data Types
- Functional Scala - Introduction to Interruption by Jakub Kozlowski - YouTube
- f(by) 2020: A functional Scala stack for 2020, Adam Warski - YouTube Scala, http4s, tapir, monix, doobie: a solid basis for backend applications
- Anatolii Kmetiuk at #ScalaUA - An argument against functional programming - YouTube immutability, purity, category theory
- Builder Pattern in Scala with Phantom Types | by Maximiliano Felice | Medium
- Monad Transformer Is All You Need | by Abhijit Gupta | The Startup | Medium
- Principled error handling - Beyond MonadError - Luka Jacobowitz - YouTube
- Part 1 - Data / Types / Referential Transparency / Value prop
- Part 2 - Programming with Effects
- Part 3 - Typeclasses
- Part 4 - Practical effect manipulation
- Part 5 - Basics of Final-tagless / ZIO
- Divide, conquer, choose, ap and alt by Samuel Halliday at Scala in the City October 2020 - YouTube
- Let’s apply functional programming to solve a practical problem | SoftwareMill Tech Blog
- Programming with Functions #1 - Introduction - YouTube
- Programming with Functions #2 - Functions as Data - YouTube
- FunctionalTV - YouTube
- Scale By The Bay 2020: Justin Heyes-Jones, Applicative: The Origin Story - YouTube
- Function Applicative for Great Good of Palindrome Checker Function - …
- Parallel analysis of temperature dataset | Functional Scala - YouTube
- What the Functor? | Functors in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Image editing with Functors | Blog of Adrian Salajan
- 2020 Hindsight - Scala | 2020 Hindsight - Scala
- 01A: Scala FP basics: First-class function, higher order function, statements Vs expressions, immutability & recursion | Java-Success.com
- A Monads Approach for Beginners, in Scala | Rock the JVM - YouTube
- Functional Design | Francis Toth / Contramap
- A pure functional Primality Test in Scala - DEV Community 에라토스테네스의 체
- Functional Programming in scala – Raghav Speaks
- Functional Programming in Scala Part II – Raghav Speaks
- Functional Programming in scala Part III – Raghav Speaks