- JHipster - scaffolding Tool (Spring + JPA + Angular + Bootstrap) : http://www.popit.kr/jhipster-scaffold-spring-boot-and-angualrjs/
- how to decide HTTP status code : http://racksburg.com/choosing-an-http-status-code/
- Spring boot Hot reload on intellij : http://jojoldu.tistory.com/48
- Spring initializr : https://start.spring.io/
- Docker : https://github.com/westside/study/blob/master/docker.md
- amazon aws : https://github.com/westside/study/blob/master/aws.md
- Upload nuget package : https://github.com/westside/study/blob/master/nuget.md
- Auto update library : https://github.com/synhershko/NAppUpdate
- mysql on ubuntu : https://github.com/westside/study/blob/master/mysql_ubuntu.md
- redis : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-a-redis-cluster-on-ubuntu-14-04
- JAR - launch4j : http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/
- EXE - installer
- innot setup http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php
- Failed to spawn server object --> UNET(NetworkManager not registered that prefab)
- unity gameobject scene id ---> Please check scene id on network identity object
- Tilt Brush : VR brush tool by google : https://www.tiltbrush.com/ https://github.com/googlevr/tilt-brush-toolkit
- EditorVR : https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/EditorVR
- Vive with body tracking : https://github.com/JamesBear/vive_ik_demo