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BigDecimal introduction and reference

This page is the JS developer-oriented for using BigDecimal proposal from TC39. PRs welcome to fix any found issue! This document is one of the alternatives we are considering as a solution to Decimal Proposal. We are also considering Decimal128 as a possible solution.

Introductory example

BigDecimal is a new primitive numeric type used to represent decimal quantities with more intuitive rounding rules than Number. Since Number is represented as binary float-point type, there are decimal fractions that can't be represented by them, causing unexpected results on rounding that happens on arithmetic operations like + or *.

let a = 0.1 * 8;
// 0.8000000000000000444089209850062616169452667236328125
let b = 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1;
// 0.79999999999999993338661852249060757458209991455078125

a === b; // evaluates to false

The example above illustrate why using binary floating-point numbers is problematic when we use them to represent and manipulate decimal fractions. The expectation on both arithmetic operations is that the final result is 0.8, and they also should be equivalent. However, since the result for some of those operations can't be exactly represented by binary floating-point numbers, the results diverge. For this example, the reason for such difference on results comes from the fact that multiple additions using binary floating-point numbers will carry more errors from rounding than a single multiplication. It's possible to see more examples of issues like that on this Decimal FAQ section. Such issue isn't a problem with BigDecimals, because we are able to represent those decimal fractions exactly and the arithmetic operations applied to them also preserves this exactness.

let a = 0.1m * 8m;
let b = 0.1m + 0.1m + 0.1m + 0.1m + 0.1m + 0.1m + 0.1m + 0.1m;

a === b; // evaluates to true

Now, let's take the example of a function to add up a bill with a number of items, and add sales tax:

function calculateBill(items, tax) {
  let total = 0m;
  for (let {price, count} of items) {
    total += price * BigDecimal(count);
  return BigDecimal.round(total * (1m + tax),
                          {maximumFractionDigits: 2, round: "up"});

let items = [{price: 1.25m, count: 5}, {price: 5m, count: 1}];
let tax = .0735m;
console.log(calculateBill(items, tax));

Here, you can see several elements of BigDecimal at work:

  • Create a BigDecimal as a literal, e.g., 1.25m, or convert one from another type, as BigDecimal(value).
  • Add and multiply BigDecimal with the + and * operators.
  • Round decimals with BigDecimal.round, based on an options bag describing how to round.

We are going to describe in details the full API for BigDecimal on the following sections of this document.

BigDecimal representation

A BigDecimal value is represented by sign * mantissa * 10 ** exponent, where sign is either 1 or -1, and with mantissa and exponent being integers. With those 3 component, it's possible to represent almost any decimal exactly and it allows operations to grow the number of digits necessary to represent their results.

BigDecimal doesn't represent precision apart from its value, meaning that 2.500m and 2.5m represents the same value (i.e. they are normalized). Also, there's is no +Infinity, -Infinity, and NaN representation on BigDecimal, and every operation either produces another BigDecimal value or throws an error.

Check Decimal FAQ to learn more details about decimal arithmetics.

Creating BigDecimal values

There are 2 main ways to create new BigDecimal values. We can use literals or BigDecimal function.


Literals can be declared using m suffix. It is possible to write a BigDecimal literal using scientific notation. Check example bellow.

let a = 0.123m
let b = 456m;
let d = .456m;
let c = -1e-10m; // scientific notation


The function BigDecimal is available to be used as a coercing tool.

let a = BigDecimal(3); // returns 3m
let b = BigDecimal("345"); // returns 345m
let c = BigDecimal("115e-10"); // returns 0.0000000115m
let d = BigDecimal(2545562323242232323n); // results 2545562323242232323m
let e = BigDecimal(true); // returns 1m
let f = BigDecimal(false); // returns 0m
let g = BigDecimal(null); // Throws TypeError
let h = BigDecimal(udefined); // Throws TypeError
let i = BigDecimal(0.1); // returns 0.1m or 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625m (check issue: #41)

It creates a BigDecimal from the value passed as argument. It's important to notice that BigDecimal is being used without new keyword. Since BigDecimal is a primitive, its constructor throws an error if new BigDecimal is called.

Arithmetic operators on BigDecimal

It is possible to use BigDecimal on arithmetic operators. This section documents the semantics of every arithmetic operator when having BigDecimal as operand.

Unary - operator

This operation changes the sign of the BigDecimal value. It can be applied to a literal or to a variable:

let a = -5m;
console.log(-a === 5m); // prints true

There's no representation of negative zero for BigDecimal. In that case, -0m will evaluate to 0m. This also means that, 0m) returns true.

Unary + operator

This operation throws TypeError on BigDecimal.

Binary + operator

This results in a BigDecimal value that represents the addition of lhs and rhs operands.

let sum = 0.2m + 0.1m;
console.log(sum); // prints 0.3

We also can mix a BigDecimal value with a String. The result is the concatenation of the String with a string representing the value of BigDecimal.

let concat = 0.44m + "abc";
console.log(concat); // prints 0.44abc

- Binary operator

This results in a BigDecimal value that represents the difference of rhs and lhs operands.

let diff = 15.5m - 10m;
console.log(diff); // prints 5.5

* operator

This results in a BigDecimal value that represents the product of rhs and lhs operands.

let prod = 0.5m * 2m;
console.log(prod); // prints 1

/ operator

This operator is not supported on BigDecimal, because there are results that can't be represented by this primitive, like the result of 1m / 3m. To avoid confusion where this operator throws for some inputs, but works for others, we should always force users to perform divisions using BigDecimal.divide.

Another alternative is to have the following semantics:

This results in a BigDecimal value that represents the division of rhs and lhs operands.

let division = 3m / 2m;
console.log(division); // prints 1.5

This operation always retuns the exact value when possible. When it's not possible to represent the exact result (due to a non-terminating decimal expansion), we round the number with 34 fractional digits using halfUp round mode. To change such rounding configuration, use BigDecimal.divide.

% operator

This results in a BigDecimal value that represents the modulos of rhs and lhs operands.

let mod = 9.5m % 2m;
console.log(mod); // prints 1.5

mod = 9m % 2m;
console.log(mod); // prints 1

** operator

This operator is not supported on BigDecimal.

Arithmetic operations of BigDecimal and other primitive types

With the exception of binary operator +, mixing BigDecimal and other primitive types results in a TypeError (see issue #39 for reasoning behind this design decision).

let sum = 0.5m + 33.4; // throws TypeError
let diff = 334m - 1n; // throws TypeError
let prod = 234.6m * 1.5; // throws TypeError
let div = 30m / 15n; // throws TypeError
let mod = 35m % 5n; // throws TypeError

Comparison Operators

BigDecimal is also allowed to be used with comparison operators. In this case, since we are able to compare values between a BigDecimal and other numeric types without any precision issue, this is also supported.

> operator

It returns true if the value of lhs is greater than the value of rhs. Otherwise it returns false.

let greater = 0.5m  > 0m;
console.log(greater); // prints true

let notGreater = 0.5m > 2;
console.log(notGreater); // prints false

< operator

It returns true if the value of lhs is lesser than the value of rhs. Otherwise it returns false.

let lesser = 0.5m < 2n;
console.log(lesser); // prints true

let notLesser = 0m < -0.5;
console.log(notLesser); // prints false

>= operator

It returns true if the value of lhs is greater or equal than the value of rhs. Otherwise, it returns false.

let greaterOrEqual = 0.5m >= 0.5m;
console.log(greaterOrEqual); // prints true

<= operator

It returns true if the value of lhs is lesser or equal than the value of rhs. Otherwise, it returns false.

let lesserOrEqual = 0.5m <= 0.4m;
console.log(lesserOrEqual); // prints false

== operator

It returns true if lhs has the same mathematical value of rhs. Otherwise, returns false.

0.2m + 0.1m == 0.3m; // true
2m == 2; // true
10n == 10m; // true

=== operator

It returns true if lhs has the same value and type of rhs. Otherwise, returns false.

let isEqual = 0.2m + 0.1m === 0.3m;
console.log(isEqual); // prints true

let isNotEqual =  15 === 15m;
console.log(isNotEqual); // prints false

Comparing BigDecimal with other primitive types

Since comparison operators uses mathematical value of operands, it is possible to compare BigDecimal other types like Numbers, BigInt or Strings.

567.00000000000001m < 567n; // false
998m == 998; // true
703.04 >= 703.0400001m; // false
9m <= "9"; // true
654m === 645.000m; // true
654m === 654; // false
0m > -1; // true

typeof operator

The typeof operator returns "bigdecimal" when applied to a BigDecimal value.

let v = 0.5m
console.log(typeof v); // prints bigdecimal


When used into boolean operator like &&, || or ??, a BigDecimal value is considered as false if it is 0m or true otherwise.

if (0m)
  console.log("hello"); // this is never executed
if (1m || 0)
  console.log("world"); // prints world

let a = 1m && 0;
console.log(a); // false

let b = 0m || false;
console.log(b); // false

let c = 15m ?? 'hello world';
console.log(c); // 15

Bitwise operators

If a BigDecimal is an operand of a bitwise operator, it results in a TypeError.

Standard library functions on BigDecimal

BigDecimal.round(value [, options])

This is the function to be used when there's need to round BigDecimals in some specific way. It rounds the BigDecimal passed as paramter, taking in consideration options.

  • value: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • options: It is an object indicating how the round operation should be performed. It is an object that can contain roundingMode and maximumFractionDigits properties.
    • maximumFractionDigits: This options indicates the maximum of factional digits the rounding operation should preserve. If it is undefined, round operations returns value.
    • roundingMode: This option indicates which algorithm is used to round the given BigDecimal. Each possible option is described below.
      • down: round towards zero.
      • half down: round towards "nearest neighbor". If both neighbors are equidistant, it rounds down.
      • half up: round towards "nearest neighbor". If both neighbors are equidistant, it rounds up.
      • half even: round towards the "nearest neighbor". If both neighbors are equidistant, it rounds towards the even neighbor.
      • up: round away from zero.
let a = BigDecimal.round(0.53m, {roundingMode: 'half up', maximumFractionDigits: 1});
assert(a, 0.6m);

a = BigDecimal.round(0.53m, {roundingMode: 'half down', maximumFractionDigits: 1});
assert(a, 0.5m);

a = BigDecimal.round(0.53m, {roundingMode: 'half even', maximumFractionDigits: 1});
assert(a, 0.5m);

a =  BigDecimal.round(0.31m, {roundingMode: 'down', maximumFractionDigits: 1});
assert(a, 0.3m);

a =  BigDecimal.round(0.31m, {roundingMode: 'up', maximumFractionDigits: 1});
assert(a, 0.4m);

BigDecimal.add(lhs, rhs [, options])

This function can be used as an alternative to + binary operator that allows rounding the result after the calculation. It adds rhs and lhs and returns the result of such operation, applying the rounding rules based on options object, if given. options is an options bag that configures the rounding of this operation.

  • lhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • rhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • options: It is an object indicating how the round operation should be performed. It's the same options bag object described on BigDecimal.round. If it's not given, no rounding operation will be applied, and the exact result will be returned.

BigDecimal.subtract(lhs, rhs [, options])

This function can be used as an alternative to - binary operator that allows rounding the result after the calculation. It subtracts rhs from lhs and returns the result of such operation, applying the rounding based on options object, if given. options is an options bag that configures the rounding of this operation.

  • lhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • rhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • options: It is an object indicating how the round operation should be performed. It's the same options bag object described on BigDecimal.round. If it's not given, no rounding operation will be applied, and the exact result will be returned.

BigDecimal.multiply(lhs, rhs [, options])

This function can be used as an alternative to * binary operator that allows rounding the result after the calculation. It multiplies rhs by lhs and returns the result of such operation applying the rounding based on options object, if given. options is an options bag that configures the rounding of this operation.

  • lhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • rhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • options: It is an object indicating how the round operation should be performed. It's the same options bag object described on BigDecimal.round. If it's not given, no rounding operation will be applied, and the exact result will be returned.

BigDecimal.divide(lhs, rhs, options)

This function is the main way to apply division using BigDecimals. It divides lhs by rhs and returns the result of such operation applying the rounding based on options object. options is an options bag that configures the rounding of this operation.

  • lhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • rhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • options: It is an object indicating how the round operation should be performed. It's the same options bag object described on BigDecimal.round. If it's not given, no rounding operation will be applied, and the exact result will be returned. If the result can't be represented (due to a non-terminating decimal expansion), it throws TypeError.

Different from other arithmetic operations on BigDecimal constructors, we require options for division because this is the only operation where some results can't be represented as a BigDecimal value (e.g. when we divide 1m by 3m) if we don't round. With the requirement to describe how we should round the result, it's then possible to return a correct result for any given input.

BigDecimal.remainder(lhs, rhs [, options])

This function can be used as an alternative to % binary operator that allows rounding the result after the calculation. It returns the reminder of dividing lhs by rhs, applying the rounding based on options object, if given. options is an options bag that configures the rounding of this operation.

  • lhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • rhs: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • options: It is an object indicating how the round operation should be performed. It's the same options bag object described on BigDecimal.round. If it's not given, no rounding operation will be applied, and the exact result will be returned.

BigDecimal.pow(number, power [, options])

This function returns the power of number by power, applying the rounding based on options object, if given. options is an options bag that configures the rounding of this operation. power needs to be a positive integer.

  • number: A BigDecimal value. If the value is from another type, it throws TypeError.
  • power: A positive integer Number value. If the value is from another type or not a positive integer, it throws RangeError.
  • options: It is an object indicating how the round operation should be performed. It's the same options bag object described on BigDecimal.round. If it's not given, no rounding operation will be applied, and the exact result will be returned.

BigDecimal prototype

BigDecimal.prototype includes utility methods used to help manipulation of BigDecimal values.


This method returns a string that rerpesents the BigDecimal value.

let v = 0.55m;
console.log(v.toString()); // prints "0.55"

BigDecimal.prototype.toLocaleString(locale [, options])

This method returns a string that is the locale sensitive representation of the BigDecimal value. We get the same output of applying locale and options to NumberFormat on environments that supports Intl API.

let v = 1500.55m;
console.log(v.toLocaleString("en")); // prints "1,500.55"
console.log(v.toLocaleString("pt-BR")); // prints "1.500,55"


This function returns a string that represents fixed-point notation of the BigDecimal value. There is an optional parameter digits that defines the number of digits after decimal point. It follows the same semantics of Number.prototype.toFixed.

let v = 100.456m;
console.log(v.toFixed(2)); // prints 100.46
v = 0m;
console.log(v.toFixed(2)); // prints 0.00


This methods returns a string of the BigDecimal in exponential representation. It takes an optional parameter fractionDigits that defines the number of digits after decimal point. It follows the same semantics of Number.prototype.toExponential.

let v = 1010m;
console.log(v.toExponential(2)); // prints 1.01e+3


This function returns a string that rerpesents the BigDecimal in the specified precision. It follows the same semantics of Number.prototype.toPrecision.

let v = 111.22m;
console.log(v.toPrecision()); // prints 111.22
console.log(v.toPrecision(4)); // 111.2
console.log(v.toPrecision(2)); //1.1e+2

BigDecimal and Intl.NumberFormat support

Intl.NumberFormat also supports BigDecimal values, just like it already supports Numbers and BigInts.

const number = 123456.789m;

console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE', { style: 'currency', currency: 'EUR' }).format(number));
// expected output: "123.456,79 €"

// the Japanese yen doesn't use a minor unit
console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat('ja-JP', { style: 'currency', currency: 'JPY' }).format(number));
// expected output: "¥123,457"

// limit to three significant digits
console.log(new Intl.NumberFormat('en-IN', { maximumSignificantDigits: 3 }).format(number));
// expected output: "1,23,000"

BigDecimal as key for Map/Set

Like other primitives we have, it's also possible to use BigDecimal values as keys for Maps and Sets.

// Set
let s = new Set();
let decimal = 3.55m;

s.has(3.55m); // returns true
s.has(3.55); // returns false
s.has("3.55"); // returns false

// Map
let m = new Map();

m.set(decimal, "test");
m.get(3.55m); // returns "test"
m.get(3.55); // returns undefined
m.get("3.55"); // returns undefined

BigDecimal as property keys

BigDecimal values can be used as property keys, like we also have support it for BigInts and Numbers. Its value is converted to a String to be used as a property key.

let o = {};
o[2.45m] = "decimal";
console.log(o["2.45"]); // prints "decimal"
console.log(o[2.45m]); // prints "decimal"



Using BigDecimal today

It's not possible to use BigDecimal today, as the polyfill is not yet implemented. We'd welcome collaboration here, see #45 for details and to coordinate work.