The file contains links to useful material for good scientific coding. Some were already used to develop the workshop, some were discovered later. Feel free to add more resources here via the form of a pull request!
- A beginner’s guide to docs, by Eric Holscher (co-founder of readthedocs)
- Unified Theory of Documentation blogpost
- Write The Docs community website
- Clean Architecture - A Craftmans guide to software structure and design, a textbook by Robert C Martin
- Clean Code - A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, a textbook by Robert C Martin
- Single Responsibility Principle blog post, by Robert C Martin
- Clean Code Blog, by Robert C Martin
- DrWatson paper and references therein
- A Guide to Reproducible Code, by the British Ecological Society
- Git information page on remotes
- Introduction to GitHub and Open-Source Projects, by Digital Ocean
- How To Use Git: A Reference Guide, by Digital Ocean
- How to contribute to open source, by GitHub
- Code refinery lessons
- Software carpentry organization website
- Short course on scientific computing and package development, by Tim Holy