diff --git a/analysis.ts b/analysis.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d43de5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/analysis.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import type { Scale } from "scale-workshop-core";
+const EPSILON = 1e-6;
+// Absolute logarithmic error from the nearest harmonic measured in nats
+function harmonicError(ratio: number) {
+ return Math.abs(Math.log(ratio) - Math.log(Math.round(ratio)));
+// Calculate a small correction that removes the bias
+// in the movement of an otonal chord wheel.
+function otonalCorrection(ratios: number[]) {
+ let correction = 1;
+ ratios.forEach((ratio) => {
+ correction *= ratio / Math.round(ratio);
+ });
+ return Math.pow(correction, -1 / ratios.length);
+// Calculate the best multiplier for a set of ratios that
+// miminizes the perceived motion of an otonal chord wheel.
+function otonalMultiplier(ratios: number[], maxMultiplier = 16) {
+ let leastError = Infinity;
+ let result = 1;
+ for (let multiplier = 1; multiplier <= maxMultiplier; ++multiplier) {
+ const candidate =
+ multiplier * otonalCorrection(ratios.map((ratio) => ratio * multiplier));
+ const balanced = ratios.map((ratio) => ratio * candidate);
+ const error = balanced.map(harmonicError).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
+ if (error + EPSILON < leastError) {
+ leastError = error;
+ result = candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Calculate the fundamental frequency implied by an array of frequencies
+ * interpreted as an enumerated otonal chord.
+ * @param frequencies Array of frequencies in the chord with the root first.
+ * @param maxMultiplier Maximum interpretation of the root as an integer in an enumerated chord.
+ * @returns The fundamental frequency below the root that minimizes the perceived motion of an otonal chord wheel.
+ */
+export function otonalFundamental(frequencies: number[], maxMultiplier = 16) {
+ if (!frequencies.length) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ const ratios = frequencies.map((f) => f / frequencies[0]);
+ const multiplier = otonalMultiplier(ratios, maxMultiplier);
+ return frequencies[0] / multiplier;
+// Absolute logarithmic error from the nearest subharmonic measured in nats
+function subharmonicError(ratio: number) {
+ return Math.abs(Math.log(ratio) + Math.log(Math.round(1 / ratio)));
+// Calculate a small correction that removes the bias
+// in the movement of an utonal chord wheel.
+function utonalCorrection(ratios: number[]) {
+ let correction = 1;
+ ratios.forEach((ratio) => {
+ correction *= ratio * Math.round(1 / ratio);
+ });
+ return Math.pow(correction, 1 / ratios.length);
+// Calculate the best divisor for a set of ratios that
+// miminizes the perceived motion of an utonal chord wheel.
+export function utonalDivisor(ratios: number[], maxDivisor = 23) {
+ let leastError = Infinity;
+ let result = 1;
+ for (let divisor = 1; divisor <= maxDivisor; ++divisor) {
+ const candidate =
+ divisor * utonalCorrection(ratios.map((ratio) => ratio / divisor));
+ const balanced = ratios.map((ratio) => ratio / candidate);
+ const error = balanced.map(subharmonicError).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
+ if (error + EPSILON < leastError) {
+ leastError = error;
+ result = candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Calculate the (high) fundamental frequency implied by an array of frequencies
+ * interpreted as an enumerated utonal (inverted) chord.
+ * @param frequencies Array of frequencies in the chord with the root first.
+ * @param maxDivisor Maximum interpretation of the root as an integer in an enumerated chord.
+ * @returns The fundamental frequency above the root that minimizes the perceived motion of an utonal chord wheel.
+ */
+export function utonalFundamental(frequencies: number[], maxDivisor = 23) {
+ if (!frequencies.length) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ const ratios = frequencies.map((f) => f / frequencies[0]);
+ const divisor = utonalDivisor(ratios, maxDivisor);
+ return divisor * frequencies[0];
+// Interval matrix a.k.a the modes of a scale
+export function intervalMatrix(scale: Scale, startIndex: number) {
+ const result = [];
+ const degrees = [...Array(scale.size + 1 - startIndex).keys()];
+ for (let i = 0; i < scale.size; ++i) {
+ const mode = scale.rotate(i);
+ result.push(degrees.map((j) => mode.getInterval(j + startIndex)));
+ }
+ return result;