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Discovering Novel and Potentially Interesting Substructures in Knowledge Graphs

NB: The active repository of Hypodisc has moved to, and is under the care of the CLARIAH organisation. This repository will no longer be updated, and will remain available in an archived state.


Hypodisc aims to discover novel and potentially interesting substructures in multimodal heterogeneous knowledge bases, encoded as RDF knowledge graphs. Scholars can then use these substructures as a starting point to form new research hypotheses or to support existing ones, or to simply gain more insight into the knowledge, information, and data that is contained in their collections.

The official documentation can be found here.

Multimodal Hypotheses

Hypodisc supports multimodal information of various types, which, in accordance to the RDF data model, are stored as string literals with an accompanying datatype or language tag. At present, Hypodisc understands numerical and temporal datatypes, as well as natural language and other strings. Literals with language tags are also treated as strings. To discover meaningful patterns in these data, a cluster-based approach is applied to all elements of the same datatype with a certain context.

The full list of supported datatypes can be found below.


To install this tool you will need the git version control system and a recent Python setup which include pip.

  1. Clone this repository (and the necessary submodules) using git:

    git clone --recurse-submodules

  2. Change directory to the root of the tool:

    cd hypodisc/

  3. Install the prerequisites (numpy, sklearn, flask, and pyRDF) and the tool itself using pip:

    pip install .

Hypodisc is now installed and ready to use.


Run Hypodisc with any of the following options. The depth and support to aim for are mandatory, as is a single input file.

usage: hypodisc [-h] -d DEPTH -s MIN_SUPPORT [-o OUTPUT] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--max_size MAX_SIZE] [--max_width MAX_WIDTH] [--mode {A,T,AT,TA}] [--textual_support | --no-textual_support] [--numerical_support | --no-numerical_support] [--temporal_support | --no-temporal_support] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--parallel] [--p_explore P_EXPLORE] [--p_extend P_EXTEND] [--dry_run] [--seed SEED] [--strategy {BFS,DFS}] [--verbose] [--version] input [input ...]

positional arguments:
  input                 One or more knowledge graphs in (gzipped) NTriple or NQuad serialization format.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
                        Depths to explore. Takes a range 'from:to', or a shorthand ':to' or 'to' if all depths up to that point are to be considered.
  -s MIN_SUPPORT, --min_support MIN_SUPPORT
                        Minimal pattern support.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Path to write output to.
  --exclude EXCLUDE     Exclude one or more predicates from being considered as building block for pattern.
  --max_size MAX_SIZE   Maximum context size
  --max_width MAX_WIDTH
                        Maximum width of shell
  --mode {A,T,AT,TA}    A[box], T[box], or both as candidates to be included in the pattern
  --textual_support, --no-textual_support
                        Cluster on textual literals
  --numerical_support, --no-numerical_support
                        Cluster on numerical literals
  --temporal_support, --no-temporal_support
                        Cluster on temporal literals
  --namespace NAMESPACE
                        Add a custom prefix:namespace pair to be used in the output. This parameter can be used more than once to provide multiple mappings. Must be provided as 'prefix:namespace', eg 'ex:'.
  --parallel            Speed up the computation by distributing the search across multiple CPU cores
  --p_explore P_EXPLORE
                        Probability of exploring candidate endpoint.
  --p_extend P_EXTEND   Probability of extending at candidate endpoint.
  --dry_run             Dry run without saving results.
  --seed SEED           Set the seed for the random number generator.
  --strategy {BFS,DFS}  Perform breadth-first (BFS) or depth-first search (DFS). BFS has the anytime property; DFS uses less memory.
  --verbose, -v         Print debug messages and warnings
  --version             show program's version number and exit


For any RDF knowledge graph in N-Triple or N-Quad format, run the tool using:

python hypodisc/ --depth <DEPTH> --min_support <SUPPORT>  [<KNOWLEDGE_GRAPH>, ...]  

See the test/ directory for several examples.

Pattern Browser

A simple facet browser can be used to interactively inspect the discovered patterns:

python hypodisc/ <PATTERN_GRAPH>

Screenshot of Hypodisc Pattern Browser

The full range of options are listed below.

usage: browser [-h] [--base_ns BASE_NS] [--pagesize PAGESIZE] [--port PORT] [--suppress_browser] [--verbose] input

positional arguments:
  input                An N-Triple file containing queries with hypotheses

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --base_ns BASE_NS    Provide a custom base namespace
  --pagesize PAGESIZE  Number of queries to show per page.
  --port PORT          Change the default port
  --suppress_browser   Suppress the call to the browser
  --verbose, -v        Print debug messages and warnings

Supported datatypes

The following datatypes are supported by Hypodisc:


- xsd:decimal
- xsd:double
- xsd:float
- xsd:integer
- xsd:long
- xsd:int
- xsd:short
- xsd:byte

- xsd:nonNegativeInteger
- xsd:nonPositiveInteger
- xsd:negativeInteger
- xsd:positiveInteger

- xsd:unsignedLong
- xsd:unsignedInt
- xsd:unsignedShort
- xsd:unsignedByte


- xsd:date
- xsd:dateTime
- xsd:dateTimeStamp
- xsd:gYear
- xsd:gYearMonth
- xsd:gMonthDay
- xsd:gMonth
- xsd:gDay


- xsd:string
- xsd:normalizedString
- xsd:token
- xsd:language
- xsd:Name
- xsd:NCName
- xsd:ENTITY
- xsd:ID
- xsd:IDREF
- xsd:anyURI


The development of this tool is funded by the CLARIAH project.