Project_Hutao is a IoT project. Its main part is a desktop ornament made from arduino nano with a light sensor, a DHT22 sensor, a voice recognetion v3 module, an OLED screen, a RGB light, a rocker and most important, a hutao shake toy. The technique includes the arduino, FPGA, 3D printing, SoildWorks, Winform, web and so on. The basic idea is from this link, but with different methods.
- Hutao Shake Toy
- more details see from this Link. Origin Author: Bilibili@机智的Kason.
- 3D printing parts
- some toothpicks
- a paper with some color printed pattern
- direct-current motor
- 502 glue
- a knife
- two wires
- an Arduino nano/uno R3
- a voice recognizition v3.0 board
- 0.96' 128x64 1306 OLED screen
- a BJT with over 400mA load current (for control the motor)
the total cost is about 150 CNY in Taobao in China.
- DHT22 module
- photoresistor with a resistor with resistance R1
- a RGB light with three 100 Ohms resistors
- a breadboard
- a joystick
- a 3D printer (useful for geeks)
the total cost is about 18 CNY in Taobao in China. (of course exclude the 3D printer)
- FPGA (asked by my teacher)
- Arduino IDE
- Cura/PursaSlicer
- SoildWorks/fushion360/Blender
- Quartus 2 (for FPGA part)
- Visio Studio (for winForm)
- Dreamweaver (for web design)
#define LIGHTSENSOR (A0)
#define (X,Y,SWITCH) (A1,A2,A3)
#define (SDA,SCL) (A4,A5)
#define (VR_TX,VR_RX) (D2,D3)
#define MOTOR (D6)
#define DHTPIN (D12)