The xml package provides APIs to handle XML.
Most of the time, XML is used to hold data. In this case, a fully blown DOM api is too much overhead to work with the data. This is where the xml.Tree class comes in.
This example will print out a nicely formatted XML document:
use xml\{Tree, Node};
$t= new Tree('customer');
$t->root()->setAttribute('id', '6100');
$t->addChild(new Node('name', 'Timm Übercoder'));
$t->addChild(new Node('email', '[email protected]'));
echo $t->getSource(INDENT_DEFAULT);
The DomXSLProcessor class uses LibXSLT and thus supports EXSLT features like user functions, callbacks, string functions, dynamic evaluation and more.
A simple example:
use xml\DomXSLProcessor;
use xml\TransformerException;
use util\cmd\Console;
$proc= new DomXSLProcessor();
try {
} catch (TransformerException $e) {
// Handle
use xml\XPath;
use util\cmd\Console;
$xml= '<dialog id="">
<caption>Open a file</caption>
<button name="ok"/>
<button name="cancel"/>
Console::writeLine((new XPath($xml))->query('/dialog/buttons/button/@name')));