layout |
page |
{% assign contributors =['contributors'] %}
Keep an eye on this page for the latest news around the GTN. New tutorials, GTN features, upcoming training events, and much much more!
{% for n in site.categories['news'] %}
{% if n.cover %}
{% assign coverimage = n.cover %}
{% assign coverimagealt = n.coveralt %}
{% elsif n.tags contains "cofest" %}
{% assign coverimage = "/assets/images/cofest.png" %}
{% assign coverimagealt = "CoFest logo with two generic people shapes conversing next to the GTN logo and text 'gtn cofest'" %}
{% elsif n.tags contains "galaxy" %}
{% assign coverimage = "/assets/images/GalaxyNews.png" %}
{% assign coverimagealt = "Galaxy News logo on dark blue background with Galaxy logo and words 'Galaxy News'" %}
{% elsif n.tags contains "gat" %}
{% assign coverimage = "/assets/images/gat.png" %}
{% assign coverimagealt = "GTN Logo on a spiral galaxy background with text 'galaxy admin training'" %}
{% else %}
{% assign coverimage = "/assets/images/GTN.png" %}
{% assign coverimagealt = "GTN logo with a multi-coloured star and the words Galaxy Training Network" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if n.contributors %}
{% include _includes/contributor-badge-list.html contributors=n.contributors %}
{% endif %}
{% for tag in n.tags %}
{{ tag }}
{% endfor %}
{% if n.external %} This is an external post, please follow the link to read it. {% else %} {{n.excerpt}} {% endif %}
Full Story