Projects that can be built with Docker:
- c/bvisness
- c/cedricschwyter
- c/censoredusername
- c/hogelog
- c/koturn
- c/kspalaiologos-asm2ws
- c/manarice-lime
- c/meth0dz
- c/rdebath
- c/rdebath-brainfuck
- c/remigascou
- c/rispoli-txt2ws
- c/sandeep023
- c/shinh-elvm: -Werror=enum-conversion
- c/siritori
- c/ssiegl-wsdebug
- c/stellwag-wspacegen
- c/strangepan-i-c-whitespace
- c/subgeniuskitty-vvhitespace
- c/tejaskasetty: symtab.h: multiple definition of
- c/threeifbywhiskey-blacktime
- c/threeifbywhiskey-satan
- c/zackeua
- clojure/jmesyou-erasure
- clojure/makenowjust
- coq/thaliaarchi-wscoq
- cpp/abcsharp
- cpp/benajmin
- cpp/burghard-wsintercpp
- cpp/buyoh-nospace
- cpp/codesiiita-spoj
- cpp/dpohanlon-wsint
- cpp/drebelsky-jit
- cpp/esco
- cpp/frmsaul-cupertino
- cpp/kapustaikwas27
- cpp/keirua-white
- cpp/knmorgan
- cpp/malkiewiczm
- cpp/marcellippmann-whitepp
- cpp/noia1
- cpp/nullflagblues-whint
- cpp/pavel987
- cpp/peasley
- cpp/ricardoluis0:
#include <conio.h>
not found;floor
cannot be used in a constant expression - cpp/shadowmitia
- cpp/sonicyang-ws-frontend: Requires LLVM
- cpp/subv-whitespace-llvm: Requires LLVM
- cpp/sudheesh4
- cpp/thaliaarchi-respace
- cpp/thaliaarchi-spacebar
- cpp/timvandermeij
- cpp/worktycho-whitespace-llvm: Requires LLVM
- cpp/yuukiaria
- crystal/collidedscope-spiceweight
- csharp/cisterni-wspcnet: Source unavailable
- csharp/colchicus: Source unavailable
- csharp/denislabrecque
- csharp/jlchntoz: Need to restructure files
- csharp/littlebughunter-assembler
- csharp/meeees
- csharp/nicolasff-spacesharp
- csharp/north15-projectone: The Carbon driver has not been ported to 64-bit, so very few parts of Windows.Forms work properly
- csharp/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- csharp/reflash: Mono does not implement WPF APIs
- csharp/rolisoft-esoteric
- csharp/ryzngard-dotnot: CSharpGeneratorDriver does not contain a constructor that takes 3 arguments
- erlang/derek121-mrwhite
- fsharp/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- go/135yshr-wspacego
- go/kinu
- go/makiuchid-whitenote
- go/petercxy-gogmh: No entrypoint
- go/pocke-gows
- go/qeedquan
- go/samuelpratt
- go/simomu
- go/technohippy
- go/tempxla-go-wspace
- go/thaliaarchi-nebula: Requires LLVM
- go/zorchenhimer
- haskell/edwinb-wspace-0.3
- idris/edwinb-ws-idr
- java/abhijitsharma
- java/azige
- java/bearice-grassmudhorse
- java/brumbeere-whitespace4j
- java/brunokim: Source unavailable
- java/buge-whitespaceide
- java/eiauniversity
- java/faurehu
- java/jbanana
- java/kmizu
- java/kreutzer-spacedide
- java/mash-whitespacesdk
- java/matou-whasm
- java/praveenvaka-coder
- java/pyeroh: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- java/rahulkp
- java/ralucaa-whitespace4j
- java/thatguy977
- java/vyo-kairos
- java/wrotycz: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- java/wysang
- java/yawkat
- java/yuukiaria-wseditor
- javascript/dexteryy-grassmudmonkey
- javascript/ignovak: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- javascript/kanra1412
- javascript/loklaan-whitespace-lang
- javascript/loklaan-zerowidth-lang
- javascript/msucorey-codewars: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- javascript/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- javascript/rumpl
- javascript/susisu
- javascript/syntaqx-puzzles: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- javascript/therebelrobot: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- javascript/uraza: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- javascript/vii5ard-whitelips
- javascript/wdalmut
- jq/thaliaarchi-wsjq
- julia/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- kotlin/ze-space
- lolcode/0x0dea
- lua/cj5518
- lua/vyo-callisto
- ocaml/jgkaplan-wsc
- ocaml/matsud224-c2ws
- ocaml/progbits-blank: Module Stdlib.Stream is deprecated and the camlp-streams library should be used instead
- ocaml/progbits-spacebar
- ocaml/steiner26
- perl/ephphatha-wsm2ws
- perl/mkoelbl
- perl/skabob42-madness
- php/dcode: Source unavailable
- php/nobody1986
- php/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- python/0x55aa
- python/ad9000-evanesco
- python/adapap
- python/ahl27
- python/alecgraves-whitespac3
- python/apua-gen
- python/apua-wvm
- python/avantgarde95
- python/bornlex
- python/dalleng: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/dos1-colorspace: Requires a wspace executable in PATH
- python/drafear-converter
- python/dwayne
- python/eizoassik-pyws
- python/ericpwilliamson-codewars: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/ffanzhang
- python/francoisrozet-whitespacy
- python/freyamade-hohoho
- python/fvogels
- python/ganeshsankaran
- python/hearnderek: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/hearnderek-codewars: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/ilikepython256-whitespace-unc
- python/joaquinrossi-esoteric
- python/jrialland
- python/kareeeeem-abyad
- python/katc
- python/kraterkraken
- python/lachlancourt
- python/maximegoyette: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/mcolom
- python/meand
- python/mikecat
- python/mikejs-nbspy
- python/mildsunrise
- python/molfarua-codewars: Needs Codewars entrypoints
- python/musflood: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- python/phlip-pywhitespace
- python/prajwalanand
- python/q2ven-whitespyce
- python/qwhxm-baudelaire: Needs AWS Lambda entrypoint
- python/rumaxwell
- python/ryndvs96-aoc
- python/smithers888-bluespace
- python/squancy: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/stephenchappell: msvcrt module only exists on Windows
- python/techiehelper-codewars: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/umutoztunc-whitesymex
- python/victornuzhniy: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- python/wasabili
- python/yasn77-whitepy
- r/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- rebol/hostilefork: Bootstrapping issues
- ruby/alesiong
- ruby/angelp57
- ruby/bossiernesto: No entrypoint
- ruby/collidedscope-spitewaste
- ruby/dwayne
- ruby/mame-quine-relay
- ruby/nishiwakki
- ruby/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- ruby/pocke-akaza
- ruby/pocke-self-hosted
- ruby/shimo-yukicoder
- ruby/shimpeisaito
- ruby/technohippy-gorispace
- ruby/wconrad
- ruby/yhara-esolang-book
- ruby/yuta0023-textproc
- rust/cedricschwyter-spacey
- rust/censoredusername-whitespace-rs
- rust/collidedscope-albus
- rust/faultier-albino: Needs many changes for latest Rust
- rust/faultier-whitebase: Needs many changes for latest Rust
- rust/guricerin
- rust/hamidrezakp
- rust/jayshua
- rust/kaisugi
- rust/keirua
- rust/lalrpop
- rust/luminighty: No entrypoint
- rust/nareshganduri
- rust/omurakazuaki
- rust/thaliaarchi-lazy-wspace
- rust/thaliaarchi-omniwsa
- rust/thaliaarchi-yspace
- rust/zrneely
- scala/andreal2000
- scala/dashlambda-eso
- scala/polyglotpiglet-whitespacing: The
type (a trait?) is not defined and may have been removed in a later Scala release - scala/sderosiaux
- scala/stephenpatrick
- swift/nutcrack-whiteplanes: No entrypoint
- typescript/davramenko-codewars: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- typescript/eduardoborsa-codewars: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- typescript/fy0u11: Needs Codewars entrypoint
- typescript/voliva-wsa
- whitespace/drebelsky-programs
- whitespace/lukepebody-advent-of-code
- whitespace/t3nsor-spoj
- whitespace/thaliaarchi-challenges
Building status of individual executables:
⚠️ brainfuck/thaliaarchi-wsbf/⚠️ coffeescript/ehrlichb/unspecified:grunt
Unclear how to run- ❌ docker/baekjoon-onlinejudge
- ❌ docker/bensuperpc
- ❌ docker/hakatashi-esolang-box
- ❌ elisp/lmitchell
- ❌ elixir/quinnwilton
⚠️ haskell/brainbush-tomato/wspace:make
Needs changes for latest Haskell⚠️ haskell/burghard-wsa/trans- ❌ haskell/cedricschwyter-spacey
- ❌ haskell/edwinb-wspace-0.2
⚠️ haskell/ft-spaceman/unspecified:cabal build
⚠️ haskell/haroldl-whitespace-nd/wspace:make
Needs changes for latest Haskell- haskell/helvm-helma/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.10.7/helma-
cabal build
- haskell/helvm-helpa/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-osx/ghc-8.10.7/helpa-
cabal build
⚠️ haskell/jhmcstanton-marginal/unspecified:stack build
stack setup
fails with link error- ❌ haskell/matsubara0507
- ❌ haskell/soimort-grassmudhorse
⚠️ haskell/takatoh-hws/hws:make
Needs changes for latest Haskell⚠️ haskell/tomihisa244-visual/unspecified- ❌ javascript/ad9000-evanescojs
- ❌ javascript/arnauld
- ❌ javascript/kmyk-translater
- ❌ javascript/kosei28
- ❌ javascript/luilak-ws2js
- ❌ javascript/macocha-whitespacer
- ❌ javascript/naokikp-wsi
- ❌ javascript/pvdz-significant-whitespace
- ❌ javascript/tranbrian10-generator
⚠️ julia/goropikari-whitespaces/unspecified⚠️ masm/jarsp-wsint/wsint: Requires Visual Studio- nasm/ryzheboka:
- wsInterpreter:
gcc -O3 -Wall -o wsInterpreter wsInterpreter.c
- objective-c/emilbahnsen-assembler/build/Release/wsa:
- ❌ ocaml/lifthrasiir-esotope
- php/codelytv-youtube:
- top-langs-not-to-use/src/decoder.php
- top-langs-not-to-use/src/encoder.php
- php/igorw/bin/interpreter
- php/igorw-wsm/bin/wsm
- php/johankj/whitespace.php
- ❌ php/jseidl-wcc
- php/mattparker/src/PHPWhiteSpace.php
- ❌ python/cybis-hapyli
- python/lifthrasiir-esotope-ws/esotope-ws
⚠️ python/marktraceur-redlandside/⚠️ python/res0001-trans32/ No entrypoint- r/bmazoure/R/whitespace.R
- ❌ scheme/athos-white-scheme
- ❌ scheme/niyarin
⚠️ textmate/nixinova/grammars/whitespace.yaml-tmLanguage- ❌ textmate/thaliaarchi-linguist
- ❌ textmate/veniversum
- ❌ typescript/leahhirst-nospace
- typescript/simomu/bin/ws.js:
npm run build
- ❌ vim/rolf007
- ❌ whitespace/ankitatandon-wspc
- ❌ whitespace/burghard-wsinterws
- ❌ whitespace/datomalania-hello
- ❌ whitespace/helowld
- ❌ whitespace/jarrodparkes-a-z
- whitespace/keens-whitelie:
- asm.rb
- whitelie
- whitespace/thaliaarchi-wslib/