The main function of the Spotify service is to authorize user's spotify account, provide top artists, tracks and genres of a particular user and provide friends recommendation for the user.
Although noSQL database is used but a proper Schema is maintained.
Attribute | Type | Description |
_id |
ObjectId |
userId of a user (Primary Key) |
access_token |
ObjectId |
spotify access_token |
refresh_token |
ObjectId |
spotify refresh_token |
expiration |
Date |
time at which access_token will expire |
Attribute | Type | Description |
_id |
{userId: ObjectId, itemId: string} |
itemId is the id of an item (track, artist or genre) (Primary Key) |
itemName |
string |
name of the item (track, artist or genre) |
wt |
Int32 |
Weightage of the item in caclculating user recommends |
itemType |
string |
0 - track, 1 - artist, 2 - genre |
Attribute | Type | Description |
_id |
{userId1: ObjectId, userId2: ObjectId} |
userId2 user appears in the friends recommendation of userId2 user(Primary Key) |
isValid |
boolean |
is the recommendation valid or not |
similarity |
Double |
Similarity score between the users (0-1) |
This routes directs to the spotify authorization page.
GET /api/spotify/authorize
Spotify redirects to this URL route after successfull authorization.
GET /api/spotify/callback
Returns the accessToken which is used internally by the client.
GET /api/spotify/getToken
Gets the top artists for the user with id userId
GET /api/spotify/getTopArtists/:userId
Gets the top traks for the user with id userId
GET /api/spotify/getTopTracks/:userId
Gets the top items (artists, tracks and genres) for the user with id userId
GET /api/spotify/getTopItems/:userId
Gets the friends recommendation for the current user
GET /api/spotify/getUserRecommends
Removes the alreaded viewed friend recommendation from recommendations list
GET /api/spotify/discardRecommend/:userId
It is published whenever a user authorize their spotify to connect with the application .
Attribute | Type | Description |
userId |
string |
userId of the authorized user |