layout | title | reviewer_roster | redirect_from | |||||||||||||||||||||
home2 |
Home |
{%- include_cached header.html %}
WikiPathways is an open science platform for biological pathways contributed, updated, and used by the research community.
Explore the full breadth and depth of pathway knowledge. Discover pathways of interest by organism, communities of domain experts, and ontology annotations.
{% assign sorted_browse = site.browse | where_exp:"item","item.btn-class contains 'pill'" | sort: "order" %}
{% for bp in sorted_browse %}
{{ bp.display-title }}
{% endfor %}
{% assign sorted_browse = site.browse | where:"btn-class","btn-front" | sort: "order" %}
{% for bp in sorted_browse %}
{% assign order_check = bp.order | modulo: 2 %}
{% if order_check != 0 %}
{{ bp.display-title }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign sorted_browse = site.browse | where:"btn-class","btn-front" | sort: "order" %}
{% for bp in sorted_browse %}
{% assign order_check = bp.order | modulo: 2 %}
{% if order_check == 0 %}
{{ bp.display-title }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign pick = "now" | date:"%W" | minus: 1 | modulo: page.reviewer_roster.size %} {% assign cauth = site.authors | where: "username", page.reviewer_roster[pick] | first %}
{% assign pick = "now" | date:"%W" | minus: 1 | modulo: page.reviewer_roster.size %} {% assign cauth = site.authors | where: "username", page.reviewer_roster[pick] | first %}
{%- include_cached thanks.html -%}