v3.1.38 (07/07/2021)
- fix: use imageDimensions in video item and text item
v3.1.37 (07/07/2021)
- fix: Navigation Arrows Missing When Navigating to Page with Slider Gallery
- feat:added alt text
v3.1.36 (06/07/2021)
- improve: refactor image dimensions to layouter and added useMaxDImensions styleParam
v3.1.35 (04/07/2021)
- fix: destruct arrowsColor from styleParams and not props
v3.1.34 (04/07/2021)
- slideshowView: arrows -> fix container size to be same as svg size (to support arrowsPadding correctly)
v3.1.33 (04/07/2021)
- fix: fix behaviour of what happens on the first tap when hovering behaviour set to NO_CHANGE
v3.1.32 (01/07/2021)
- fix: Increasing removeArrowsIfNeeded setTimeOut call
v3.1.31 (30/06/2021)
- added slideTransition styleParam
v4.0.4 (29/06/2021)
v3.1.30 (29/06/2021)
- fix: remove video poster and background when needed
- fix: grid cropped video styles (black margins)
v3.1.29 (23/06/2021)
- galleryItem: url '' when not defined
- fix (videoItem): grid cropped video styles (black margins)
v3.1.28 (22/06/2021)
- improve: add dimensions to item scheme
v3.1.27 (22/06/2021)
- fix: dont initializeTouchEvents if its undefined(desktop mobile sim)
- fix: accessibility translation
v3.1.26 (15/06/2021)
- feat: A11Y added an option to focus outside the gallery when we are in application mode
v3.1.25 (13/06/2021)
- fix: add formFactor to main flow
- fix: correct poster objects
v3.1.24 (08/06/2021)
- fix: focus when navigating on the accessibility tree and refactor changeActiveElementIfNedded
- fix: added default value to the aria role
- improve: small gallery/index refactor.
v3.1.23 (30/05/2021)
- fix: Video item - youtube button appears under the play button
v3.1.22 (27/05/2021)
- improve: added class indication for loaded image
v3.1.21 (26/05/2021)
- improve: handle application region Modes
- improve: remove unnecessary check from blockAutoSlideShow + added listener to ESC keyCode
v3.1.20 (23/05/2021)
- improve: render video placeholder when needed
v3.1.19 (20/05/2021)
- fix video center alignment when in a tall container
v3.1.18 (19/05/2021)
- feat: A11Y pause auto slide on accessibility focus
v3.1.17 (12/05/2021)
- fix: remove setTimeout in imageItem - transparent images bug
v3.1.16 (11/05/2021)
- improve: upgrade to node 14.16.1
- improve: removed not relevant settings (renderVisibleItemsInSsr, forceImagePreload)
v3.1.15 (11/05/2021)
v3.1.14 (06/05/2021)
- improve (events): remove depracated events
- fix: delete undefined function - ScrollializePlayState
v3.1.13 (04/05/2021)
- feat: added shouldIndexDirectShareLinkInSEO styleParam
- added isInDisplay to getSignificantProps
v3.1.12 (02/05/2021)
- improve: changed 'ITEM_FOCUS' and 'ITEM_LOST_FOCUS' parameters
- base ts behavior
- v3.1.11
- update changelog.md
v3.1.11 (27/04/2021)
- fix: remove aria-hidden to make info element accessible
v3.1.10 (22/04/2021)
- fix (galleryItems): poster is the prioritized poster {url, width, height} and not only the poster url
v3.1.9 (20/04/2021)
- feat: A11Y added new events ITEM_FOCUSED and ITEM_LOST_FOCUS
v3.1.8 (19/04/2021)
- fix: first video is playing when initial currentIdx is not 0
- fix (imageRenderer): use the original file type as the default surl for images
- feature: add arrowsVerticalPosition param to control to position of the arrows in slideshow galleries
v3.1.7 (07/04/2021)
- blueprints: added handling text item changes in itemsChanged.
v3.1.6 (06/04/2021)
- improve (slideshowView): make the arrowSize container responsive
v3.1.5 (05/04/2021)
- replaced render return array with div in videoItemWrapper
- Fix: video play queue in changing galleries
v3.1.4 (24/03/2021)
- feat : added new SP PauseAutoSlideshowOnHover
v3.1.3 (22/03/2021)
- slideshowView: if totalItemsCount changed, check if arrows status (hide/show) needs to be updated.
v3.1.2 (21/03/2021)
- fix: use transition for next item in FADE slide animation
v3.1.1 (17/03/2021)
- allow SSR with the v3 ProGallery
v3.1.0 (16/03/2021)
- feature: add Deck animation for slideshow galleries
- improve (imageRenderer): add a multi url picture element support
- feature: new styleParam - showVideoControls
v3.0.14 (11/03/2021)
- added new styleParam - showVideoControls
v3.0.13 (09/03/2021)
- feat : Support hover on focus and key navigation
v3.0.12 (09/03/2021)
- fix: videos autoPlay for slideAnimation
v3.0.11 (08/03/2021)
- fixed nav arrows when there is customNavArrowsRenderer.
- added arrowsPadding SP (relevant only when arrowsPosition is ON_GALLERY)
v3.0.10 (04/03/2021)
- blueprints feat, recalc container if styles changed
- fix support uppercase in color hex
v3.0.9 (02/03/2021)
- fix: check if item is not undefined in onCurrentItemChange
- fix: dont send functions with eventData on CURREnT_ITEM_CHANGED
- added tslib
v3.0.7 (23/02/2021)
- fix: prevented additional scrolling on prop change
v3.0.6 (23/02/2021)
- fix: make the slideshow info full width in fit layout
v3.0.5 (23/02/2021)
v3.0.4 (23/02/2021)
- remove arrows in prerenderMode
- Fix: Arrow are not showing before first scroll in slider galleries in preview mode
- remove arrows in prerenderMode
- improve (imageItem): remove native lazy loading of images:
- added ItemView to index.ts exports
- v3.0.4
- This reverts commit 7bc2929d8f5a783e1570a07dd912125fb8b8530e.
- This reverts commit 69fd324c3a281d8007cd9f03be2fad4a24f9c0d6.
- causeshorizontal galleries and animations to be jumpy
- It should not hurt performance as the fist load does not render these items
- update changelog.md
- update changelog
v3.0.4 (23/02/2021)
- Fix: Remove arrows in prerenderMode
- Fix: Arrow are not showing before first scroll in slider galleries in preview mode
- Improve (imageItem): remove native lazy loading of images
v3.0.3 (17/02/2021)
v3.0.2 (16/02/2021)
- fix: set currentIdx on prop.currentIdx change
- improve: add the placeGroupsLtr params to the sidebar
v3.0.1 (11/02/2021)
- allow for picture element with url object for different device pixel ratio
v3.0.0 (08/02/2021)
- Version 3 introduces blueprints and a clear split between logic and UI. Read more in the Readme.